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Everything posted by LegoMan1031

  1. Oh dear, well if this keeps up i'll run out of room and have to fund a new HDD. With this and metal gear my free space will quickly disappear...
  2. What do people think of the graphics? I read some more comments made on gametrailers and alot of people don't seem to like them. I can't see the problem with them personaly. I don't know which console to get this game for though. I had c&c3 on 360 and i loved it (apart from the fact there was not alot of people online after abit). I had played Red alert 2 on the PC all them years ago and loved that.
  3. Pre-ordered this game today! So looking forward 2 it. MGS3 felt so long ago...
  4. Thanks, lol. Looks good, don't know what people are moaning about. (I read a few of the comments from gametrailers)
  5. Yer disappointed today. Ok though.
  6. I have a problem. Re-bought a 360 today (yay) got myself an elite. Plugged everything in. Re-downloading the map packs for gears ov war. Turned off the console to do the turn off after stuff has been downloaded. Console stays on for like 20 seconds when the lights goes off and then shuts off. Tried this a few times and does the same thing. Also when turning the console back on the wireless adaptor wont work. I have to unplug and re-plug it for the xbox to recognise it. It's downloading fine when the 360 is on... I have also checked the setting and auto-off and off after download are both enabled... Help!?
  7. There is no reason. Just how things are. No point wasting time in thinking about it, would drive everyone mad.
  8. Keep looking on the argos website for ur local stores. Soon as one says it's instock reserve one. Thats how i got mine. I had checked loads and eventually it said 'in stock'. It said in stock in a few of my nearest ones n all.
  9. Probably was the heat. I got a fish tank in my bedroom and the temperature has been going up n up n up in there! I resorted to changing bits of the water with cold water every know and then (i have a tropical fish tank). Anyway back on playstation topic... I posted this in the burnout thread but i'll post it here as well, i noticed burnout: paradise for £25 in ASDA yesterday, anyone who has been after one, go get it while it's still at that price!
  10. My PS3 has not gone louder since i installed the GTA4 update either Daft...
  11. Yer i have only got a 40gig n all. That really will takes ages to install... and i thought dmc4 was bad. Yer i'm goin for the normal edition, the difference in price would pay for brawl! Thats the way i'm looking at it anyway...
  12. Thanks for all the tips guys on getting ghost squad. I'm sure i have seen it somewhere for £15 now as well. D-day i can't say for certain but i have heard that you can't use 2 G-cons on the same PS3.
  13. Is it just me or does that say 4.6GB memory minimum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats an awful lot. Will be downloading the game data for it till xmas...
  14. omg that looks so good! I will defo be getting a 360 again later this year for this!
  15. Ok episode yesterday. Not sure what to make off it. i was thinking she might be back for the last few episodes or could they leave her for ages and randomly bring her back in the furture. God Knows. Or there is the dreaded theory off a spin-off... EDIT: I would agree with you there welsh gamer, i couldn't stand it when Martha was crying her heart out when that Hath sank into the quick sand, i felt it was a little over the top...
  16. I got my dualshock 3 off ebay. I got mine off a uk seller who had already imported them.
  17. Oh dear, i have really been looking forward to Haze as well! Well think i'll start my download ov the demo now, see what i think off it later on.
  18. Well i loaded the game up again before without signing out and it worked fine! Been on it for well over an hour and it ent froze! yay. No idea whats going on with that then...
  19. Cool episode! Once again i enjoyed it. Whats does everyone think about the split second glimpse of rose shouting 'Doctor' on the TARDIS screen in that episode? Another slight hint of things to come...
  20. Well out of nowhere my game wont load now. It goes through the artwork slideshows and when it says loading in the bottom left it just stays on the screen and wont do anything else. I read around so i signed out before loading the game and the game got me in the game. I then signed in and it frooze again. Just loaded it up again signed out but wtf? Whats wrong with it???
  21. Yer it does seem like we might finally hear something about extra memory for the wii. It has not yet been a problem for me but like mentioned above. With WiiWare round the corner the memory will soon go...
  22. First time id used online and it worked fine. However ever since i have tried to connect it wont let me...
  23. Yer thats fine, i have just sent you a friend invite. On GTA4 you can check if ur friends are playing on it if u click on invite, shows ur list of friends and has a gta4 logo next to there name if there on it. Flameboy invited me to a game and i got the invite while playing the single player! (First PS3 game i have played that has done that, normally you have to actually be in the multiplayer for it!) But yer i know what u mean, still nothing compared to the 360 XMB, bring on the update! Lol, looks i like i may lose some of my life into this game! I know... If home has been delayed though, could that mean that other things like this could be delayed?
  24. My thoughts also.... Anyway, unlucky to hear that. Did it just stop reading disks or did something happen to it?
  25. Yer sounds good! I had never even fired a gun until that multiplayer game... lol It's mind blowing the choice i have of things to do at the mo already! I'm still learning the diff stuff yet i have now played over 2 hours of it! Goin to take me awhile to getting used to driving with the handbrake turns...
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