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Girly hiyaz!~ Gamer

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Everything posted by Girly hiyaz!~ Gamer

  1. I only like the Xbox one they did. Maybe it's because the other ones are not extended yet, but I just don't find those very entertaining.
  2. Just goto the IGN boards for impressions. All seems fantastic.
  3. You can 100% use the Nintendo dongle, it's on their official site. Let me find the link... The nintendo site is down atm. http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/wii/en_na/onlineUSBabout.jsp
  4. the headset
  5. that was a great feed.
  6. ahahahahh the guy asks what the deal was with the 8.8 score
  7. both. not played the snes version since i was younger though.
  8. nice. wasn't expecting it untill sunday. LMAO
  9. this is possibly the funniest moment in gaming history.
  10. hahahahaha
  11. lol @ this situation
  12. i had a dream about this game the other night. can't wait.
  13. i totally missed something. why is red steel getting "bad" scores? is it the controls?
  14. no weather channel at launch???!!?! fuck the wii. what a useless piece of trash.
  15. I watched at Bluewater today. Some old guy played golf (with great difficulty, it seemed). It kinda worried me a bit, but it won't put me off. And the girl worker there was really pretty
  16. ---- hi! tony here~ lol. i see yall keep bringing up the discussion of the blue light in ur wii consoles. well worry no more as here all of ur questions will be asnswered! LOL yall are too much~ fuck~ QUESTION 1 - HI MY NAME IS BRIAN AND I AM FROM ILASCKA AND I HERD WII DOESNT HAVE BLU LIGHT IS THIS TRUE~ THANKX IN ADVACNE PLZ~ hi timmy. well that is not tru at all. the will does have a blue light and it comes on when u start ur wee console up and that is all that is known at this time. whether there is the option to have it on all the time is unown. i have texted shigeru on his cell phone and he said we'd discuss it during recess tomorrow but i haven't heard from him much lately~ --- hi!~ i'm the evil blue guy that has bad teth and will try 2 take ur lunch money~ oooh no your didn't~! ur crazy kid thx for visiting my threead site~
  17. i'm going to the bluewater one. i'll be the one with the boner
  18. i really don't see the greatness of muse shows.
  19. I think they are the best band going right now - definatly the best live band. Clouds and TSB remain in my top 5 albums of all time easily.
  20. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10181 hi~
  21. I just want this Prime series to be over with ASAP.
  22. Borat - 11/10 much better than expected.
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