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Everything posted by Meik

  1. Was his mom hot? You can tell us.
  2. Uh, i've met Gordon Ramsey and i've had a chat with Dave Gorman. That's pretty much it. I saw Jordan and Peter Andre at the airport too (surrounded by a bunch of photographers).
  3. Retro: Loads. Catchphrase, Challenge Anneka, Big Break, "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?", Beadle's About, Blockbusters, Blackadder, Going for Gold, Happy Days, I could go on for ages. Current: Not many that particularly spring to mind, standouts are 24 and The Sopranos.
  4. More ep12 stuff and some ep13 speculation:
  5. #12 was certainly my favourite episode of the season so far.
  6. I think The Outfit demo is a little rough around the edges but it is actually quite fun and allows for some good teamwork. I'm also in full support of any game that lets you drive around a tank that has a missile silo attached to the top of it, like some sort of portable armageddon.
  7. I think it's safe to say that The Outfit demo has the most horrible vehicle handling in any game, ever.
  8. I've had mine since December, played it a fair bit, and have not had a single problem with crashing, freezing, overheating, melting discs, exploding, radiation or annihilation of my house and family. Rokhed and Owen are the only ones on this board who have had problems that required them to send the console back to Microsoft (as far as i'm aware), and I believe in both cases they got free replacements pretty quick. I'm sure they'll drop by to confirm/elaborate. I say buy one and don't worry about the alleged horror stories that have been circulating the interwebs.
  9. Hey look, i'm logging in to MSN. Hooray! Anyway, here's mine, nothing too fancy. +rep to anyone who knows what coaster it is.
  10. Don't Stop Me Now is on this game? Sign me up.
  11. I'd post something hilarious but realistically i'd just spend it on games that I want.
  12. Odwin is my favourite dinner lady.
  13. I watched this yesterday, it looks very cool. Got a few laughs out of me as well (the mating music is genius). I want to make some creatures similar to the ones in Tremors 2.
  14. Burnout Revenge is, amazingly, the only game I want in that list. I'll probably get Oblivion too if it reviews well.
  15. It's been pushed back a week, it's coming out on the 17th. I also think i'll wait until it's bargain bin material (so in a month, probably) because there are several 360 games out this month that I want to buy.
  16. I don't care about points either, but why are people always so negative towards those who actually want to unlock the achievements in their games? People who buy games specifically to boost their gamescore, sure.. that's pretty dumb. However since I started playing games as a kid i've always liked to beat them fully. Things like 100% completion on Metroid, all the heart pieces in Zelda, all the cheats in Goldeneye, etc. Achievements are just a natural progression of this and let you show them off to the world. I'll also add that I don't bother getting the points if i'm not finding the game fun. Example - Call of Duty 2 Veteran achievements. Dying every 10 seconds isn't fun. Playing Perfect Dark Zero for anything isn't fun, so i've only got a couple of those.
  17. I liked it, though you could've used a nicer font. What is the music from? I can't place it.
  18. Any update on a GRAW demo coming to the marketplace? I'm still on the fence about it.
  19. But he is. He's 50% human, 50% robot and 100% awesome. (I do actually agree with you, if I were to write out a list of the things that he's done/he's been subjected to it would blow your mind)
  20. That is episode 9, and it's not quite like that: To be honest if you go into any 24 episode expecting pinpoint realism you'll come out disappointed, just take it as an action movie that is more technically-accurate than most.
  21. Happy birthday bud, keep trying to triangulate that signal!
  22. I'll play any time later (10pm onwards).
  23. Smackdown vs. Raw 06 pretty much has the same loading times on the PS2, it loads before every single thing. It's a bit unaccurate to say "it takes this long to get into a match" though - he started a new career on Season mode and you have to wade through a load of cutscenes to start.. and the game treats cutscenes the same as an actual match, so they go through all the same loading processes. If you were to boot the game up and just go straight into an exhibition match, it would take a third of the listed time of 6:30 to load. Not that i'm trying to defend the game, i've always hated the loading/saving times of Smackdown games, and the fact it takes just as long on a handheld console (a console which is generally supposed to have pick-up-and-play games) is inexcusable. The video is just a little bit of a stretch.
  24. Just got reminded of an advert that does my head in when it came on TV: the Nutrigrain one with Jimmy Carr. "Tell 'em about the pixies, Nan!" "THEY COME OUT THE FACTORY AT NIGHT WITH THE BELLS. COME ON BABE, SAY PIXIE" And then Jimmy Carr's stupid smug voice says something shit like "Nutrigrain bars are wheat, oats and fruit tranformed into delicious yummyness!" This'd all be great if Nutrigrain bars didn't taste like something I pulled out of the toilet.
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