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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Oh! It's so fantastic I really like it, plus you look really different with glasses by the way. You should definitely switch between the two every now and then.
  2. Yesh. I've been getting some quality study, revision, learning done. For the past 5 hours too! I'm on a roll
  3. Yes. Yes. Yes. Partly agree because I'm commonly subjected to ageism for my youth. Plus, I usually make friends who are much older than myself. It's maturity, not age that matters
  4. ! ! ! This is just played by me over and over again . I could listen for eternity and. Just happen to sing the "Violently Happy!" part in my head. ALL DAY. Such a beautiful song for my favorite actress :') Becoming infatuated with Bowie recently, I find him captivating.. Sincerely the coolest song I've ever heard. It's so slick!
  5. I've just gobbled 2 entire "Big Sharing Pack"s of Pringles, a bag of Haribo, a large Milky Way and drank 1.25 litres of Coke. And you know what -- I feel great. NOM NOM. I'm violently & chemically happy. I've never emotionally ate before; it feels good
  6. I'm currently going through a lot of exams at the moment too. Although I can't say I haven't studied -- I think we all procrastinate sometimes. In fact, I just realised that's exactly what I'm doing now! Perhaps I should write the rest of the message in Italian to help with my exam :p We all feel that stress, it comes with almost all exams. Don't worry, you'll be over it soon. What is the exam on? How interested are you in the subject anyway? And what must you do in the exam ex. write an essay, multiple-choice questions etc. I'd take a breather, find how to motivate yourself and realise that it's not too late to begin studying I recall you saying it was Wednesday that it's on -- you've got a whole 24+ hours. Listen to the Wind.
  7. Come on, Eddie! You're not Master of Science for nothing. You can fix it, listen to the wind for answers..
  8. I have a Norwegian friend where I am living. She is only staying for the one semester so she'll be leaving soon but she's been a delight. Every now and then we get together and sing some tunes on my keyboard. She sings and angels fall. It's so beautiful. We sit in absolute peace & content just talking together, playing piano and singing. Oh, I have to show you all her. She's such a treat and makes me feel happy! HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS.
  9. Just experiment until you find your preferred taste. There's no wrong amount with coffee. I'm a snob so I rarely drink silly instant coffee. With machines etc. I use four spoonfuls which makes 1 + 1/2 large cups of coffee. With instant -- I use 2 heaped tea spoons, some milk and about 4 spoons of sugar.
  10. I've seen so many movies from my last post it'd be ridiculous to try name them all. I did stay up to this crazy hour to watch, "It's A Wonderful Life". I don't know why, I mean all I'm doing is lying in bed by myself. I loved it so much though. I've been watching many old movies recently and I'm amazed, so amazed, how iconic these movies really are. Without me even noticing, I know the entire plot because they've been spoofed / given homages to dozens of times. They're Iconic. "It's A Wonderful Life" is such a feel-good movie. I felt warm and teary by the end. James Stewart is magnificent also. Great acting, which isn't always the case with these old films. One which makes you think afterwards even if it's in the egocentric way of wondering who's lives you've affected :p A fantastic adventure. A movie made in '67 yet the women are strong & independent. I like this! Worth seeing even for the last scene. How on earth did they manage to shoot that scene !? Such gore for a film made so long ago! I quivered and sat aghast at how awful it was Great movie -- Bonnie & Clyde are both massive babes. Attractive, much? Eve is the most horrid thing I've encountered in so long. How could she ... so ... ugh ... Bette Davis IS THE SHIT!! Some early Marilyn Monroe too! She's delightful. Although I heard it took her 11 takes ending with her being shouted at by Davis and vomiting behind the set. Poor girl. Norma is my new role-model for everything in life. One of the greatest I've had the pleasure of seeing. FILM NOIR IS WHAT THE WORLD LOVES. READY FOR MY CLOSE-UP
  11. HMM. Interesting. I'd like to think that what I post is true to how I am in real life. So, who knows what I could be the reincarnation of! Your post did make me realise that I don't pay that much attention to clothing or appearance. Yet, my philosophy holds this idea that, "Identity is all we have." I should embrace it. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do that either though, without looking like I'm in drag. If you find a solution -- PM me. Or tweet me. I'll be there. Usually when letting myself a little loose, I wear a nice shirt..some nice slim trousers and I've just bought a pair of real fancy boots! So I wear them, I guess nothing too out of the ordinary. I've no idea what he's teaching me. Should I be frightened? Luckily the boat wasn't cold at all! In fact, I don't even recall walking along the streets that cold. Well, others were but I was fine I don't feel the cold much anyway. Plus, the party on the boat was in this downstairs area so it was all toasty and cosy!
