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Everything posted by Deku-Nutz
JUST unboxed my shiny new 3DS! My friend code is 5284-1423-2266 ... if anyone wants to add me Happy Gaming!!!
You know, I think the main problem veteran fans have is that Doctor Who has changed. Not only has the Doctor 'Regenerated' but so has the way the show works. Lets not forget, its been a long time since the series ran consistantly. A lot has changed, and unfortunately for some SO has Doctor Who. It's hardly difficult to see WHY its changed. Watch classic Dr Who with any kids nowadays and compare it to the two new series. Some may not be as uninterested as most but I think you will find that most kids will not connect like they do to Modern Who. Doctor Who is being MADE for a new generation. It's catering the hardcore fan as well as it can in this new climate.. Daleks, Cybermen, Living Dolls or whatever they are.. Sarah-Jane... But ultimately its starting afresh. Its hitting at its target audience, the KIDS!!! This is a FAMILY programme. Who here has a parent of relative who has told of those 'I was hiding behing the sofa' stories from when they were younger? I can imagine quite a few. Now they are the adults. My dad turned his nose up at one new episode because apparently "Doctor Who was never full of this romantic bullshit". Maybe he is entirely right, infact old Doctor Who's are hilariously sexist and authoritarian. Not that sexism is funny but... bleh... ANYWAY al I am trying to illustrate here is that those who grew up with old doctor will find it hard to ajust to the new one. Its very different. We saw thw same thing with Star Wars Episodes I to III. OLDER fans were bemused, annoyed... BETRAYED while the younger generation lapped it up. It may be a sad truth but TV is not only there for our entertainment but for its own well being. It is out to get ratings, to create fan bases... Look at the merchandising of Dr Who! It's EVERYWHERE!!! And don't say its more shameless than 30 odd years ago cause it still existed then. Things must change. Sad but true. It's so human to be angry, scared and frustrated with change but thats life. We loose things were dearly loved all the time. Sometimes they expire, sometimes we outgrow them... I'm afraid that perhaps a lot of your angry fans have simply outgrown Dr Who., or certainly the path it is taking now. But maybe if its such bad television it isn't such a bad thing. Quite frankly as soon as I read the Radio Times special before Season (New) 2 came out and I saw it had a Werewolf episode I was immidietly Bias.. sad but true. And I religiously watched it from 1st to 13th. I didn't do that for the 1st one, I tell you that much.
I'm glad I just watched the show, instead of disecting it. That way I enjoyed corny, over the top british Sci-Fi with a heart rending finale. I'm not ashamed to mention that the ending had me on the verge of tears. It was just so fantastic, the performances from Billie and David. So even if there were plot holes and blue daleks I really couldn't give a blip. I actually came here expecting to see some emotional responses LOL Even though I am a nerd, I realise that I am not THAT much of a nerd now. Hurray!
As much as I enjoy RE4 this better not be a 4.5 affair. I doubt it is, but then again you never know. Capcom aren't going to take too big a risk with their first few games. I never played Gun Survivor but from what I am hearing its a bad thing... Although Zelda seems to manage quite well with Wii controls, Resident Evil always had that bizzare control set up that wouldn't work so well with 1 analog stick. Hmmmm........ I really don't know....... not getting my hopes up too much.
After the first shots... How do you feel?
Deku-Nutz replied to david.dakota's topic in Nintendo Gaming
I am loving the shots and the idea of Red Steel. I am a little unsure about peoples reservations... the drawing symbols only applies to special katana moves right? and can hardly be compared to a button mashing mini game from GTA. As for Red Steel not offering anything new... well I fail to see how this comment works. It is set to be the first FPS to utalise the FHC. Is this a light gun game? No you fool because a lightgun game runs on Rails ... This is a FPS. You have never had this type of control before in a console game. And as for things getting familiar... well things DO! We can only bath in the glow of newness for so long... the fact is that once we are used to the Revo controller we could very well be familiar with a superior control method. I got no problems with that. -
Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)
Deku-Nutz replied to EchoDesiato's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Just found something that makes me a little ... upset. OK OK its just a retailers random? release date but... well Amazon.co.uk seem to think that Twilight Princess is coming on... NOVEMBER 24th!!! So like I said... just random retailer speculation... BUT... think about it... when is a likely release date of Rev? Well I think its closer to the Years end and I also think Zelda will be part of the launch strategy. This all makes a strange sense... I hope I don't have to wait till November to play this game... -
It has always bugged me... Nintendo codenaming their CPU n GPU... its like... why bother if its a souped up Gamecube? Why even CAUSE the buzz that they do by giving them SPECIAL names. The CELL processor is supposed to be AMAZING! The name is fairly well known now... and so is the Broadway and Hollywood. But we no nothing about the last two, and when we do will it BE that great??? You see, a simple part of my brain says "There MUST be something special about this, a clues in the names, yada yada" and I kind of hope there is, cause I like suprises but then again I am not really EXPECTING anything HUGE to come up... What do you guys think? IS there something big waiting to be revealed? Is there a clue in the names? Or is this just a case of souped up Cube chips with silly names???
