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Everything posted by LegoMan1031

  1. Nout wrong with it only supporting 1080i! Thats all mine can do, lol.
  2. The next year does look good for my PS3. I traded my 360 in for it in january but i shall be re-buying a 360 probably at the end of the year when Gears of War 2 comes out... Gives me a chance to properly save up for it. If i had the money now i prob would of kept my 360 and got the PS3 also.
  3. My PS3 plays DVDs and blue ray fine all the time, so does all my friends. Could it be a faulty unit?
  4. Tar again. Sorry mate i can't think of any more questions for u sorry. If i can think of any more i know where to come!
  5. Ok tar. Heres another one for you! What benifits does that bring if any? Or is it just the way it was designed. I'm a curious person.
  6. With most of the games i have played for the first time it installs 'game data'. I'm just wondering what this is actually for? Coz when i played on Devil May Cry 4 for the first time it seemed to take forever to download this game data and it took the piss abit.
  7. Completed this game this morning. Brilliant game! I take it that then the games don't go in order then? This is the first DMC game i have played and just assumed coz it said 4 on the end. When you first start playing the game and it gives u the runthrough of the other games it looked like they followed each other in order. ???
  8. My local ASDA has uncharted for £40. Nothing special price wise unfortunatly.
  9. mmm. That boxart does look really nice!
  10. Its on sky news now on the 'breaking news' banner
  11. I felt it! it was weird, i started hearing a little rattling sound coming from inside my wardrobe and as i got out of bed my whole room started to shake, nothing fallen but i could see the water swaying in my fish tank!
  12. Got this game today on PS3. Never played a DMC game before, from the little i have played today, i like it so far!
  13. I for one will defo be getting mario kart but that is not the point like many others have stated! I have waited for brawl for so long now and them teasing us with releasing all the info they have done, for it to now be out in Japan and soon US and we still dont have a release date and now an 'unoffical annoucement' says Q3!!!!!!!!!!! Got my Ngamer is the post the other day and after reading there review on the japan import it just makes me wanna cry coz i want to play it so much! Me and my mates need this game! The hours we spent playing melee on multiplayer was so good!
  14. Excellent, thanks for that. Looking forward 2 this even more now!
  15. What is the offical release date for this? I have seen alot of websites saying march. Is this correct?
  16. Read the forum rules. It says permanent ban... Need i say more?
  17. Can't we just all get along? I thought the idea of a forum was to talk about stuff as in this case GAMES! THe brill thing that god himself invented (or maybe he didn't...) anyway. I personaly don't see the point in slating the admins/mods for what they do, they are there for a reason so just leave them get on with it. The rules are in place for a reason.
  18. The law definatly needs to be more strict on youths. Through my job the biggest problem we have is youths. One recent example, young lad think he is about 16 now was just a tit, always taking the piss out of P.C.S.O's (police community support officers), calling them all kinds off names, drinking and getting pissed on the town centre causing trouble, constantly shoplifting and causing criminal damage and every time he got arrested he just got let off. They eventually gave him a cerfu order off 7am till 7pm and tagged him, made no difference and now he ran over a police officer while illegaly driving a car in north wales! 2 days later i see him back on our town centre on bail! He then later that day got arrested again as he was seen on C.C.T.V with class A drugs. What a glorious life that lad will now lead.
  19. Welcome...
  20. Yer i agree with the last comment. I tend to always use gameplay for pre-orders and they have quite often came day before release! (such a good feeling when it happens, hehe).
  21. I thought it did work but was worded wrong? Like you have to do all t-hunts on single player rather than split screen. (something like that anyway) i could be wrong though...
  22. Would there be any possability of it comin out on ps3? no longer have a 360 and dout very much my laptop could handle it. And i loved red alert 2, i also quite liked c&c3 alot..
  23. Good post, i have always felt something missing when i got my wii on xmas day 2006. Think thats why i got a 360 and now even considering a ps3. I never felt i needed another console before with owning n64 then gamecube but this time i felt i needed another console to fully enjoy the games i want 2 play.
  24. Oh dear... Yer maybe i should open up my eyes bit more.
  25. Where did you get your HDMI lead from? When i was looking at ps3 stuff i couldn't seem to see one anywhere. Don't suppose anyone knows of any good deals for the ps3 incase i change my mind and get one sooner?
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