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Everything posted by motion

  1. That's funny cause I remember buying Solomon's Key in the shops. Amazing game.
  2. Sorry, what was a lie?
  3. No my point was that's what Zelda games are about. Going around collecting things. 1st part of TP: collecting fused shadows. 2nd part of TP: collecting mirror pieces. Same with LOZ, AOL, ALTTP, MC etc etc..
  4. Well I suppose there isn't much point to a microphone. I guess it was just a throw-away line of mine, since the DS has one, put one in the Wii remote! Ah yes, forgot Blueray was a Sony format.
  5. You have to look at it from the viewpoint of Hyrule Castle Town (the majority of inhabitants in Hyrule). They haven't got a clue that anything is wrong and are going about their daily business without a care in the world. Pretty much ignoring the giant diamond forcefield over the castle. The Gorons are just as happy, their lives are fine after Link helps them out and their biggest concern is getting hot spring water. The Zora's lost their queen fair enough but apart from that they think everything is hunky dory as well. Bad things happening to the Gorons and Zoras maybe, but as soon as you fix them (in the second and third dungeons), that's it, those dangers have been fixed. Then we're left with Link and Midna on a quest to... save Hyrule from a supposed threat by Zant (even though they never really show what either bad guy is doing to their land). No one in the land is any wiser as to what Link is up to which makes it a bit of a selfish quest, not to mention an impersonal one and to me, an un-epic (yes that's probably not a word) one.
  6. I think just perfecting the technology they have now with the added bonus of proper next-gen capabilities like Blueray/HD etc... Wii-remote to have microphone (surprised there isn't one now!) and better motion sensing blah blah... Forget goggles or anything like that, they want to appeal to the mum and dad's of this world, not just the younger generation.
  7. Hopefully in the next Zelda it won't be something quite as predictable as Zora's Domain getting frozen. Again.
  8. I was going to buy a 360 a few months ago, but then I realised there wasn't a single game out that interested me. edit: oh except Project Gotham
  9. I swear that's what I've been saying all along only to be shot down for it?
  10. Spot on! Trailer looks good, fingers crossed the game will be. I'm also worried about how much control we'll actually have over Sonic but should be fine. Having said that does anyone feel the levels look a bit dead? Like no bad guys around? The 2D Sonics were all about enemies all over the place.
  11. Yes but at least the medallion temples in OoT were fun, long and engaging. Re-awakening sages and getting a sense of achievement + them helping you along at Ganon's Castle (a proper Ganon's castle) made it brilliant. And how exactly did the mirror shards make sense? So are we to believe it's the ONLY way into the twilight? Hmmmm, dodgy that. Not to mention the glorious feel of 'what a waste' during the end credits. No I'm not saying that at all. I think the medallions made sense in OOT, as did the mirror shards in TP, sort of. I think the medallion quest was implemented FAR better than the mirror shard quest. Very true.
  12. 19 hours to do 4 temples sounds about right. The last 5 (particularly 6, 8 and 9) are very small so it's no suprise people spend more time doing things early on. OOT Medallion collection = excuse to get more dungeons in. WW Triforce collection = excuse to prolong game. TP 'thing' collection = excuse to get more dungeons in.
  13. The only part of the second half of the game I liked was the dungeon locations. Oh and erm, the item from dungeon 5. And err...
  14. Ahh right thanks for that. I thought it might have popped up as a once off at some point. Still, the actual fanfare is pretty pants I think, this one is way more impressive. The jousting match was another fantastic part of the first half of the game. As was the carriage escort scene.
  15. Rubbish!! The linked one is amazing! I was wondering why I went through the whole game not really noticing any good victory music, now I know why!
  16. Can anyone help me out here?
  17. All I'm saying is while the first half has great scenes, good sense of danger, lots to do, nice big temples, good cutscenes and technically feels more polished... the second half I feel seems very similar to the triforce hunt from WW, only with small minidungeons at the end. But hey since everyone wants me to shut up now, I shall.
  18. Yeah it was a fantastic scene. Oddly enough in the first half of the game that I keep banging on about.
  19. Oh come on. lol
  20. Well I'm sure you'll love this ending, just remember... I'm depressed as fuck that I finished the game so savour every second.
  21. I'd like to think I had a part in that decision
  22. Location wise, they're all great. Graphically, they're very nice. But if you asked me how much time I think the developers spent on the latter temples, I'd say half the time as they did for the first 4. It's a lazyness that seems present in the later dungeons that I feel shows quite strongly. The Sky temple is fairly good I suppose but very very annoying and a bit lifeless in my opinion. Also it's more the length between dungeons that bugs me.
  23. Go for it Fierce. And for when you get back... yes, I too can't believe she did that PS: just played the Forest temple for the second time... pretty cool (re-iterating my point). But one thing... THE VICTORY FANFARE IS RUBBISH!!!! Why did I think it was this one... (which is awesome!!) http://www.thehylia.com/media/albums/mp3/tp/Victory_Theme.mp3 . I heard the one at the end of the forest temple and was so disappointed it wasn't this one! Am I going insane or does the file I linked to appear in the game at all cause I'm not sure anymore. I can't remember what I heard after each dungeon anymore lol
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