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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I'm going to try and not Skip the fillers no matter how dire they get. It can't be as bad for me as it was for you, not knowing when it was going to end. At least i have that option to skip if i want to.
  2. I'm gradulary making my way up the Naruto Episode ladder. I'm now on episode 127. Still a long way to go until Shippuden.
  3. I'm glad to see that the Wii continues its great success!!!
  5. THE INTERNETS!!! It brings me the latest news,reviews and videos. If there is anything i need to know i just use the Internet to get my answer. With wireless Internet it makes it even easier. As i only have a Wii upstairs if i want to find out something quick in the morning i just boot up my Wii and the Internet is right there. If there was no Internet i woudldn't be posting on this forum...
  6. It's quite good. It's a bit rough but it fits with your user name so 7/10
  7. Its on season 9 out here. I have 2-8 thus far in my collection. I really want 9 however... i have put it off since January!!! Simpsons boxsets= great purchase
  8. I went to see this on Wednesday. At 10am the first showing. (barely anyone in there) I hoped The Simpsons Movie would provide 84 minutes of non-stop action, comedy and emotion all rolled into a clever plot that wouldn't dissappoint and it DID. I loved it there were not any cringeworthy gags in the whole movie and the story and emotion from the classic seasons had returned. The jokes came thick and fast and there were plenty of laugh out loud moments for me to enjoy. Each character was used greatly and it was beautifully animated. An excellent Movie. I don't like giving perfect scores so it will get a 9/10 but it did completely surpassing my expectations.
  9. Another week another can of: And another packet of:
  10. I Love Tea so clearly that in my eyes is better. I didn't much like coffee, but i tried it the other day and it was quite nice. It kept me going for the rest of the day.
  11. Last film i saw was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I thought it was quite a good movie and didn't leave me feeling dissappointed like the fourth movie. It's probably the best HP movie. 7/10
  12. I have read all the others at least twice except half blood prince and now Deathly Hallows. This book however i remember everything having only just reading it. But i don't think i'll forget it like Half Blood Pince.
  13. I barely remembered anything from the sixth book, but it all came back to me while reading the 7th. i'll probably start reading them in order again at some point to get a fuller understanding of the books. Half Blood Prince was realeased in 2005.
  14. When i first got my wii and decided to play twilight princess at 1 in the morning and eveyone was asleep and the house was quiet and still. I had the fright of my life when loud slashing sounds came out the remote and it was on its highest volume and i didn't know how to turn it down. The Wiimotes for that game is very loud. I think the controls work really well and i wouldn't go back. It made aiming better and generally heightened my experience of the game.
  15. I managed to avoid this thread today and yesterday as i new the spolier boxes would lure me into their secrective trap. It must be worse for you if you have a long way to go. Have you still got to read half blood prince as well before you get onto the final book? It feels great to have finished it i can back to resuming my normal activities i've pretty much only reading the book.
  16. I finished the book earlier today, i thought it was a very enjoyable read. The last few chapters were very exciting and unravelled a lot of unanswered questions.
  17. It shall be a most glorious occassion. i shall wear my finest robes and tallest hat. I shall walk into the cinema majestically and sit most graciously into my seat waiting for the film to begin. I can't wait for this movie!!! I hope it will be good and give me 86 minutes of non-stop action, comedy and emotion all rolled into a clever plot that won't dissappoint. It will not be as good as episodes from the classic era but not as dire as some of the ones now(although there still a lot of excellent ones from the newer seasons)but like Bluejay put at the start of the thread"somewhere in the middle" Anway bring on Wednesday.
  18. I love the Table Tennis game. Glad to see it's coming to the Wii where i think it will work better. This game needs Wii controls (as long as they work)
  19. I have made my decision and have to go with banana. They are just so RANDOM.
  20. It is a random question that has been on my mind for a few days. I have asked a few people and have had a variety of answers. In this thread you say what fruit you would like to be and give reasons for your choice. I shall post what fruit i'd like to be later. It is my first thread so be nice
  21. Today i bought these two items to help quench my thirst and hunger.
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