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Everything posted by LegoMan1031

  1. I joined the 360 'group' in feb and i think there is loads of good games out there. Depends what u like really. Bioshock is a great game that has just come out(which i have just started playing). Other games ive played and recommend include gears of war, rainbow 6-vegas, crackdown, condemed, command and conquer 3 and many more. Quite a few good games u can get cheap now (for example condemed is £9.99 on gameplay). Defo go for the premium console over the core system.
  2. I got this game last night and from what i have played it's great! I have noticed though that every know and then the game pauses for a few seconds useally when i get an item like a new plasmid. Does it do this to other ppl's versions?
  3. That should be a great opatunity for you! All the best for when you go! In theory you would still be able to visit this forum though wouldn't you! So you would not have to leave the forums as well!
  4. I always used to go as Link normally, i don't know why i just 'suited' to him. Every now and then i would go as Gannondorf for a change (and sometimes it worked quite well when he got some of his more powerful moves in).
  5. Does anyone know when the second map pack is going to be free for Gears of War? I heard it was September but does anyone know a date for it? (if there is even one yet)
  6. Does look like an imitation of the classic controller, just with the positioning all the 'normal' bits and bobs on it.
  7. I have had trouble getting big brian for wii. When it first came out i seen it in my local tesco but i talked myself out of it like ill get it later on. But come to past week i have been looking everywhere for it, the internet shops i go on were all on 'order from supplier' all supermarkets, i went to both GAME's at the trafford centre, cheshire oaks etc. Then eventually this morning when i started work i was walking through the games section and there was one copy on the top shelf! I quickly grabbed hold off it hehe. My local ASDA (also my place of work) has prevailed again! Also asda seemed to have reduced the price to £16.97 plus my discount on top of that! so a very cheap game indeed!
  8. I'm really looking forward to this game! But i dont know wether to have it as a xmas present or buy it on realise, but then there is the other titles of MP3, RE:UC. For the first time since i got my 360, my 360 may not be touched with all these games comin out for wii!
  9. I'm a security/loss prevention colleague for Asda.
  10. Yer i have been reading alot of people have had problems on xbox.com as well. Mine has been fine since the update though, must affect certain consoles for some reason.......
  11. Don't know if it is really part of the update or not but i noticed my wii shop channel loaded up a hell of alot quicker than normal. Will have to try it a few times though as it may just be a once off....
  12. I tried that Redshell but it didn't work. Thanks for your help anyway. Got a new wii console now which works fine!
  13. Must admit i like what they have done with the shop channel. I never really had a problem with it before but now the layout is just better and more appealing on the eye!
  14. Very interesting post! I myself have just had nintendo consoles for the past 2 generations (N64, Gamecube) and was perfectly happy with them. Now i got the Wii for xmas but i ended up getting a 360 earlier this year. If somebody had said to me 6 months ago from then that i would have a 360 i would of laughed in there face. I got the 360 to expand my games, the 360 gave me my more 'hardcore' games such as GoW but i still love my Wii. I do feel though that my Wii has become my second console as i play on the 360 alot more. Nintendo have not lost me but because of the games that have come out i opted for a second console as well.
  15. Whenever i tell someone i am from Cheshire they seem to think i'm some kinda posh person? I don't know why... I was born in shropshire anyway but there you go. Good question, my mums side of the family are welsh and they live in Cardiff. I hardly ever see them but i went down to Cardiff to visit them in January and i found that my cousins were using the word 'lush' an awful lot and i have heard some males say it too... I did ask them why they use that word and they just looked at me like what the fuck i'm i talking about(lol), must just be a normal word for them.
  16. I have noticed a very odd problem that has just appeared with my Wii. It wont connect to the internet anymore, when i try confirming the connection it either says 'cannot connect please check your settings' or 'no access point could be found' I just researched for my network server but it says it can't find it. I have checked the settings and my 360 is right next to my wii and it can pick up the access point fine.... Any ideas?
  17. Yer it does seem like a bit of an odd choice. I would of thought they would of gone for something different for this next series.
  18. wow, well that is a surprise. I couldn't see her joining Doctor Who properly! I'm going to need to watch the xmas special again, remind me off her character...
  19. Ah yes good point. Well The Doctor turned into a little creature with a big head so anything is possible!
  20. Just watched the repeat on bb3 (never get to see the one on sat). I enjoyed the episode, sad to see the series end though. That whole captain jack thing is bit odd. How can the human body evolve into the face of boe? A big head in a container? I'm a little confused though, what is the story behind the drumming beat in the masters head? I av prob missed something bu i dont really understand it?
  21. I'm not 100% but im pretty sure no mention of a time war was done before these new episodes started, the timelords existed back then i believe?
  22. I would probably have to say the crackdown ones. I had so much fun getting them! hehe
  23. I can see the multiplayer mayhem with that now..... hehe
  24. I was very optomistic about this game but after reading Ngamers review of it i'm a little unsure now. I was hoping that with the wii mote they could of made this game feel new and fresh but the impression i have got from the review it has not done this........
  25. Lol! Possibly, i thought that kid looked evil already... Maybe he was just born evil!
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