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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Gah, that must have been annoying! Though It was definately worth the time and effort, as to me it looks FANTASTIC! : peace:
  2. nightwolf your new blue hair looks amazing. and the yellow hoodie looks brilliant to.
  3. Next time this happens I'm going to need a picture. :p
  4. Letty your friend behind you looks as if they want to eat it! Great Hair!
  5. I'm not! Haha.... Oh you said good looking?
  6. This needs to happen. :p
  7. Cool Thanks. I couldn't quite make it out.
  8. Cardcaptor Sakura is awesome. Also great stuff Rokhed! what does it say sissy girls?
  9. An advert of win. Panda's are awesome and seeing one with a mafia voice is kind of disturbing to me! Though still great. Not a bad advert just not insanely good.
  10. I love Twilight Princess as soon as I started playing it everything felt great. My only problem with the game is the emptyness of the land I couldn't help but notice this. Although there was VAST amounts of space and it felt epic travelling through the fields on Epona, it was a bit lonely. I think this has to do with the story because through out the adventure (which I have yet tto finish ) I felt absent from the world as if Link didn't exist. A few more sidequests would have kept me happy. Though what was in the game was good. I loved playing as the wolf and didn't feel it got old and just as I was beginning to get bored of it I could use Link again. The Dungeons were really good and I prefered them to exploring the land. I really like Lake Hylia for some reason as well. ^_____^ Flying down on a chicken never gets old. I don't think it's an Oot Beater but that game Is just excellent to me and I feel it has aged well.
  11. I watched episode 1 of Elfien Lied awhile ago and could not continue at the time. But it's in my list to watch still. Recently I watched Soul Eater 10 which was again great and I loved the fact that they explored Black Star's past a bit with the Star Clan and focused more on him and his partner as characters. who has an interesting story of her own. Also It's a two parter so continues next week. I'm not sure how it's going to go down. Black Star reminds me so much of Naruto.
  12. I made my dream trip to New York when I was 11/12. I had my birthday while out there which was awesome. I went up the Empire State Building and had a terrible chinese meal afterwards, with a lemon tart as my birthday cake, it was a dodgy place but hilarious. It was the best trip ever. I love New York! (though strangely didn't get the T-shirt ) Now my dream trip would probably going across to the otherside of the world to Japan. It's annoying when I mention Japan as people are like "you just want to go for nintendo lol" That doesn't even make much sense to me so I either ignore them or get out my 3 hour *powerpoint presentation to teach them the reasons why people would want to vist Japan apart from the obvious inane reasons. *powerpoint does not exist But I give them a good 10 minute lecture.
  13. I've played Wario Land and it wasn't that long but Wario Land 3 on the GBC was long to me. I never completed it as I got confused as to where the treasure chests were and always had the wrong key when i did find them. This game however doesn't scream long to me but I could be wrong. It will be of a decent length though I feel and not be too short hopefully. I've always been a fan of Wario and the game looks as if it can deliever in the fun department anyway which is the most important thing.
  14. Thanks Bluey. I'd love to be made into a teddy bear and have them wear a pair of sunglasses just to show how cool I am. I don't think it'll get many members though! Today has been CRAZY! and when I say crazy I mean I went out to the shops! :p Exciting stuff! Bought my Dad some stuff and My mum bought him this Barbacue set which came in what looks like a gun case. With that purchase we got two free hot chocolates as well with sprinkles which were insanely tasty but also extremelyHOT and I burnt my tongue, it now feels funny and everything I eat now tastes a bit odd. Also went to the library where all the staff have been replaced (or locked inside) These machines which do everything for you. It's quite scary... I got out the Curious incident of the Dog inthe night time as I need to read it for the literacy society (book club ) That I'm in. Apart from that I've been fatting about on the internet and I can't play my Wii.
  15. I'm sorry to hear that Strider. *hugs* GO FOR: RAINBOW Would be awesome. :awesome:
  16. When we used to get neopolitan I think chocolate was left. I always took all the strawberry. I don't really have much Ice cream these days only in the summer (though I normally have an ice lolly ) And I very rarely have Ben and Jerry's or Haggan Duss (or however it's spelt!) But I love Cookie dough which I think was Ben and Jerry's so prefer them. :p Mainly just get a tub of vanilla and make my own cone with all sorts of suprise. One time peanut butter was put in there with out my knowing, which made for an interesting experience!
  17. I bought some deodrant. and a card for Dad tomorrow and some aftershave for him as well.
  18. Mario Kart Wii- Frustrating. Dr. Mario(Wiiware)- Addictive. The World ends with You- Refreshing.
  19. I agree, this needs to happen! Especially Monty Mole.
  20. Wow! very (pleasantly) Suprised to see Mario Kart Wii second.
  21. I was so close yesterday with the clue.... I got the "hay Julie" but couldn't work out the song or concentrate any further on it! (was too tired yesterday) Now I'm refreshed
  23. I'm totally spaced out today... I barely got any sleep last night and I've been walking around like a zombie all day drifting in and out of conciousness. The week has caught up with me! (it sometimes does ) School was good as we just watched movies and stuff. Also I don't have to go in for Open day tomorrow which is great! Tonight I have been unsure what to do. I filled out a job application form for somewhere to work in the summer which took ages. >_____< Then I have been trying to watch anime but kept falling alseep and so now I'm going to given and go to bed.
  24. No worries. : peace: I'm glad it didn't take place when originally planned as I wouldn't have been able to take part that much!
  25. Happy Birthday Rokhed!
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