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Everything posted by Deku-Nutz

  1. So everyone says... she dies in less than a minute of being in the battle, she does NOT obliterate the elementals like everyone suggests... so HOW exactly is she so amazing??
  2. Bionis give me strength... I am STUCK! I have hit a few brick walls in this game but this one takes the biscuit...
  3. Jimquisition... Seriously that arse scraping needs to have his voice silenced. He is utter trash... and my GOD how pretentious does he look with those fucking glasses??? He is an ambassador for Gamers... and what a terrible shame that is.
  4. wow, way to piss on your own point. It doesn't need to be an aggressive thing "Rawrrr!!! SHUT UP, RELATE TO A GAY CHARACTER!!!" It's not about forcing someone to do something they aren't comfortable with, it's about it being a natural thing in the industry to have Gay or Straight or whatever... and it not be an exibition or a problem. Obviously this is more complicated because different types of games and different genres are far more applicable than others... like in harvest moon, I am as irritated as I am understanding about only being able to marry a woman... but in a game like Mass Effect??? Only women are allowed to have same sex relationships? and it wasn't as some sort of liberation for lesbians, it was selling girl on girl to the young lads... Hey it's sci-fi, but it has lesbo alien sex... When the game came out it's ALLL people were saying about it..
  5. What is your argument for this dissertation? I don't really get what it is you are investigating... the relationship between gay men and games... but to what end? I thought you would need to pose a question... like "Why are game developers and publishers afraid of The Gay Hero" or something...? Just as some fodder for the fire here are my very general two pence on the subject... I mean I don't really NEED Nathan Drake to be Gay, because I feel like I am playing a very well written story and I am NOT Drake... I am happy for him to knock boots with women and so on... BUT I do think having a big game like this with a Gay protagonist would be a massive leap forward, and why not? Well same reason the FA are terrified of footballers coming out.. MONNEEEEYYYYY!!! Imagine Marcus and Dom ACTUALLY being lovers in Gears of War? They flirt with it already, but would never risk doing it outright incase their 18+ male audience didn't like it (and with the amount of homophobia rampant on Online play, my guess is they wouldn't) On the flip side if I am playing a game where I am building the character, even in the most limited sense, then I bloody well want to choose who he flirts with, kisses, shags, marries... why the hell not? I loved Lionhead Studio for giving me the freedom to choose... I shrug with pity at Bethesda for taking so fucking long... For me if it's relevant then I want the choice. I don't feel like I NEED Lara Croft or some massive character to BE gay but I challenge a developer to be Brave enough and prove that it ISN'T a big deal... because it's not. The amount of straight people who say "Ohhh the gays want this and that but don't want their sexuality to be a big deal... hypocrits" but miss the point... I think when we are at a stage where people play a game and roll with the Character in whatever form they take, sex, weight, sexuality... then that will be a good place...
  6. Aww sorry to hear you had a shit time of it in the queue... sounded like a nightmare... Funnily enough I DID push in, although i didn't realise it... haha but only for the game competition... which I ended up winning, hurrah! Photo with the tardis??? had to be done Although the red faced David Tennent look 'a' like scared me off... haha
  7. Aww man, I don't check the forums enough I did go... but I was REALLY late!!! I got there after 3 and missed Hironobu Sakaguchi... pretty gutted... BUT I tried out The Last Story... won a copy of the game signed... lol I didn't even realise... the Nintendo Rep had to tell me about 5 times hahaha Was well chuffed. Happened in 5 minutes of me being there. Sorry Josh I would have been well up for meeting Maybe we can arrange something else in the near future.
  8. Nah, I don't think so... I would imagine shops to be well stocked... I mean the creator is in UK to promote the game! They seem to want it to do well!
  9. I want this game A Reprint will at least drive the Import prices down... I think?
  10. When I saw the Circle Pad bundle with Resi Evil on Zavvi I pre-ordered it instantly... I haven't had any inclination to buy or not buy but since it was FREE with the game I thought... Do it! So anyway I played the Demo of Resi without the Circle pad and was thinking... hmmm... today I booted the Full game up WITH the Circle Pad and it's an obvious improvement... it's fantastic even! It's huge and ugly BUT it feels fantastic! I love the button placements... I love how light it is... it plays like a dream!!! In short, Circle Pad can not be recommended enough!!!
  11. Aha... I'd rather not pay nearly £40 really but to be honest it beats £50 to £70 offered on ebay... sheesh :S Thanks for the tip off thought!!!
  12. Gutted I couldn't get this game when it came out... it's a nightmare to find, even online... I have an order with Zavvi at the moment... >_> urgh
  13. Sadness...
  14. Don't get people not enjoying Sunshine...
  15. @Hamishmash I do agree, I like levels that feel like they are part of the world but the world in Skyward sword is old... perhaps in future titles they can experiment with that concept, a little like how the Twilight levels worked in TP... the village for instance, which became a level in itself and navigating it as the Wolf, looking for the tears was littered with little puzzles... The idea of the Surface world was that it was devoid of civilization.. so perhaps it wasn't the best game to try out some of the ideas you are suggesting, as interesting as they may be. As for temples... well perhaps you were taking it a little too literally... the word I mean, and even if the word is to be taken 100% literally I always saw the temples in Zelda to be of the upmost importance... not something for a lowly peasent to go in and out at will... hence traps and puzzles.
