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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. Woah, woah, lets back up a second or two...doc ocks dead...and has been for a while? am i imagining things?
  2. So why is war saying red means you want some :S
  3. still not sure i understand?
  4. You what? why will the desperate wear red? my friends going to wear red and he doesn't want to be with anyone...
  5. Hum, v day, i think theres a thing going on at the local night club, i'll probs go to that. Green for get some, yellow for maybe, red for fuck off, not sure, shall probs wear something green :P
  6. Thanks for your comments on me being hot =D good to see you came to your senses at the end of the post. Anyways, while i'm so very tempted to argue about whats been said by people...will...:P i'm going to say that in my opinion, people are warbling over there definately being a god, but that advert is an opinion one or doing what was paid of it to do, advertise, they are wanting more people to join the christian party, thats all :P
  7. oh oh! i remember now!! i saw twozzok!! wow, pretty good night, even if it ended shortishly
  8. Had a lecture, seemed like two hours, but was only one, seems like years ago, i go the gym at 6, ride the bike thing for 30 mins, got 10 miles =D came home, did some situp things, had a shower, went out and bought 2 big wkd bottles, got drunk after them plus cheeky vimto's so i'm moderately drunk and i head back home to change shirts as some one (me) spilt beer on it, and was about to head out, when one of my friends turns up absolutely off her face, feeling sick, can't stand up. So got her some water in my drunken state, and gave her my hoodie/jacket, and she's now passed out in her room, we locked it and left her to it, i wonder how its faring =[ anyways, then!! i spend god knows how long talking to about 10 people till ... well 3 and i've sobered up, but i feel abit queasy, so i'm having water...and biscuits =D
  9. Its sunny here
  10. Snow left the day you did =[ theres nothing here ='[
  11. Ell, it's all about mixed fruits cider and mah day, well, as sad as it is, me and my friend are in a competition to see who can complete pokemon fast enough, i'm at that electricity city and he's at that water one.lol. Issues in british politics is fun, got my essay back for political thought, did a hell of a lot better than i thought and it makes me hopeful for my other two essays now =D (i thought it was gonna be 20 marks lower tbh :/). I think i sounded like i knew more than i actually did. anyways TO BRITISH ISSUES AND THEN TO THE BRITISH LECTURE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF CAMPUS, have to be there in 0 mins after my issues seminar =/
  12. Urgh, where is it =[ its not listed anywheres
  13. Maase, you didn't even answer mah question!!! Mind you, you kinda did, oda, unpredictable, you say foreshadowing but half the time it feels like he potshots the characters "oh why not use x for x" or "lets bring back x" eg.. buggy :P Anywhose if you like this obscenely big world thats taken 500 chapters to create and can be destroyed (something about a gate? i can't remember, they diviate so quickely from things) in one meh your call. read fma
  14. I've read the later bits of it, the bits where it gets better, but i don't see it, just bigger battles..sometimes, and oda doesn't really seem to know whats going on, just keeping the plot plodding along nicely, i mean can you see an end in sight? and it reads easily, brain doesn't have to think too hard etc.
  15. Shonen Jump, its easy to read, sells etc, c'mon, you read bakuman like me
  16. Oh please maase, its jump fodder >< easy to read and makes little sense as a whole.
  17. Ell got stuck at kent for an extra day or so, i think he got back today, anyways it was nice meeting youse again ^^ hope you enjoyed the part of the weekend seeing me...part. My day, everywhere is snowed off, cept the first place that got snow >< urgh. BUT i had psychology today!! it was so awesome! loving it now.
  18. Yes i am, you better have something next time we meet up you know :P @ dyson, imma gonna freak out
  19. YEs!! the ending was so sad and just sad your like "this isn't happening no no no" =[
  20. The inc of mgmt made it good, my emotional state differs, theres things i don't want to deal with, things i do and things i shouldn't but do want to urrrrrrgh
  21. Apparently lectures/seminars tomorrow maybe cancelled, as the people can't get up to here, reasonable but half my work for the week is tomorrow so lol. also, my friend was complaining about the lack of single men in the uni, i claimed we were a dying breed, and she looks at me and goes "or gay" ><
  22. Urghhhh, drunk at 3??? why =[ and the girl i wanted wass in bed at 1 urgh, watched the strangers with house mates, foooking scary ass film theres always tomorrow though, always tomorrow. Aka my day
  23. Ellmiesters coming round in 5 minutes eee
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