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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I had a hard time getting into it. I started out as a mage but for some reason wa finding it really hard. I restarted as a Rogue and am now loving it. One of those games which has so much to do that its unlikely I'll ever get round to finishing it.
  2. Might I suggest there is a way of killing two birds with one very awesome stone right there.
  3. The first two were better.
  4. Who are the voters, the captains of each national team?
  5. School off today. About a week late, since it was the last day today anyway and generally would have been good fun.
  6. I still have the text messages from girl-I-go-on-about-alot from when we hooked up for one night. I read them when depressed and/or drunk. I dunno, I kinda have a good feeling about the new Facebook girl. Hopefully I can bump into her at school even though I'm not in any of her classes and have a chat irl, then hopefully again we can both be at the same party at some point in the near future. This is my tactic when it comes to girls. Heres hoping?
  7. My point is, I'm hoping there will be some sort of system to ensure that everyone who gets a ticket to the free gig actually contributed to getting the song to #1.
  8. I would have thought all the Rage fans would have bought it anyway. The "arseholes" in my post is more the people who joined the Facebook group to be a part of it, but who didn't care enough to spend 29p on it.
  9. Few days ago, I messaged her saying "hello person ive never met" and we've been talking crap ever since. A long shot, but meh, it will do for now. See how it goes.
  10. Confession: Everytime a girl starts talking to me I start wondering if I have a chance. Advice: Girl added me on Facebook, though I've never really spoken to her before. Chatting to her this evening. 2 of my friends are dating 2 of her friends. Do I have a shot, and how do I successfully take this shot.
  11. It's amazing how many people have used this joke already. You're at least the 5th, if not more.
  12. I really wanna get tickets to the free gig. Don't care where it is, if the ticket is free I'll pay for a plane ticket to London if I have to. But I bet half the people that do get themselves tickets will end up being arseholes who didnt buy the song.
  13. Damn snow has scuppered my plans of going to see Avatar tonight. Buses are unreliable and my Dad is refusing to let me drive. To be fair I probably would crash, but meh, Avatar!
  14. Well, at least she was good about the way she reacted. I've had both a reaction like that, and a bad one, so although it didn't go aswell as you'd planned at least nothing has gone wrong. As so many people have said (and I really should practice what I preach) - regret the things you did do, not what you didnt! And in this case, theres nothing to regret now that you have done it
  15. Giant snow penis get. A full view of it's magnificence:
  16. If you've got no mouse I wouldn't recommend Mass Effect, so go with KoTOR.
  17. I love the irony laced within the lyrics of Joes song.
  18. One thing that has emerged from this that annoys me: People who call it "Killing In The Name Of"
  19. Speaking of which, I bet Radio 1 has one of its highest audiences for awhile tomorrow evening.
  20. Good luck flamester
  21. The whole point is to actively do something anti-xfactor, instead of passively just not watching it.
  22. Now all I need to get is for the time to be right twice. Once so I can chicken out, then mull it over for a few days, then get another one and actually do it.
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