Oh of course they will be Next Gen, its a Next Gen console. There is always the difference in power with each generation, but the difference is NOT that different. The super beef that 350 has and PS3 has is mostly for HD gaming. People don't seem to realise what a massive pool of resources the console requires to Churn out the GFX... ALl 3 will look great, some better, some worse... Revo will be the ONLY one with Nintendo games and THAT controller GOod enough for me... and for my final fantasy and metal gear I will get the PS3 eventually. Simple As. The fact that the Gamecube was a SMALL, Underpowered console but STILL managed to get numerous praises for its optimisation should hint at what the Revo will be able to do. Underpowered it may be, its not going to look half as bad as these 'Numbers' might lead you to believe. Wait and SEEEEEE!!! ^^
I just don't see people beeing turned off by Revo's lack of muscle compared to the other two competitors. Once apon a time, I used to think different.. and I was kind of dreading DS's release in europe, thinking "Great, an amazingly imaginative piece of kit is going to be ignore for the sake of Sony's offering..." I am happily eating my words, which has awakened me to something that I think will spell a sucess for Revolution. Power isn't everything! Its a simple statement but it seems true enough for the DS, which outsells the PSP in nearly every region. With its DIFFERENT interface, its CHEAP price point and obviously the bells and whistles it has found a place in a hell of a lot of homes since its launch. The same will happen for Revolution I think. People are going to see games that will only work on Revo... just like they did with Nintendogs on the DS. They are going to see an incredibly tempting price for a discreet little box and say "Why not?". People say they can't afford two consoles. Well by NEXT GEN pricing standards the Revo only equates to just about HALF the price of the Standard Xbox 360 package (If IGN's dirt digging be believed) so it won't be much to save up for will it? I certainly do not believe that any one person would NEED to choose one console and stick to it. Not if they have their own income anyway. back to the PSP briefly, another thing that the DS has proved is Coexistence. DS and PSP are just so different that they hardly really compete in the same field. I think PSP is more in a tug-o-war with Apple and other Media Playing devices than it is GBA and DS. Both handhelds sell well, they exsist together WELL. I don't think either is really doing either one harm. Just keeping the other on its toes. I think the same thing can happen for Revo. Although the console market is a far more crowded place than handheld, coexsistence can still happen. Hopefully with Nintendo constantly stating their path ISN'T to battle Sony and Microsoft with BEASTLY Tech people will start to listen, looking for other things in the Revolution. It IS competition, but its also so completely different that even if you DID own the 360 or PS3.. You would be warrenting the purchase of Rev purely for the unique entertainment it offers. Whether this is just wishful thinking or Fact, waiting to happen I really don't know... I know what I would like to happen, and we can only really wait and see. Oh, and one last thing. Lets not worry about LOW numbers just yet. I want to see what the games LOOK like to pass judgement. Although the numbers can tell us a lot of what to expect, it hardly paints the image we are gonna se when we boot up the software... so lets Wait... and Literally SEE ^^
I'm not sure if I care or not, about this new info. I mean I can happily play Wind Waker and completely love every aspect of its presentation. I can't look at the GFX and say... This doesn't look so great, with more power it could look better... and so the point I am making IS... If Nintendo continue to craft games that exsist comfortably in their own shells, then I am happy as larry... no matter how shiny and crisp the next FPS on 360 is... All I want from Revolution is this new gameplay aspect that has been promised, and I will get it. I also want great games. Which is kind of Nintendo's buisness so I am not worried there either. Do I want a media centre? YES! But I have one, its my comp. My comp that is my Jukebox, my Picture Album... I don't need a console to do all these things Again. I think the best thing to expect from Revo is a games machine. Its just like Gamecube. It didn't bother me that it had no DVD player, cause I had a DVD player... and the Cube was a very nice price WITH great games. The rev will be the same. It's not nudging me into buying a HD TV I cannot afford and for that I am greatful. Its just offering Nintendo with a new way to play. Maybe its cause I am an older gamer... (That TOO old mind you =P) But I am open to something different. I had pretty much watched games evolve in a fairly linear fashion, with the odd spurt of innovation. Nintendo tended to be at the forefront of the innovation and they appear to be in that same position still. I am not disregarding Sony or Microsoft, but I needen't acknowledge them when I am purely talking about Nintendo. As soon as people stop this ridiculous notion of games machines being these Warriors, caught up in a bloody battle.. then the gaming world will be a better place. Gamecube apparently LOST THE CONSOLE WAR, but was I any worse off from it? I still get my Mario fix, I still get the great games, I still get Zelda to the next level! What have I missed from the Cube apparently LOOSING? Nothing. Nintendo didn't back down because Nintendo ignore this western invented WAR. Companies are out to better each other, sure. But don't forget to enjoy whats out there. It's also not insane to need different things from the same market. I love Nintendo's style, I also love RPG's and so I look elsewhere. Its unrealistic to expect all from one source. In the gaming world anyway. No one console has EVERYTHING. Its just some consoles tack on other things, to fool consumers into thinking they need it (Blu-Ray, Media Center)... they DONT need these things. Sony outright SAID that they will use PS3 as a way of insering Blu-Ray into people's homes, thus breeding the format. Does this sound like a company that wants to dazzle its consumer with new and exciting things? It sounds to me that they want to force yet another SONY made format, so that it can reap future benefits and premote, premote, premote. Never the less, PS3 will have games that won't BE on the Revo, and so I will look to Sony to cater. The bottom line is, Nintendo will deliver. Don't think less power will interfere. Revo won't have every game, might not have a fraction of the games PS3 has... and yet, at a price around $100-150 (IGN.com) being thrown about by developers, is this a problem??? I am more than happy to pay that price for a new way of playing with my most favorite franchies, even at the cost of not having the graphics shine like the pixels within are dusted with party glitter... I will enjoy the revolution and I will enjoy all the other franchises I have followed as well. What we all need to except is... that we may need to look to more than one port of call. Nintendo knows this, Iwata has said Revo can exsist as a second console... and with this predicted price point... I whole heartedly agree. STOP looking at this next generation as a PICK ONE CONSOLE affair. If you do, you're missing out big time...
