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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. True, plus, if I didn't know any better, I swear I can hear ReZ typing and clicking in the background. Someone even has a video or TV on!
  2. The quote in question wasn't meant in an offensive manner, I just wish you had more for sale! I pay good monies! Shame about the expansion pak though, I got one of those about a month ago and I'd have much rather bought yours than the one I got!
  3. Exactly, Jordan's (one of your admin funnily enough) the one who started the bloody thing anyways, as he has done numerous times in the past, perhaps you should aim your advice/warnings/bullshit at him before hypocritcally attacking the rest of us! No offence Jordan. Just making a point.
  4. Oh chill out, I was only setting him straight - hence, she's ignoring it, you should too. This forum and its attempts at restricting free speech at times are ridiculous. As for your retro sale - I'm disappointed. How can you only have 2 N64 games for sale?!?! Two of which I and any other respectable N64 owner would already own.
  5. I think she's just doing the adult thing and ignoring it all. Good for her I say!
  6. Right my lovers, I'm off to bed, I really need to start sleeping more often!
  7. Lol, that reminds me! My friend used to work in PC World in Reading and Paul Daniels came in wanting a refund. A colleague of my mate served him but wouldn't give him a refund because he didn't have a receipt. Our favourite magician got quite angry and amusingly, the assistant said "Why don't you just pull it out of your hat?" He wasn't pleased from the sounds of it!
  8. Hmmm, I'm starting to fear for you safety...perhaps you should invest in a new oven soon! Perhaps you could be an expert at preparing cold food? Everyone likes a good Ploughman's platter!
  9. I have exactly the same problem at my student house - don't dare cook a pie, for fear of a rather charred pie crust! Pizzas also don't fare too well in the darned contraption! Quiet you!
  10. I'm only playing my milky chocolately buttons! I'm sure you're better at it than you think! Any chance you could make me some shortbread sometime? I absolutely adore it! If it counts at all, I've always thought you were awesome Moog
  11. So, if I were to take my DSi to uni, or out to town and felt like browsing the web, it'd be a painful experience? I imagine most of the time I'd either be visiting this site or google news.
  12. Oh and btw, welcome Xiviliai, I hope you enjoy your stay chez n-europe, it's always nice to have fresh blood here!
  13. True, but at the risk of sounding sexist, it's because both you and I are men!
  14. I use mine when I get to actually see it. Lately I've been enjoying Wii Fit! My sister and I really do love a bit of Mario Kart online too!
  15. Fuck me, you've just reminded me how irritating that is! I believe that the cheese to toast ratio must be perfect. Not to mention, if you're adding Worcestershire sauce or other interesting additions!
  16. Folks, I was curious to know what people's in depth feedback was on their DSis thus far? Is it a worthy investment and should I be trading my Lite in for it? I'm particularly interested in the Web Browser and the Music Player. How good are they? With the music player, can one listen to music with the DSi closed?
  17. I'm still annoyed that you chose Blogspot over Wordpress, I can't link you guys via my Blogroll now (keep up the good work btw, Eevil's post about the Glade advert had me in stitches!)
  18. Always advertising that bloody comic! If I didn't know any better, I'd say you worked for their publishers! It's a conspiracy!
  19. Glad you got there before I did...my post was gonna be a lot less "nice". Like he said, man up for God's sake! Dude it's life for christ's sake - she's not gonna reach out to you, she dumped you. I'm not trying to be harsh but it's the same for everyone. My last girlfriend went off after everything turned into a huge pile of shit, only to then return a couple of months later, tell me that at the time we broke up she'd been pregnant and then had the courtesy to tell me it was aborted without me having any say in it! People are selfish in love, it's a selfish thing! You don't have to pick the pieces up on your own, that's what you have friends for, to help you afterwards! She's not gonna help you "rebuild" for lack of a much better word, that stage in your life is gone and you need to move on, without her. Excuse the abrupt language - it's just a little frustrating, coming here and blurting everything out, all this suicidal crap, it's ridiculous! It's happened, the best way to get over it is to get on with it. You will love again, trust me! Note to Letty: I'm not taking sides or what-not, I'm just trying to say that this sort of personal stuff doesn't belong here!
  20. Yeah, we're curious and it's relevant to my life because I, at this moment in my life, wanna know where Nightwolf is! So go blow it out your ass!
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