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Girly hiyaz!~ Gamer

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Everything posted by Girly hiyaz!~ Gamer

  1. hahahah i love south park so much.
  2. no online please. no no no no no no no no no no.
  3. I think this is the only thing that would make it pretty near perfect
  4. What a small world.
  5. Sorry, I guess I should have just said worst list ever.
  6. Multiplayer / WiFi is the worst thing that has ever happened to "Metroid"
  7. bonerboys II mario sunshine luigis mansion~
  8. Because it says nowhere it the rules that you aren't allowed to state your opinion, it be positive or negative.
  9. Yeah, this is no doubt one of the best albums of the past 20 years.
  10. I got that VIP pack and it so wasn't worth it.
  11. This thread really creeped me out because 1) I was looking for this tracklisting a little while ago and found nothing 2) I had Heart Shaped Box on my head when I clicked this thread
  12. It's like the real life version of Tingle
  13. LOL WTF IS UP YALL :horse: + boners rulz
  14. It's a cutie.
  15. Keep Refreshing
  16. Over 97.8% of Nintendo fans were dissapointed in this conference.
  17. I called it the revolution the other day
  18. I too never knew about this. Explains alot!
  19. *cry* 1010101010
  20. You know its gonna be a zelda cheatbook or poster or something.
  21. That looks awesome. Wish they stuck some metroid stuff in there though. And i dont see mario...
  22. I want the last one so I can play it whenever someone fucks something up.
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