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Everything posted by Saminthehat

  1. The Arbiter was dull as!
  2. I'm not sure what to think of his game. Resi games have always scared the sh1t out of me (specially that bit where the dog jumps through the window). I might give it a try though.
  3. Ah shame. I was hoping for a more feature full control panel.
  4. 300-Some good action which make up for the cheesy moments and fairly bad plot. 7/10
  5. What device is this for? The GPU's or mainboards?
  6. Good point but I think even Capcom have the sense to not make a 15-20 minute lightgun shooter.
  7. Has it actually been confirmed as a light gun game?
  8. I personally think Halo 2's multiplayer is the best ever. I've probably played more multiplayer Halo 2 matches than all my other games put together. The campaign on Halo CE was amazing and will make an amazing film (just as long as Uwe Boll stays clear). Halo 2's campaign wasn't amazing but really fun at times. I think Halo 3's will be similar. P.S. bear in mind that I only got into games ~2002 so please don't lecture me on Goldeneye and other multiplayer 'hits'.
  9. So what do you lot think? Should I get it or wait for all the big titles (SSB, Super Paper Mario, Metroid etc.). Note: All is not an option.
  10. I loved the N64 controller, the Z button was friggin genious! The Wii though should definately have not been on that list.
  11. I don't like the 1st party attachment, it looks too snazzy for a gun.
  12. Oh joy, more guns.
  13. Excitecow Hmmm...Excitehooker?
  14. Come on! There's a thread for everything these days.
  15. lol, I'm looking forward to Live.
  16. Well I played the PS3 for the first time yesterday and well I was disappointed. The controllers feel really cheap. Resistance was bland and repetitve and Motorstorm was really hard to control. The menus certainly nice and Home looks amazing.
  17. Yeah, I told them they are the only people who think that.
  18. I like having to pay. It makes the service feel more...special and more of a privelage.
  19. My friends couldn't stop laughing when I told them I was going to buy 'Excitetruck'. Apparently the name is stupid and sounds like one of those kids rides in malls. What do you think? I mean 'Wii' and 'Xbox' grew on us didn't they?
  20. Now you know my middle name!
  21. You call yourself a gamer?
  22. You could just borrow off me you know? I've got the full version on GC.
  23. How about a rumble-toting codpiece?
  24. I think someone from Nintendo said something about 4 star points=1 Wii point.
  25. Yeah, this made me lol: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-PlayStation-Console-Premium-Version/dp/B0007SV734/ref=br_lf_m__1_1_ttl/203-9377219-5474336?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&s=videogames 3 days from launch and we still have availability! Seriously though, what good games are there on the PS3?
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