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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Must just be preference then. Fair enough. I really do prefer Milanos though :p
  2. Oh, well excuse me... Tesco's pizzas are horrible compared to Milanos. Milanos are freshly and properly made. Tesco's pizzas are processed, not just made etc.
  3. thin base and crunchy crust? I want some now. My mouth is drooling at just the thought of it...
  4. R_A, on the money baby! :p Milanos = heavan Tonight though, I'm getting some sweet and sour Chinese. Yum Let me tell you though, there's nothing like some good old beef casserole with a lot of carrots, especially in the middle of winter.
  5. Argh, feel terrible for not having picked this up yet. I'll definitely have it for christmas. I was a huge fan of the 1st game, one of my favorite DS games. I hope it's just as good
  6. Eeeh! Looks much better than I thought it would be. I can see a slightly different art style with the 3DS version, which looks great Is it exactly the same game, or are there going to be a couple of chopping and changing? I've been neglecting the latest news on the 3DS and it's games etc. I'm starting to feel a little noobish
  7. Looking forward to this Money is an issue though with all the games debuting with it I'm too lazy to look for it :p, anyone remember the price of the 3DS? I think it's like €200, right?
  8. Can't wait to get my hands on this game. Think I'll hold out to Christmas though as I'm low on cash. Loved the 1st two, especially the story of the second one. GENIUS! Very fanstasy-like, yet really realistic. Very strange and sad Anyone know if the movie is available in Ireland, or should I just order it off of Amazon?
  9. It might be a horrible idea but worth thinking about. How about making the crown like an extension of the lion's hair? Possibly could work well and also be pretty unique.
  10. I'm a bit of a tree-hugger so it's quite funny seeing me go to war against the...IRA? I don't care, it looks AMAZING!
  11. It'd be amazing if I could get a 'James Connolly'-esque moustache but... It'd look HORRIBLE and I really don't want to as I don't like moustaches.
  12. I'm actually not a huge fan myself but like you said there's a soft spot there After watching Will & Grace it's hard not to take off her singing, too much fun :p I haven't heard many songs but I love shoop shop song, gipsies, tramps and thieves and then her 'big' hits: turn back time, do you believe in love after love. Give me some Tina Turner any day though! :p
  13. Frank

    Paj! Help me in my quest to bring the rate this song thread back to life!

    Nobody seems to be paying it much attention.

  14. Not the most original tattoo, so I'm not a huge fan. I agree with Eddie that a little extra detail/realism might make it look nicer. Tattoos are fairly personal though, so live and let live.
  15. Well I hope not, are you insinuating something about my forehead? :p I know about you and your FoF* *Fear of Foreheads One thing that sets me apart from them is my magnificent bum-chin though, so at least there's some difference :p
  16. Just googled Kaneda. I thought he also looked a little similar to me... I'm doomed :p
  17. Really enjoyed that, might listen to some of the rest even. My favorite was the girls voice, something about it that I really liked Decided to bring this thread back to some life. I love Cher! <3 She looks like one of my aunties as well, so that's extra win.
  18. Oh no, I have an ominous feeling ReZ is going to make one of his movie posters out of this...
  19. I love how surreal they look, especially the first one
  20. *googles Tetsuo from Akira* ...no, I will not take that as a compliment :p The sad thing is, I can see the resemblance! *dun dun duuun!*
  21. I have no idea, was that directed at me or someone else? If it is, I like that analogy. Never been told I look like an anime character :p
  22. Not necessarily my favorite pictures of me, but the best I could find on this computer, so yeah. here they are :p
  23. Why Danny-boy, with this thread and the pictures thread, it seems you're really trying to get in there! :p
  24. Am I the only one who saw this as slightly offensive? Nightwolf, I think you're smokin too! :p I'm sure dan just got distracted and forgot to mention you
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