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Everything posted by LegoMan1031

  1. I left pretty soon after u. Only played the game for bout an hour at the time i think, when u sent the invite i thought why not. Entered it and was like wtf! lol. Did not know what the hell i was doing. Soon learnt i had to kill other ppl though... I was wondering if there was some kinda limit or anythin 2 it and yes that would of taken forever! When i died by a cop or somethin it took $100 off!
  2. When you sent me a invite before it came up on screen saying i had recieved a multiplayer invite. When i went on my phone and checked on the invite bit online it had ur name there showing it was u who had invited me.
  3. Not happy! Just rung my sister who missed it! It was getting sent special delivery (got the special edition one). She said she never heard the door and there was a slip from royal mail waiting on the floor! nooooooooooooooo. Goin to have to wait till tomoz now for me to go to get it from the sorting office.
  4. The Doctor being the last of the timelords and the time war. Could that possibly be the 'story arc over 4 series coming to a close'?
  5. Well like i kinda expected mine did not show today. A friend of mine just txt me to say he rung ASDA and they are putting the game on sale at midnight tonight so anyone looking for the game might want to try there nearest ASDA (if its a 24 hr store of course...)
  6. Thats what i thought but i got a e-mail off HMV saying they have dispatched it. And they gave me a royal mail tracking number. (i got this e-mail first thing this morning) Did they send you an e-mail?
  7. Like many of above my tracking number for royal mail wont work. I'm getting the same message as you Dyson (i have also ordered off HMV). I was hoping for an outside chance to get tomoz but doesn't look like it will be that way! I'm off work tomoz n all! Back in Tue and footie is on at night! ARHH
  8. Well i already have HotD 2 &3 but i not got ghost squad.... I might look into that actually. Thanks for that! Forgot about that game!
  9. I found mirror alot harder than 150cc. . .
  10. Congrats on getting a Wii! I use my VISA debit card all the time on there and it works. . . .
  11. Oh dear, just goes to show again that even if ur famous, doesn't mean your perfect.
  12. First class is 1-2 day delivery. (Although in most cases its 1 day)
  13. Excellent, i'm so happy now it has a release date! June shall be a good month... (MGS4 for PS3 as well as this!, yay!)
  14. Well places must be getting there deliveries sent in now. Was in ASDA before and they had the PS3 copies in, they were security tagging them (not for sale like, behind counter). Maybe someone somewhere may sneak one out early then....
  15. Cooooooooooooooooooooool. Looking forward to May 9th now then!!!
  16. Oh right. I will have to look into it more then. Would be a shame if it is shit, like i said i love playing them in the arcades. I never did like the colour of the gun from the pics i have seen though.
  17. I agree with that comment, lol.
  18. Yer i have heard stores on the TV and on the net (i heard the theory that mobile phones are to blaim). I just got a feeling that coz they have mentioned it more than once now in this series and they like the good old hints e.g. Bad wolf, that there going to come up with some kinda 'Doctor Who reason' for it if u get me.
  19. I am enjoying this new series! They do seem to be dropping a hint in every single episode at the moment! The whole bee thing is quite weird...
  20. Happy St Georges Day! I'm doin nothin special really. When i finish work i will also be watchin the united match tonight.
  21. I looked through a few pages and i couldn't see a thread for this game. Has anyone played it? Whats the gun like that you get with the game? I love playing these games in the arcade and i'm seriously thinking about getting it, i just don't like the £60 price tag, even if it does come with a gun... Any thoughts?
  22. Yer that does sound like it, i just couldn't think on how to describe it! (I read the link). I got my PS3 hooked up via HDMI. I noticed the sound throughout the whole game but if i remember rightly it was the first half that was worse off.
  23. Good game, played it on PS3. I wouldn't say it was as good or better than the first Condemned. Strange Cookie- I did not read up on any sound problems the PS3 one had but i did notice something wasn't right. Every now and then or continuasly for abit was this kinda pffff sound that lasted like a second and did it repeatidly. Was not ment to be part of the game i could tell. I would assume this is the sound problem with the PS3 version? I bought mine at launch (PAL version).
  24. My thoughts exacly flameboy...
  25. Well there is a surprise... lol.
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