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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. WOO! you have returned. as weird as this sounds I was actually thinking about you for some reason. My mind went onto the Bish game and then I though of you then thought I haven't seen him around NE for a while. and now here you are Also great find! The rest of the day has been odd. I fell asleep with out knowing and woke up an hour and a half later confused as to what was going on. >__< I've had little to no energy today and so to regain it I drank coke and watched 24! RAWR! This helped a bit along with dinner and Now I'm wide awake and up for dancing or something!!!
  2. LOL! Flinky your on fire in this thread! You crack me up everytime you posts. :p This thread has been epic.
  3. My day so far has been great! Including a nice stroll around town at 4 in the morning. I've been awake for about 29 hours now and I'm not tired! (in a lazy mood though ) So yesterday I got up at 7 to go to school and have this prize giving day which went on 5:00. It's always better than I think it's going to be and with the sunny weather it was lovely just relaxing having a BBQ. I was going to go out fot a meal afterwards but that got cancelled (thankfully!) which meant I got to go to my friends house earlier than I anticipated for his Birthday party. (sort of!) We played many games (all night), tennis, ate pizza (and general snacks) and watched 2 Movies as well. It was hilariously fun. ^____^ Now I'm kind of exhausted and will either play Brawl or Watch 24.
  4. I bought: I've been playing it ever since!
  5. I can offer no advice! :p But I wish you GOOD LUCK! and hope all goes well.
  6. Sorry to hear about your Uncle! Well Done on passing Eenuh! At least that's one it of great news. I hope you feel better soon. My day at school was alright but now I'm playing Brawl so it's got AWESOME!!!
  7. Thanks. I'm going to get it now! and watch number 8 while I'm at it. I've watched more Ergo Proxy this evening. I'm now about halfway through.
  8. YES! exactly this. With the same games as well!!! My Pokemon Red got erased by someone's sister. I lent it to them and asked them not to save. (as I had all 151 Pokemon) nut I was shocked to find when I got it back that the file had been deleted. Same thing happened with Links Awakening. You'd have thought I'd learnt the first time? but I lent it to the same person :p and it got erased again. Luckily I had been playing another file as well and was almost at the same point but I didn't have all the secret shells
  9. Haha Thanks! awesome. :awesome: *wonders what he'll do to me if I find the actual video* :p I'll keep searching!
  10. Haha Thanks! I'm too young to remember this chocolate but that advert made me want one so badly as well!!! You can't trust anyone to keep a secret.
  11. I've found the video here: http://video.google.co.uk/videosearch?q=secret+chocolate+ad&sitesearch=# ENJOY
  12. Usually around this time. (if you are that interested? ) In between watching a Channel 5 movie is normally when I see them.
  13. I KNEW IT!!!! I wandered that last time I watched Lilo and Stitch then forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me. Enjoy London!!!
  14. Same. ^___^ It never lets you down. and is always there to comfort you.
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMBA!!! Have a great day! A question to start off your birthday with. where is your username from?
  16. I get this. Even this morning my headache was to do with me worrying about this evening... (book club thing) As sooon as I stopped worrying about it my headache was gone. Same with when I avoided the Sixth Form dinner. Is it true that stress lowers your immune system so you are more suseptable to catching an Illness? This is good advice. I did this once and it helped clear my head a lot. ^___^
  17. SEASON 3 FINALE OF LOST I hadn't watched the rest of the season apart from episode 1 and got the story filled in by the guys who's laptop I was watching it on. It was an interesting finale. I had watched the previous 2 seasons of Lost so I wasn't completely thrown into the dark. I was interested in to see what had happened since then. The finale ended in a strange way. It didn't seem to have the same impact the last two finales had on me. This may be because I didn't watch the whole of season 3 though. It didn't capture me like the previous two.
  18. Pideot is win. I'm with King on this one too. I also love: Amazing Pokemon. I used to go with the fire Starter until Pearl when I found out Piplup was in it!!!
  19. More shock today! Sharapova.... I really wish I didn't have to go to school while Wimbledon was on. I'd so take myself up there! It seems really good so far this year. I'm away for the final as well!
  20. HAVE FEAR THE OFFICAL HUGGER IS HERE *BIG FORUM HUG* (I need to put that back into my sig, didn't realise I'd taken it out. )
  21. To me that sounds wrong... Pideot sounds more final and signifies to me that it's the final evolution where as Pideotto sounds as if there will be one more after it. I'm disappointed by the lack of Snorlaxes! :p
  22. I have to say I still prefered Pokemon at the time. But people who didn't like Digimon (everyone I knew) Didn't understand what was going on at all. For some reason I understood it all! and I'm normally easily confused!
  23. At the Time 9/11 happened I was only 10. I didn't really have a clue what impact this would have or what this terrible event was unfolding in front of me at the time. I knew something was wrong but I was more concerned with the fact that it was on every channel and that my cartoons were not on. I eventually went up stairs and found Aquilla was on BBC 2 and watched that instead. Like ReZ I've only realised how much worse it was and what big impact it's had on the world a few years later where as at the time I was not so aware of what was going on really.
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