  16. It saddens my heart to see so much nitpicking about one of the best Zelda games in years, it really does. Anyway, I think this argument about overworlds and where dungeons begin etc is a little pointless... I don't believe we were ever told that we wouldn't KNOW when we entered a dungeon or not, because of how seemless it is... I think it was meant in the sense that that kind of puzzle solving would exist as part of the larger scope of the world and that indeed was the case... it was done fantastically. I think if anyone is struggling to see how the Overworld is like a Dungeon in SS then they are taking it a little too literally... it isn't meant in the sense that... Oh look, lots of rooms and keys and a boss and an item... it's just meant in the same sort of Puzzle solving progression that is USUALLY isolated in the Dungeons of past Zelda games... I know we have seen it before, in past games, to some extent... but Skyward Sword took it to a new level and had by far the best execution of this idea... @Grazza Let me let you into a little secret... I fooking HATE desert levels... in ANYTHING haha :P I really do, they deperess me... they make me sad... Skyward Sword really pulled something out of the hat for me with the Time Stone idea... it made that area one of my favourite in the whole game, and I am far more Foresty in my tastes of areas in games... Twilight Princess had a vast, beautiful desert... but honestly? How long did you spend there? The idea of having lots of different areas is great I really missed a Snowy region in Skyward Sword for instance... BUT... after sliding down the slope and entering the Mansion in Twilight Princess, did we ever experience that gorgeous area again? Not really... why create something so wonderful for it to be visited once?? And I know that you will tell me that you spent hours drinking in the beauty of these areas in Twilight Princess... but I just find it hard to believe that the majority of people did that... or even if they did (I spent a while gawping at some of the scenery, it was stunning!!! Even with people nitpicking about textures...) it was a brief stay, then on to somewhere NEW. Skyward Sword left you with much less variety in the Areas (When I first heard it was Forest, Volcano and Desert I nearly died inside) but when you actually play the game and go to these areas they don't appear small... Nintendo has made the areas believably huge, even if they dont take you 20 minutes to cross from one side to the other... it's very immersive and very clever, and everytime you have to go back to them they offer something very new! Don't you think that the game could have been done with 6 or 9 areas? each one containing the different gameplay mechanics on display during the multiple visits to the areas? Well sure, they could... but by not doing that it made these areas seem real and alive and bigger and bigger everytime you go there. I'm sad more people didn't see it like this really, but you can't please everyone... my fear? Nintendo will listen... it was narrow minded nitpicking that killed Nintendo's confidence in Wind Wakers style... and it robbed me of a true sequel to one of the most amazing games I have ever experienced... (I still remember getting giddy seeing a Future Games segment in ONM and seeing a picture from Wind Waker and their title of the game as Wind Waker 2... probably due to nintendo saying they were using the engine) If Nintendo actually thinks they did wrong with Skyward Sword then I will spit... haha... and I realise that Nintendo isn't in the habit of releasing direct sequels or even using the same Art Style in their major console releases... but hey, we got Majoras Mask from OOT... we could have had something similar from Wind Waker... Oh well
  17. I seem to remember the same thing for Xenoblade Chronicles... but this is leaving it a little late >_>
  18. OK I have added... @lost mario @Mokong X\-C @reZource @S.cookie @thebard @\-Dem0\- @HeroOfTime @Adthegreat @Dyson @Jimbob ...so far
  19. Hmm... the thing is Skyward Sword proved what could be done with smaller locations... and fewer! I know people complain about retreading footsteps in that game but you rarely (if ever) returned to one of the three area's and did the same thing in the same place... in fact it was mostly a wildly different experience! Anyway... my point is that even though I look forward to HD Zelda... well, HD everything from Nintendo... I don't think VAST OPEN SPACES serve Zelda very well at all... If TP was in HD would people have complained less about it's lifeless chunks of land? Well yes... because the same issues exist. As long as they can make large, yet dense areas with plenty of LIFE in them then great... but a huge overworld does not a great Zelda make.. especially if it isn't filled with anything!!! Wind Waker had a map that was too large but got away with it because the feeling of sailing the sea was incredible! If it had that sized map, with just grassland or something and you had to ride Epona across it, rarely finding anything of note it would be such a different story... Urghh, but anyway... as inperfect as the DS Zelda's were, they warmed my heart for being sequels to one of my favourite Zeldas so a 3D addition or a topdown edition on 3DS that follows that timeline? graphical style?? yes please!
  20. I have to admit... Bit shocked with the Xenoblade soundtrack Nintendo offered for download... Really short... A full soundtrack would be nice... Especially if the price of the limited is quite a bit higher.
  21. What a nice surprise it was to see this today... this being the Limited Edition of the game... I was hoping for something like that, although initially I saw the box and thought... another controller??? Nunchuck?????? haha so I'm glad it's CD and Book, although yeah... would be nice if it retailed at £40 since most are selling Standard for £30 but who cares... I am gagging for this game... just about to complete Xenoblade Great timing.
  22. Hey Guys I have a shiny new White 3DS!!! My console code is... at the side... haha
  23. My 3DS username is KABLAMOO :)

  24. If you want enhancements how about being mayor? I know it's been thrown around a lot but apparently it's true... And with it cones more direct village customisation... I reckon you start with a bare bones town and later choose to add lamp-posts, and benches... And I'm hoping you have to choose where they go also... Even that would be enough for me... I buy every version anyway so I will absolutely get this, no question.
  25. I don't need another classic controller but I'm all over the bundle pack... Can't help myself with things like that. I got the treasure chest for MH3 as well haha im a sucker.
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