I knew it. everyone got there hopes up and pop, bubble has burst.
1 - Majora's Mask (The Legend of Zelda) A blissfully deep, dark and demented trip into the Zelda universe. 2 - Pokemon Sapphire I cant grow out of Pokemon! Can't!!! I tried!!! And this one was GREAT!!! 3 - A Link to the Past (The Legend of Zelda) First Zelda game I played. First time the Zelda magic touched me. 4 - Super Mario Sunshine Haha, I don't carw what you say I like this game. Colourful, fun and my first trip into 3D Mario. 5 - Animal Crossing Addictive!!! AGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Shigzy is at some japanese University on 2nd Dec isn't he? WHY oh WHY did people start beliving he would use that to advertise Revo.??
I want the red or green one myself. Although I kinda know Nintendo wont release those colours initially (if ever) so White it is for me.
Well unless you are a Techno-Freak HOW would you know anyway? I mean can you map out the size of your average Gamecube Level by knowing some Numbers! No you can't, and the same applies to Revo. I think the truth is that Revo is Less than 360 and PS3, and Nintendo don't want to bugger things up by admitting this to shallow people who are just after BIGGER NUMBERS! They are going to show their games, show you how it works and then the numbers wont matter. We don't NEED to be able to predict how big Revo games will be, thats completely pointless!!! Its obvious they will be fairly Big... Excuses, Excuses
You'll seeeeeeeeeee... But if you really wanna know... Whats with the super thin Quote boxes anyway...
Hmmm... I am all for discussing the best thing on TV at the mo but why drop in tempting Spoilers just for the sake of doing it? Especially things that couldn't have happened either in UK or USA. I think America are on Episode 5 or 6 of series 2? I have seen all of number 1 and 3 eps of 2. I have to say, the programme is great! Its so exciting!!! I don't quite understand Dharma. I suppose that will be a HUGE mystery like..forever. Its a really scary idea though. Imagine being responsable... Ugh... so often you have to...Never getting more than...of sleep...So ANNOYING!!!... Classy Show!!!
No to ALL of the choices. Retarded poll.
Molyneux again on the Revolution Controller
Deku-Nutz replied to system_error's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Oh I forgot about Black and White on DS! =D yay. Well its all great n stuff saying Rev will be perfect for this and that but its all just words unless Nintendo actually manage to sell their console to developers. I would LOVE Black and White 2 and all that, lets see if Nintendo handle this wave of possitivity well. -
Very grown up to say that but you realise its completely untrue. Ocarina wouldn't be the game it is if it wasn't 3D, Resident Evil 4 wouldn't be half as popular if it still used Pre-Rendered GFX... Graphics do a lot for a game, its just how they are used that counts.
Official: Capcom Stabs Us In The Back
Deku-Nutz replied to david.dakota's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Its a known fact that LATE ports often need incentive content. Not a big deal. I prefered playing Res 4 early than have Ada's pointless shinanigans and some Ray gun. Infinite Rockets are all I need > -
Baten Kaitos Origins Official Thread
Deku-Nutz replied to Stocka's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Eleborate! Geez.. What problems??? I loved the system but I often found it a little annoying when in a defensive turn I would only have NON defensive weps and then would have to get Beat up bad. Then again its all about how you manage your Deck. Overall though the System is just Frantic, Super Cool! And the best turn based system I have seen for a long time. Its so frantic sometimes it seems close to Real Time. Baten Kaitos II is just like... the best news right now. I still haven't completed the 1st yet, but I am nearly there. ^^ -
Microsoft's Peter Moore praises Nintendo's Revolution controller
Deku-Nutz replied to Stocka's topic in Nintendo Gaming
HAHAHA!!!! Although its nice to here praise, its really FUNNY to see lots of you guys suddenly saying "Awww, yeah I like Microsoft, they're not as nasty as Sony.." LoL. Funny Stuff.