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Everything posted by Deku-Nutz
I actually think that game might make it over the pond...
What a dream team of games!
He looks badass in Black!
Hahaha I actually waved a little white flag to that boss in the end... I beat the last boss... was good enough for me since the game was brutal... but man did I love it! I have been desperate for the second part but it's VERY expensive!!! I have jumped to the 3rd game because you can still get that fairly cheap (i got mine for £20) I LOVE Etrian Odyssey... so very much And I will spit if the 4th one doesn't come out in this country...
Hahaha I think we're on to something here! Aww you can't blame them for making similar designs once in a while, it's going to happen every so often. I like her design really.
To me she looks like a distant cousin of...
Thanks guys!! OK so like some sort of slap around the face of a sign a Gym has opened over the road from me... so I won't be getting fit just walking there but yeah, I took a look inside and it's a pretty raw placebut the equipment is all really good... it's huge too! What to do though? As I said my biggest issue is lack of direction and just generally not knowing WHAT to do... is it best to spread my body over a few days, like concentrating on one area per day... or to create a whole body workout that I do every other day??? This is where I really need specific ideas from you guys please!
I really want to lose weight then bulk up... but lack any serious guidance... it's all a bit overwhelming but it's something I really want to do... I have tried doing fitness training and weight lifting but I just lack any sort of experience... What I am asking in a round about way is whether anyone could start me on a mission, a weight loss crusade. I'm not looking to lose masses, only 3 stone or so... but I am starving for advice... so please help!
Of course you can rely on ShopTo and pretty much any Online place. It's only the actual highstreet shops that are doomed.
Iron Man was the only decent Avengers lead up film... and by decent I mean fantastic! Thor was OK, Captain America left me cold... Incredible Hulk was... um... ok I suppose? Anyway, they are smart to make Downey Jr the focus on the poster, since his Tony Stark is almost universally loved... even if the film is supposed to be focused mostly on Cap's perspective... *shudder*
Majora's Mask is my favourite Zelda game. Back when this website was known as Cube-Europe I think part of a love letter to the game I wrote got used as a quote in some list of the 100 greatest games or whatever it was... haha Seriously, I am in love with a videogame and it is THIS. ( Sorry Sheikah, it's those dreaded caps ;P ) I think the stand out moment for me, the moment that made me almost melt out of my own skin was on the last day, when you first challenge Skull Kid on the tower... the MUSIC! The feeling of utter dread as you flail about with no clue how to stop the freakin' moon! The timer zooming down... I was young-ish when I played this. I had no clue about the game, I genuinely believed that it was THEN or NEVER to beat this villain... Nothing like it. Also I had my first heart palpitation while playing this game... haha... I thought my heart had stopped... Random Fact.
Yeah I do get that... but I know what Nintendo or Gamefreak are like with their enthusiastic wording. Platinum was billed as... NEW ADVENTURE, it's even on the website still... but it only had a few additions and the dimension thing... but that was not a new story was it? So until I see it in black and white (pun... sort of intended) I am just taking this as the same old affair with the 3rd release. Having a 2 on the end doesn't really say anything radical or different. It's a new tact for them, sure. Anyway... all the 3rd releases have had more subsantial, newer content... including plotline.. and the amount of new stuff has gradually increased over releases... so perhaps they really are going balls out with this. I am actually more than happy to retread the same Land, with the same pokemon if they hav a significantly different plot... I guess we shall wait and see... I suppose my question would be... if it is the same region, completely new story... well... is that really enough? Because surely it will still follow the same route around the map... or do you think they will mix things up a little?? I'm not being argumentative, really :P I just need to see more details to actually believe that it is ditching the trend that most 3rd releases have had.
Well when I said about it being your average 3rd entry... as in Same game but tweaks and additions here and there, new story... you said it wasn't just that? Surely if it has all the same pokemon, save a few new forms and stuff then it IS just what we have always come to expect from the 3rd entry.. I know this is a new take on it, as in two versions.. but still
No? So you reckon (Know) it's a new region or something? :P I suppose my dream would be... a new region, next to Unova... akin to how the first and second game worked I suppose? Black and White felt like a soft Reboot, and it worked really well for me... so to have a sequel, follwing on this reboot, with the NEW 150 odd, plus a few new ones... would be dreamy indeed. Either way I have only been dissapointed by one generation, that being IV... so it's a good track record and I have confidence that I will love whatever this turns out to be.
Number 15... respectable indeed! I'm hoping the numbers of Japan, Europe and USA combined are decent enough to warrant mistwalker working with Nintendo again... I am loving this game, and would absolutely adore a continuation... I know in Japan it sold a 200'000+ which is... respectable I guess, but would have been nice if it were more... curious to see how well it does in Europe.
Agreed! Ohhh I'm excited now Even if it is just your average 3RD entry, I still dig this.
Never would have guessed I haven't had any slow down to th levels in which you are describing but perhaps I will see it soon enough, just playing it now
Finally beat Xenoblade (crowd sympathetically 'awww's') Booted up The Last Story... I have played through the opening chapters and just gotta the pub. So far? I'm really digging the look of the game. Character models are really good! Best thing so far, presentation wise, are voice overs. They're fantastic! And they give the characters life and heart... Really loving them. The battle system is superb as well!! Gonna like this one I think... Oh and the facial expressions... Excellent. Watched the other half playing Dead Island the other day... You know, one of those HD games... lol the characters in that game all must be on heavy doses of Botox because they don't emote even a fraction of what the Last Story chars do... Further proof that a skilled artist can do wonders with any canvas, if the passion is there.
Hadn't heard that but that sounds great! And who would a thunk it... As soon as I got my party to focus on one target they fell with ease. I would say that there was still a challenge and it was still a frantic and nerve bitin battle, even when doing it right haha And that ending?
Aww man, Serebii?? I love your website, been on it for yearsssss... never knew you were a member of these Forums, how cool as for the possibility of Hoenn being in these games... well... I seriously never thought about that but it would be random and amazing. Not sure how it would fit in though... I'm really not sure about ANYTHING at the moment! I'm quite excitied about these games though...
Congrats!!! I felt GOOD when that git was taken down! And Burny... um... No! lol You're right though I really SHOULD look at the manual :P My problem is I open a gamebox, grab the disk and then keep them all in a wallet... and the lovely boxs are displayed around the house... basically I'm too lazy most of the time to go grab the box, open it up and look at the manual... haha, the consequence of which is that I suffer in games :P ... gonna give it another try tonight!
That is some seriously dreamy cover-art, no pun intended. This will be my first Spin-Off purchase... I was tempted by the Roxas one on DS, but never got round to getting it... but I am not missing ANY game oppertuities on the 3DS since I was an early adopter and... well... bought 1 game for a year? haha... It's lovely to finally have games!!!
Random point... but I LOVE how crisp and clean the menus are... for equipment and the like... STILL haven't booted this up, since I am currently tackling...