  12. Nein, there was so many Brazilians because I'm starting to believe I'm haunted. I can't get away! It's true though, I have to admit. Diageo's incredibly happy in person. The first thing he did when we met him was hug Eddie and myself. It's something that needs to be seen, not described. Although, one could say I've known you for just over a year now and I still get a little frightened by your texts :p You've no idea how intimidating it is! [still haven't heard back from anyone yet..]
  13. ..Oh. I guess my memory isn't as clear as I thought..I can't believe I said that!
  14. hehe. That would've been interesting. Last night was fun[ny]. Actually, should've brought Blazer guy back to that Brazilian apartment.
  15. I'm being foolish -- I know his name, don't worry. I could've gone with Blazer guy but, let's face it, Renato was a lot cooler / felt more powerful. He organised the entire boat party / knew everyone / had a lot of money (so shallow ) It felt cool I was with him.
  16. Ah, come on, I wasn't that bad. I was more crazy when I was only drunk [ex. Bad Romance dance..lol]. In the boat I was mostly lying very awkwardly beside you / on your shoulder (?) recounting some tales.
  17. Oi. I hope not. Fernando / Roberto / Alejandro said he'd call me later though. So I'm not too worried about him. However, I wish the one in the blazer would text me..
  18. Hrm. This makes me think -- I should've got the numbers from the 2 guys I got with. I only gave them my number.. I guess if they want me, they'll call.
  19. Fine! Tell everyone then, go on, I dare you.
  20. We didn't beg, Eddie! We brought out our Marilyn Monroe charm and he couldn't say "no" :p Yeah, I agree with what Eddie said. The film, as a whole, is quite slow-moving so I'm sure we didn't miss much. Plus, with adverts at the beginning we probably only missed 12-15 minutes. Acting was, perhaps, the best part. I don't think I was ever fooled into thinking it was Marilyn (unlike 'La Vie En Rose') but entertaining nonetheless. 3.5/5 We don't get to make plans very often so the 12-15 minutes was worth it. *Irrelevant to this thread* -- We also visited Eddie's very own restaurant Her staff were so friendly and, obviously, adored her. I think I'll watch Sunset Boulevard in a few minutes !
  21. After one of the more strange & mythical nights-out that I've had in a while.. [Did I really just take drugs!?] I was hungry. About 10AM I managed to walk around the city looking for grub. Probably shameless as I looked a mess. Same clothes as the night before. Blah. I bought a coffee and croissant and was a wannabee Audrey Hepburn window-shopping the high streets. Spent an hour or so in St. Stephan's Green as it was incredibly sunny! Beautiful place, don't think I'd been there before either.
  22. Podcasts and, preferably, movies with subtitles. I think movies are the best given that you get really good aural practice (which I find the most difficult) but in a very entertaining way. Plus, you get to see how grammatically-correct sentences should look. That's what I think. I'm learning French, German and Italian at the moment and it is such a beautiful thing to learn any new language. You feel brand new. Like, I take on a different persona (subconsciously :p) when I speak French, for example. Definitely keep it up! It's strange -- I feel you learn much more than just the language while studying. I can't define it. *Back on topic!* I'd get really solid at being able to hear a language 1st. Just like how we learn our vernacular. It's so easy to download free global radio stations. Do some every day, like 10 minutes or so. I find exercise books are pretty average, they're good to start off but they'd never teach slang terms etc. which is essential if you want to speak a language "properly". Good Luck
  23. Quelle Nuit. To be honest, I had such a great night out last night. If anything -- it was Fun. The music in the club we went to was really amazing. The whole progression felt perfect[ly obscure]. 1st all the great 90s hits (Yew gotta Sho' Me Lu-uve) , then heavy rock (Nirvana+the like) and finally the Pop Divas of the past decade (Need to let it breath.) I think my favorite was listening to that electronic solo in Rihanna's "We Found Love" , probably the most blissful moment. Marry the Night came on too ... *troll-face* so great. Ended up on a boat (free entry! free drinks!) and then was taken to someone's home (Pretty much, like, 15 Brazilians and Myself .. felt slightly out-of-place.) Also got with 2 people. Frank is back in the game! [God, hindsight is making me feel like such a tramp]
  24. Half-way through my 1st sitting of Star Wars. I need coffee. Interesting film though, I like it Sleep. Then Zelda. Then Train to Dublin.
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