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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. In celebration of Futurama's return, I have been watching Futurama from the beginning again. So many fantastic episodes. I think i love them all.
  2. Happy Birthday!!!
  3. Fourth Week in a row where i have bought: You can't change a winning formula.
  6. Most definately Thats true Milotic is a hard oppenent to defeat, i liked getting red Gyarados in Gold though. Both Pokemon evolve into something Great.
  7. The elusive Feebas escaped my grasp aswell!!! I don't think i ever saw one. They were complicated to catch but i feel when Feebas evolves Milotic is stronger. It looks Awesome anyway.
  8. I better get finishing it i got around episode 23 a while back. Then Naruto consumed my viewing! Half way in (almost) and Eureka 7 is already Brilliant. The anime has such Awesome characters.
  9. Thanks Triforce Mario i forgot about those. ( only seen the film once) I'm sure there are many more.
  10. Casino Royale was full of too much product placement. Not just from Sony, although they managed to get in a Laptop, digital camera and phone several times. It had Smirnoff ice banners in the Casino, Bonds first car was the latest ford make ( i think) and you only see it once in a pointless scene that was blatant advertising. Also with the watches as well they manage to get two names. I was overwhelmed by how much they managed to get in it!!!!
  11. Twas most Excellent. Also episode 133 of Naruto was Awsome.
  12. That looks like a fake to me, the boxes colour is off and too bright and blurry. On the catridge the blue is too light as well. I have the American version of Yoshis Island which i bought when i was out there and the blue is much darker. It also doesn't have weird raised dots in between the o and the c on my version. My box also doesn't have that link it up writing on the front. I have a fake Advance Wars 2 which i got off Ebay, it worked fine though so i didn't complain although at the time i didn't know. Also third week in a row where i have bought: and on a Tuesday.
  13. My favourite Season is 5, i don't think there is one episode i don't like in season 5. Back then they were Hilarious, but it didn't stop me from enjoying the movie (I'm afraid i thought it was great) Although many of the episodes from the new seasons aren't that great. There are still some that shows the Simpsons may have something left. I liked a lot of the episode from season 15 as well. Maybe it's a 5 thing?
  14. Seasons 1-8 are pure comedy genius. Motion what is your favourite season?
  15. The music in the movie was excellent!!!
  16. The people i was sitting with must all enjoy a nice Deathmatch on Gears of War killing locusts with a chainsaw as Coltrane as they found it funnier than Spider Pig!!! I liked the slow Spider Pig song in the background when Homer is having an epiphany. :awesome:
  17. The biggest collective laughs from my cinema was from Spider Pig and Homer pretending to have a chainsaw.
  18. I love it. Nice and Stylish. 9/10
  19. Excellent news. Futurama is brilliant.
  20. It really is a great episode. I watched a whole bunch from season 8 after watching the movie.
  21. It is excellent. Resi 4 on the Cube was already a near perfect game. The Wii controls make it even better. It also has extra content and is just a class game. Best on the Wii...maybe
  22. I have: Wii Sports Twilight Princess Mario Strikers Rayman Raving Rabbids Resident Evil 4 Have owned: Need for Speed Carbon. A really small list of Wii Games. I need to get more but I'm saving up for the games i really want.
  23. I have the Knights kingdom aswell. Strangely as i'm writing this post i can see the instruction manual for it out of the corner of my eye. If this is anything like the lego star wars games, then it will be great. Will it have Co-op because thats what made lego starwars for me. It heightened my enjoyment of the game sharing it with a friend.
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