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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. LoveFilm games have those stickers on them, gl getting a swap from Argos, and if you do, gl getting LoveFilm to accept them as the same discs :p Anybody want to boost the 5 win streak achievement on Table Tennis with me?
  2. Gizmo


    I doubt it will ever be released, and if it is, it will be mediocre at best.
  3. I still think that Britain, Spain and France should get the American versions, so that we personally don't need to wait for the translations we wouldn't use. Then, if another country wants to import it and use one of those languages, they can do so, or if they want to wait for the european language release, they can do. That way, only some people would be waiting, rather than everyone. You might say "thats unfair on the people that wait", but they would be waiting anyway, and is it not unfair on us that we have to wait for the other languages? The reason Paper Mario is taking longer is to localise jokes and quirks in the dialog. For that reason it is an exception to my idea.
  4. Yeah, Targets, Home Run, and the special melee types have got to be back And some other "side" modes aswell!
  5. Thanks, thats a relief. I'm starting to lose ammo slowly. My rifle hasn't been above 10 for awhile! Some extra firepower should help me out:yay:
  6. Gizmo


    Apparently alot of American stores have been selling this early, and those damn Yanks have it already :(
  7. Ok, I'm going to get round to finishing this game. Various things interrupted me so far, but I want to get it done before Bioshock comes out. I've been avoiding this thread for fear of spoilers, so excuse me if it's been answered, but I would just like to know: All the treasures I find (such as the crowns, bangles, hourglass, etc) do they have any purpose other than for selling to make money? I've so far avoided selling most of them incase they had some other purpose, but I fear I might just be making the game harder for myself buy not tuning my weapons as much etc. I know about setting items into others, like the catseyes and the crowns. Is there anything else to worry about, or should I sell the lot and tune the hell up? Also, I'm on Act 4.3. How many more are there? Again, I don't want to check anywhere else in case it gets spoiled, since I missed it on GC this is my first playthrough.
  8. Or, make a worldwide release of Brawl in 2007, and worldwide releases of MK and WF in 2008! But no, that wouldn't be fair would it.
  9. Gizmo


    Yeah, if it wasn't so creepy it wouldn't be half as good.
  10. Gizmo


    I don't really know. Like I say I decided to call it a day there, I got what I wanted from the demo.
  11. It would be funny if the controls changed to Monkey Ball Style when you use the morph ball. Not that it would be good.
  12. Gizmo


    The hacking was awesome. You had to uncover the tiles, then swap the pipe pieces and get the liquid to the other exit before it spilled. Is there anyway to stop more guys coming though? I died after about 6 of them came in a row, and decided that was a good place to stop playing the demo. More surprises for the real thing right? Though I did misso ut on playing with the fire plasmid.
  13. Not all of us have the Wii and PC in the same room.
  14. Gizmo


    I'd just like to say that the Irish accent of the "guide" fellow is awesome. The whole thing is just so breath taking. It looks gorgeous, and the sound is spot on. My favourite moment is the women huddled over the cradle, you hear her and then see the shadow. Creep up to her and she turns round and attacks you, after she died I smacked her in the head with the wrench, and it went even more bloody and disfigured <3
  15. Katamari demo, nice. Haven't played the PS2 game but always wanted too.
  16. Its not there saying "Parental Controls available from this update!" it's saying "Remember, there are parental controls"
  17. Gizmo


    I wonder which will be released first - this, Resi5, or Banjo Threeie...
  18. Aww, I was looking forward to the skate demo. It was due tomorrow, wasn't it? Hopefully it is only delayed by a week.
  19. I think the answer is for companies to stop being up there arses and making games region locked for the sake of more accurate sales figures (maybe I'm ignorant, but I can't see any other reason?), and give the fans the best service they can.
  20. What was up with the aiming, DiemetriX? It seemed normal enough to me. I absolutely loved the demo. Everythnig about it. The atmosphere was wicked, the controls were awesome, the plasmid and weapon system was brilliant...I can't wait to get playing with some mroe plasmids. Although the one problem I had was, I couldn't work out how to get rid of those bloody drones when I set off the alarm. And I don't even know how I did it. But tha hacking into them was great. And I loved the woman cradling over the buggy, listening to her and watching the shadow... I'm so pumped for this game now. Due to my LoveFilm subscription, this summer holiday I haven't yet finished Resi4. I need to get it finished before doing Bioshock, or I'm going to be completely torn over what to play If Bioshock isn't game of the year, what the ****, whatever beats it is going to be really, really amazing. I'm actually looking forward to Bioshock more than Mario Galaxy right now, due to the demo. *changes sig* EDIT: Is the thing "weird" about the aiming an inverted Y-Axis? I usually have to change the settings in an FPS game to that, as it just feels more natural to me, and usually FPS demos are incredibly hard for me as this optino usally isn't in a demo. However, I just realised that I changed nothing in Bioshock and it felt completely natural. Is that it?
  21. Bioshock is on 77% after having been going for the best part of 6 hours. You would have thought that Microsoft of all companies would have more bandwidth than god for this kinda thing.
  22. Why would it be brilliant, though? What would it be able to bring that can't be done / hasn't been done on the DS? The advantages of the DS seem to far, far outweigh the Wii, no?
  23. If theres some kind of downloadable channel for a fiver, I think I'd use it. Currently I use my 360 for DVDs, and it's rather loud, and apparently it can wear out eventually. The Wii on the other hand is very quiet and as far as we know, doesn't break too easy :p
  24. Since Jigglypuff is one of the original characters, I think it's more than likely for her (it?) to see a return. Pokeballs have already been confirmed, with Groudon being one of the confirmed guys to pop out.
  25. I'm getting really annoyed at the Marketplace. For the last week, every day I've been trying to get it to download the Stranglehold demo, and every time, it stalls after about half an hour "Cannot Download: Stranglehold Demo" and then I have to restart it. It better not do that with Bioshock.
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