Surprisingly enjoyed this and it didn't have a weak ass ending as I was expecting. Also got a David Lean vibe from it. (recommend)
Crazy, Stupid Love.
Good effort but struggled to break away from that romantic comedy schtick. Worth A Look
Into The Wild
Contains strong usage of LIFE. (Recommend)
The Runaways
Kristen Stewart urinates on a guitar, that's all that really happens. (Approach with Caution)
The Adjustment Bureau:
These men (complete with magic hats) control the world in the background but not that much and they are stopping Matt Damon from seeing this girl (Emily Blunt) for reasons they aren't even sure of and they will STOP AT NOTHING.
nonsense. A terrible movie. (Don't Bother)
Cutie Honey: Live Action
So poor but at least it's fun! (approach with caution.)