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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I've almost cried. During Harvest Moon I accidently bashed my chicken on the head and the next day it died.... ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! We held a small gathering at the funeral and I was so upset by this I have never played Harvest Moon since!
  2. Today has been great more movies and Krispy Kremes in English! Tasty! Also started playing through my Phoenix Wrights games again as I love them so much. I came home to find that There are relatives from Ireland here, along with my Sister and Nepew so I'm now off outside for a BBQ!
  3. That is the exact same with my hair. My evening has been great. Started off with having a Limo parked in front of my house and me being able to go inside it before it moved on. Then I've had some great Brawl matches and sunk my Teeth into Pokemon Stadium on the N64 for the awesome appreciation week.
  4. Hehe Thanks! Sorry for messing you about a bit! HTML scares me. : peace: My impressions took longer than I thought. (and got a bit carried away with the game. ) Hehe, I mean Drawer. My inability to spell and form sentances is my main weakness! (and I'm taking English for A2! :p ) Woo! I'm glad I've got you hyped up for playing the game again. Now all I have to do is get you to like Miltank....
  5. Pokemon Stadium Strictly not a fighting game, I managed to bend the rules as there are elements of fighting in it. (the Pokemon attack each other! ) Thinking I'd have to search High and Low for my transferer pack I was pleased to find both in the draw nearest me and so I immediately set to work! This is the first gameI played on the N64 so hav much love for it! "PIKA!!!" I was met with this sound followed by the awesome music immediately kicking in behind which got me completely pumped for some Pokemon action!!! I have to say the this game is chuck full of the classic tunes from the game and straight away with out realising I had begun to sing them. I went straight to the Gymn leader's Castle and selected my Pokemon which were: Alakazam Vaporeon Flareon Snorlax Jolteon Charizard from my Pokemon Red Cart and faced Brock and his gang. The fighting was at first insanely easy as all I had to do was use Flareon to take down his minions weak selection of grass Pokemon with fire blast and eventually got on to brock. In between this when you win it comes up with a great screen where it puts a giant red cross through the fainted Pokemon in the most overly dramatic way, It was great. Brock was a bit harder, i lost one pokemon, but again still easy. I then went onto the Pokemon Stadium for the Prime Cup which offered much more of a challenge but still nothing too difficult. I Don't think I have ever found the game hard though as I was shocked to find I had won every cup! I still think it is a great game however and despite the easiness I was having great fun. Maybe it was nostalgia setting in but I was enjoying every minute of playing this game again. The actual battle simulation is great and I still feel the 3D models of the Pokemon still hold up today and I never realised that they have such great facial expressions while being attacked. Particularly Gloom when hit with a Firespin! The moves animation still hold up well considering they haven't really made a big improvement over them on the Gamecube or Wii! :p Another thing that brought a smile to my face was the commentator with his hilarious cheesy lines which fit in well with the whole mood of the game! TAKEN DOWN IN ONE HIT!!!! SPARKS ARE FLYING IN THIS HEATED MATCH!!! Being two of my favourite. The way he says it as well is fantastic and oh so manly. Having battled it out for quite sometime I thought I'd check out the other options this game had too offer apart from fighting. It was a great Idea for you to be able to play Red version on there and although I only had a brief go earlier I remember playing Red through this way a lot as it had a special mode where you could speed up the game and i'd get to places much quicker. I was suprised the Transferer pak still worked and I didn't find any faults with it. (didn't have to use ye old blow technique) The final and GREATEST mode in this game is the Minigame mode. 9 mini games each one more amazing than the last. I cranked it up to hard, put onto 3 Wins and began to get excited in anticipation as to what the computer would choose first. Snore War was the first to appear. I never really understood what to do in this and had never one it EVER! but today goes done in history as the day I won at Snore War. I finally got what to do. : peace: Next up was Rattata run which was insane! I bashed A to get my Rattata running and as it built up speed so did my adrenaline build up as I made it jump graciously over each hurdle that was place in our way. It was an amazingly close game and as the tension mounted so did the pace of my button mashing. I came first though and sat back pleased with my win. Finally the last Minigame I tried out today was Dig Dig Dig. I have never lost to anyone in this game and I'm greatly relieved to announce that that fact still remains to this day. I cleared this minigame with ease and watching the victorious Sandshrew bask in his water hole of glory never gets old! POKEMON STADIUM YOU ARE THE CHAMPION!
  6. My Desktop at the moment.
  7. Great Purchases StefKov! Yesterday I bought a It was delicious.
  8. Same here! The Moomins creeped me out a bit but was so awesome that I just kept watching. I remember it being about depressed Hippos. :p That small witch girl was a bit odd. I love the Moomins. and would definately snap it up on DVD if released! Other than that not many shows scared me really. ^___^ Maybe goosebumps? but I think I found it funny!
  9. Hehe. Do you remember seeing it before!? I tried to wear a Wiifit wristband and thought I looked stupid so took it off! A lot of people just use a wrist band for general wear.
