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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. You know what i love? the fact that we don't know whats gonna happen next, in the fourth, we knew they got off the island, and at the end of the 4th we knew they had to get back to the island, now they are on the island, where are they going plot wise? what motives do they have, it was touched upon by juliet, what reason do they have to stay? to save everyone? they arrived back on the island, does that mean everyones safe? how can you wage a war being in a different time period? :P I can't wait
  2. DomJcg


    I think your wrong there dare of the dan, i think that without the minutemen creating this superhero fad, osterman would have still been politicalised by the US. If only because both sides were looking for ways to beat each other, dr manhattan comes along and he has the power to stop it, and he's naturally on the side of the country he knows/is swayed by. I disliked manhattan's emotionally retarded/disconnectedness but can understand how he felt that way, as on mars, describing the miricles he does each day. I think the manhattan outcome (his mars trip) would have happened eventually tbh.
  3. They say when you take away a mans life, you take everything he has been and everything he will be. Seriously though, its a loss, i could not have raised 6000 pounds for charity this weekend, i could have stayed home and worked on my presentation for tomorrow, and a charity would be 6000 pounds less gained, but my presentation would have been done see?
  4. You clearly don't read fantasy enough, hell muse sing about it "cast a spell over the ones you love and burn" etc, fail :P That being said rez, i like the more bloodied version of cast tbh
  5. Um Spellcasting?
  6. Is there a cost to using the magic? why'd it die out?
  7. Can vampires use magic? if so, i'd bring vesper back via that pendant thingy, and the scorpio men can live in eypgt? that works kinda.
  8. I'm sorry, your telling me, after yeeeeeeeears of telling me that such a thing isn't in existance, that it does exist? FAIL so bond could have died then
  9. Ah but, while i can't nescessarily name the instances where will has been wrong, i know they have happened, if only because i remember the uproar that will has been wrong about it. my lecturer used centripetal and centrifugal force to explain the EEC in th early 60's today, i told him afterwards that the latter doesn't exist and left him short handed about how best to correct himself.
  10. Well, i didn't see the sign someone didn't actually put it up till after we arrived >< I instead noticed lettys red hair :P some one dye their hair a loud colour to find people!
  11. "Why are those kids screaming/shouting? I'm not over there..."
  12. Oh rez, you fail at liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife, it took me you know...3 days? i was loving eeeeeet. MAH DAY, woke up 5 minutes before my lecture because a friend was telling me to WAKE UP YOU FUCKER having got to bed at 4 >< my friendly is coming down from bath spa so i'm cleaning the place uuup
  13. Ash, seems he signed a contract saying he was to work occasional saturday shifts, 3 in 8 seem occasional.
  14. pooooooooooowers?
  15. Last night/today is the worst in the world of dom, it can't get worse? or better fail
  16. Recently in my course, we had to write an essay on terrorism, and now with new international lawes being put in place, if you don't present a negative view on terrorism in the essay (we were actually warned about this) you will be kicked out of uni. As to what is deemed positive or not is up to the lecturer
  17. Anyways, ended up getting to sleep about 3ish again, must stop doing that, its been that way for the past three nights, good thing i have the week off or i'd be destroyed. Friends birthday yesterday, were gonna get drunk then hit lazer quest but we couldn't be bothered so we drank more, got tipsy, his real parties on friiiiday. fencing tonight I get to spend the day with my psychology book sweet, anyone who thinks freuds right/god remember, most of his work is based on empirical observation and has little biological connotations so really, could all be conjecture lul.
  18. mega in! 10
  19. Microwave, get some water in a microwavable container, put some lemon juice in it and set it in the mw for 10 minutes on the highest setting. Then damp cloth the inside of it, works like a whore.
  20. I always thought pointing a gun at your head was considered indecent, but thats just me.
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