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Everything posted by LegoMan1031

  1. My thoughts also. Very sneeky of them though, not even showing a trailer for next weeks episode at the end!
  2. lol, so funny rez! I vote this thread the thread of the year! (in terms of the amount of laughter i have got out of this).
  3. Tennent has been seen filming on set for the xmas special in his usual doctor outfit...
  4. Looking past what happened to the doctor, anyone else noticed donna could hear the sound of drums...
  5. When he first regenerated into tennent his hand was chopped off and fallen to earth but his arm grew back...
  6. OMG.............
  7. You have obviously met different women to me, all the women i seem to know love men going down on them! lol.
  8. Cool, what do you think of the new command wheel? I not had a proper go of it yet like i mentioned above. If your looking for someone extra to play with online then i'm up for some! I did have a quick look at the achievment list, i noticed they got some for skirmish mode now. Also whats the 'kanes challenge mode' like?
  9. Bought it yesterday, only had a chance to play the tutorial so far... I loved playing command & conquer 3. Just noticed this on play: http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox360/4-/3519282/Ninja-Gaiden-II/Product.html Very good price for ninja gaiden 2! I still not completed sigma yet on the ps3 though...
  10. Just been reading through this thread, some really funny comments here! Anyway, Just relax and do what comes natural at the time, if you get to stressed about it your 'solider' may not rise to the 'occation' so to speak. (disaster) Reading other ppls advise i agree and i wish i had done the ol wank before my first time (yes i was one of them males that inserted and it was over in like 5 seconds...) If that happens just do what i did, afterwords talk a little bit and then go again Foreplay is a good idea also, alot of women do seem to love that, and what you do you normally get something back in return, hehe.
  11. Well done. I remember when i passed my test 2 and ahalf years ago... such a good feeling. I used to drive my car as often as i could and 2 random places just because i could!
  12. Got the game today in the post yay! The sleeve came with it as well (which i wasn't expecting, i ordered from gameplay). Loved what i have played so far, it seems to load alot more than what melee did. I started off using the classic controller but now i'm using the knunchuk/wiimote, once i realised i could change the button layout i'm finding using that so much better!
  13. Oh yes new update! Oh wait...nothings changed, lol.
  14. Completed this game about half an hour ago. One word: Amazing!!! There is so much stuff i loved about it. I completed it in 19 and ahalf hours ish on Solid Normal difficulty. Does the game counter continue if u have paused the game or cut scene? Coz it didn't feel like i had played it that long but i could be wrong...
  15. Just started act 5! I'm 15 hours into it now, lol. Loving this game so much! Oh and this boss i had so much trouble with!
  16. Gliding in the air, shooting the laser on a wall and erm when doing the pirate dance? Oh and when u were hacking and had to roll that ball around (although for the last one i think i turned off the motion coz i found it 2 hard on the later ones, lol).
  17. I have been taking my time but 9 hours for act 1? How did you make it last so long??? I have played it loads today though i'm now on act 3 where
  18. When you think about it the doctor quite often doesn't save everyone but he does always try. I'm watching the episode again tonight coz my girlfriend was working late last night n didn't get to watch see. I dout i will change my mind on the opinion of the episode but oh well.
  19. Sounds boring and looks crap. Coming out on wii and ps2... how many times have we heard that one before...
  20. I think i may prefer the first island being the best. Maybe its just coz i could pretty much remember my way round the first one but not really for the others...
  21. I have just finished Act 1... Quite abit behind everyone else i see! lol.
  22. lol @ the list. Some games i agree with there around about positioning but i would agree that CoD4 is not the best game of all time but it is a bloody good fps!
  23. Might seem like a stupid question but what is a red dalek? How does it differ from a standard dalek?
  24. Great price for resistance! Good game to play through but playing it now i find it very... meh. Prob been spoiled by CoD4 though.
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