  10. "OH YEAH! my Pacman wristband is awesome" Is what your picture is saying to me!
  11. I've lost track of what films I've been rated or not but here is the latest selection: Dead Again I didn't like it that much ast first but y the end I like the twists it revealed. 3 and a half Bears out of 7 13 Days The Cold War doesn't excite me in anyway! (which is one of the reasons why I'm not taking History next year.) It was an ok film but I didn't find myself interested really. 3 Bears out of 7. Dragonfly This film was odd. A bit slow to start off with and it generally felt a bit pointless and didn't really go any where and the big questions about near death experiences and life after death or something got lost somewhere in the middle of the weird plot. 3 Bears out of 7 I Robot I have seen it too many times now but it remains to be a fairly good action flick. 4 Bears out of 7
  12. I got to bed about 3 last Night. (having had some hilariously fun games of Brawl with Eenuh ) Suprisingly not at all tired today either. Maybe it's because it was another day lazing about in the glow of the several films I watched in my lessons. :p Man it's hot today which I didn't notice until I was forced to play football in the sun for an hour. which just kept going, AND GOING! @_______@
  13. YES YES YES THIS ROCKS! I love Animal Crossing! *waits for E3*
  14. Both have you have done excellent Jobs on this. ^____^ Three cheers for Flinky and Tapedeck! Hip Hip HOOOOOOOOORAY!!! Hip Hip HOOOOOOOOORAY!!! Hip Hip HOOOOOOOOORAY!!!
  15. Ah nice! ^_^ I live just outside london too! That kinda sucks about the whole main rail line thing though. I hate having to do the whole train then bus thing or just constantly chopping and changing. Luckily I have about a 5 minute walk up my road to a tube station.
  16. I'm slightly annoyed I didn't watch this now! I had him labelled as going out at 2 sets down so never watched it. I really do like this Wimbledon this Year what with all the seeds getting knocked out here and there and some great Tennis being played. Missed Murrray though. :/
  17. Damn. If only I was coming I could reign over you all with my ticket mastery of £1.70! There and back. Unfortunately I'm off to look at a Uni in Wales. which costs much more than £1.70! Where do you live Olympic gamer?
  18. Tapedeck I love you! I forgot about that advert. It's got me uncontrollably laughing at the moment!
  19. Haha! You're missing out man! I missed out on the classics as well though such as Perfect Dark and Lylat Wars. (and Banjo) I still need to catch up with some N64 greats too. Great I'm going to pull out my Red Version and stick it in the transfer pak and SHOW MY N64 MY POKEMANS!!! Also the Minigames on it are Ace! Nothing beats rattata run or Dig Dig Dig. And If I have time I'll also do Smash Bros 64!
  20. Fair enough. ^_______^ I'll do Super Smash Bros 64.
  21. Annoyingly missed the first two appreciation threads! but I have got a Platformer for you! Everyone has really good and interesting write ups so far. Earlier this evening I was playing: SUPER MARIO 64 As soon I turned it on I was met with the joyful "It's a me MAAAAAAARIO" This immediately put a smile to my face, then I began to pull and tug at his. :p Ten minutes later having deformed Mario as much as I could I decided I'd better actually play the game so I had something to write about. I started a new file and got into the mind set of 10 Year Old Coolness. Back then I found this game uber difficult and as a result only managed to obtain 2 stars. Having completed the DS game and got all 150 stars I entered this one with a bit more experience under the belt. The first time I jumped through a painting is just as magical now as it was back then. The first thing that struck me was the graphics, they have aged but not as badly as I thought they might have and offer the same brilliant colours as per usual though compared to the DS version they are darker. Getting each star felt like I'd never left the game and the controls are vastly superior to the DS counterpart. The analogue stick of the N64 controller is a joy to play with and Mario was precise to control putting many platformers, even today still, to shame! I much prefered it this time round as I managed to understand how to do the level and I found myself wasting time just messing about, such as flying with the cap!!! The freedom the hat brought felt great as i saw Mario Soar to the skies. I have to say playing this game again today has rekindled my love for it and I feel it has aged very well and another thing I noticed is the music. Top quality sounds were blasting from my N64 I even turned the volume on my TV to hum and whistled to them! My favourite level is Rainbow Ride! Even if it's just for the awesome music I'm happy to play this over and over again. THIS TRUELY IS THE FATHER OF PLATFORMING!!!
  22. Does Pokemon Stadium count? :p As they are kind of fighting....
  23. Phew! I'm exhausted! I've just got back from Sports Day where I had the very hard task of sitting down and watching people compete in sports. :p Some good stuff this Year. One guy was winning at hurdles then completely stacked the last one but rolled over the finished line and came first, It was great to watch. Also in the final relay ,which would have decided who won the overall cup, there was contreversy as someone went into the wrong lane and the person who was first place got obstructed and crashed into them and fell over coming last. Other than that I ate Ice cream and had fun sitting in the sun. Also got to come home early and only a week of school to go.
  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUYS!!! (especially Bluejay )
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