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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. It's so much better than the original! I need more CocoRosie! i only have 5 songs.
  2. Resident Evil 4 was definately about survival! I remember being on the lift with no ammo and with my health with the tiniest it of red and having to kill the priest things frantically with my knife before they could get an attack in otherwise I'd die. One of the most tense experiences of the game.
  3. I had an interview for a jo at sainsburys! As long as you don't tell them you have had bad cases of violent diahoerea you'll be fine. I got mixed up on the medical part of it and got confused between violent diahoerea and what I had actually had before which is mild constipation! Try to make the interviewer laugh! I was really nervous but I managed to get a few jokes in which made them laugh. So they could see I was a nice person just very shy! Also walk in naked because then that way things can't get much more akward!
  4. I've had it happen in mid conversation as well! o_____0 I wake up really confused several hours later with my computer flashing at me! I feel so rude when that happens! The strangest thing is I don't remember falling asleep.
  5. I've had a good day! I like the fact I have 11 days Until my final two exams. Did a bit of History today! I really need to sort this one out otherwise I'm going to get a D. The rest of the day I've been playing My WiiWare games which are really addictive! (especially Dr.Mario) and Mario Kart!
  6. I'm a pie-eating master! My favourite pie is Chicken! All great pies need puff pastry as that is delicious! I'm not very cooking but I'm slowly improving with my Students cookbook guide. Recently I've made Egg Fried Rice which is always a nice easy dish to quickly do along with Chop Seuy. Other than that I was meant to be cooking a meal each week but that kind of lapsed...
  7. PEEP SHOW: Seasons 2-5 Episode 3 Hilarious stuff! It had me in hysterics often at inappropriate times late at night when everyone was asleep!
  8. YES! I'm not the only one. It also make it easier for me but not because the cable is too short I don't have to change plugs when dragging it from my desk to my bed! All the wires are tangled up!!! I stay perfectly still when asleep with me facing left. The worst (only happened twice) is falling asleep on or by your Laptop.
  9. These things scare me.... Especially the texting ones! It's clearly some fat guy sitting in his boxers with a chinese takeaway resting on his stomach! Just think about that if anyones EVER tempted to call!
  10. The Monkey = Win! They should give one away free with the game! That would make me happy! I've never played Samba Di Amigo before and the advert doesn't really make me want it. It just disturbed and confused me...
  11. Lol Epicnoseguy! Loved the akwardness of the news reporter and laughed when he sheepishly said epicnose...man...?
  12. Follow me round for the morning and learn from the Pro....
  13. Peggle is insanely good! I was really pleased with Yoshi's Island on the GBA, It was between that and some other rubbish game. (which I didn't realise at the time) I'm so glad I made the right choice! Gears of War, I normally suck at these kind of games but I'm not too bad at this one which raised the level of enjoyment greatly and I really like it. Managed to beat the game in hardcore co-op! which is an achievement for me. :p Also Super Mario Galaxy which surpassed my expectations! : peace:
  14. This is a great song! Alpabeats songs always get stuck in my head! They are not bad. Their videos are colourful! I Like Take a Bow by Rihanna. Not sure about her new song with Maroon 5 though. I've Been listening to the Ting Tings most of this week and I'm enjoying their album. I love great DJ, Fruit Machine, Shut up and let me go and That's not my name!
  15. In the third row on the left is it The Knife: Silent Shout?
  16. I sleep the opposite way on my bed! With my head at the foot of my bed and my feet at the head of the bed! I did this as i felt I needed a new way of sleeping on the bed as everyone sleeps on it the normal way which bored me and I didn't quite understand while people did this. Also with one pillow (tried it without a pillow for a bit) and usually with my feet tucked up and head under the duvet so I'm really comfy!
  17. Hehe! I have that song imprinted on my brain now as well! Awesome games Eenuh, look forward to playing some more! I have a feeling your going to get me addicted to Dr. Mario! (If I'm not already X3) It's gonna be my new Tetris! I'll be up all night practising just so I can beat you in one Match!
  18. Awesome Purchase Eenuh! ^_____^ I need to play more of it! Dr. Mario has me to distracted :p
  19. I had my English literature exam today! That's pretty much all I've sone so far, except from grabbing a quick Mc Donalds on the way home. I felt it went quite well, It's hard to tell with English. I did the first Section on The Tempest Alright I don't think there was many problems there! Robert Browning was ok but my thoughts were all jumbled together and my ideas got a bit merged and I think I could have made them clearer. The Heart of Darkness is where I found the paper most difficult as the question was really open ended and my answe lacked direction but I tried to keep it linked to the question. No idea what I'm going to get but I tried my best. rest of the day will be spent relaxing!
  20. YES! Do it! Shadow Bears Unite!
  21. I don't care for The Eurovision song contest. Some of the songs are hilarious though! Last year I did have the eurovision song contest on in the background while taking to shadow over metroid prime hunters! giving up and ended up using the type messages function! I remember because we commented on it occasionally! We spoke for about 3 hours using that!
  22. *is in the same boat* Yay? I guess... I don't want the government watching my every move! I'm paranoid enough as it is!
  23. I made the same WiiWare Purchases as Tellyn and do not regret any of the purchases!
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