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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. yes, wiki says this Homophobia (from Greek ὁμο homo(sexual), "same, equal" + φοβία (phobia), "fear", literally "fear of the equal") is the fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.[3][4] Several dictionaries also associate irrationality with this type of fear. It can also mean hatred, hostility, disapproval of, or prejudice towards homosexual people, sexual behavior, or cultures, and is generally used to insinuate bigotry. although its a broad definition it supports what i said
  2. it is isn't it? i thought it was not wanting to have anything to do with gay people or doing gay things (like sex with men)
  3. and that children is called homophobia i have a friend like that, i come on to him sometimes and laugh as he gets uncomfortable
  4. only sonic really, i feel megaman would be a clone of samus
  5. hmm probably the most amazing chinese meal with a strawberry smoothie, mmm that would be a good taste to die to
  6. as much as i don't like murdoch, sky is awesome and has the win over virgin media
  7. happy birthday That guy! Caris you stole my idea of making a thread :P
  8. "your going down!" "No your going down!" *kirby flies off the screen* "see! i told you you were going down!" you can't get that online...
  9. that last shot and the caption that goes with it is brilliant, i've never seen kirby happier =)
  10. Fry: Women are like men accept with girl parts!
  11. it wouldn't surprise me he was wanting people to play the games with pit in them...
  12. his soul, ive bought lost season 2 and jekyll season 1 (the awesome =) ) no pictures though, to keep you suspense
  13. so only seen up episode 4 (watching it on bbc) and i gotta say, its really rather gripping, hiros just appeared speaking english and has a katana on his back, very interesting...
  14. well i have 3 games for the wii wii sports Zelda wii play and 7 for the ds another code, BIA advance wars final fantasy 3 phoenix wright 2 mario 64 metroid prime im such a big spender, i got the ds when it first came out and thats all i have for it :P
  15. ah this is a cool thread, i only read the old 1960 onwards comics as all the new ones make no sense to me. Amazing Spiderman Fantastic Four Daredevil Uncanny Xmen (in my opinion the mutant massacre (sp) was the best story line, so many deaths so pointlessly at the hands of hired arms) and Avengers which in my opinion is the weakest of them all, e.g one of their biggest plots lasts 2 issues! Xmen story lines go on for 4 to 6 issues.
  16. i wouldn't recommend reading them over that short of time frame, i could only read them at night and for 3 or so hours at a time, it completely changed my sleeping pattern and i keep getting only 6 hours sleep or so a night and waking up late :P
  17. you refering to the fact that i got the date wrong? (next week) and/or spelt obscure wrong? meh its for people who don't have sky >.>
  18. ITS ON BBC 2 TONIGHT :D:D::D:D:D:D:D i am happy as the scifi channel was obsecure
  19. im so excited by this ive re read all the books over the past 2 weeks (the last 2 twice)
  20. true, it was a hell of a lot worse back in the 60's where people thought they wouldn't wake up the next day as russia had launched or the US had, for those 2 weeks, people thought they were going to enter world war 3, this is pretty much nothing next to that :P
  21. mmm pineapple an apple and sexy
  22. you lie seriously, i doubt many would come to our aid, probably only the yerp (europe) ones and russia may have china on their side
  23. "RUSSIA VOWS REVENGE FOR THE EXPELLED DIPLOMATS IN BRITIAN" yeh we've clearly learnt : peace:
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