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Everything posted by motion

  1. That's on a 4 inch screen. Makes a slight difference when you're playing on a 30 inch television. I'm not saying that Wii won't sell more than PS3 because it is and I think will continue to do so. What I'm saying is, Nintendo were lazy and couldn't be bothered increasing the power of the Gamecube so they spent 4 years making the controller. WHY CAN'T WE HAVE HD VISUALS AND THE WII'S INNOVATION
  2. Regarding my question, no one would choose current TP over HD TP. Why do films like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Spiderman have awesome visual effects... because they make a film better. Just as awesome visuals make games better. By your argument the studios should just save on their budget, throw in £1000 and make some cheap visuals because they don't matter.
  3. The-chosen-one: Sorry but this is driving me mad. Do you actually think 'whas' is correct from a spelling point of view? You keep writing 'whas'... Surely you know it's spelt 'was' right???
  4. Oh ffs I'm sick of being bashed because I have a slightly different opinion to others. I could say the same thing to you... Does the word 'opinion' mean anything to YOU? Get used to it, I've got one. Who said anything about blurry, they're unpolished messes of low polygon objects (Rayman), lazy visuals hoping to be put down down to a style thing (WarioWare), or just plain horribly (Far Cry). Oh and games like Need for Speed that looks awful compared to the same game on PS3 and Xbox.
  5. I completely disagree, amazing graphics enhance a game full stop. So you're saying with Zelda TP if you had to choose between the game as it is now or stunning HD visuals you honestly wouldn't care? Course not. If I had to choose between the Wii's innovation or the PS3's visuals of course I would go for the Wii, I just don't see why Nintendo couldn't do both, or at least work on the visual side of things so the Wii doesn't look like a gamecube (if that)
  6. Close enough to N64 graphics but that's fine, it suits the style of the game. What a load of rubbish. Of course graphics matter, that's why there's a 'graphics' part of every review summary. Stop thinking you're a 'real' gamer beacause you say that graphics don't matter. Playability and fun matter the most of course, but graphics enhance a game. And that is an area Wii has failed miserably thus far. Better than gamecube graphics...? Really? Cause I can't see it. I'd say it's worse.
  7. I agree, I think TP is definately the most overhyped Zelda game ever. But the hype wasn't unrealistic I don't think. It could have and should have been better.
  8. Oh...dear...god.... I mean hey mate, if you like it then cool but jeeezus...
  9. It doesn't make a difference to the story, but it's still a bit of an omission since he's in pretty much every other Hyrule based Zelda game.
  10. He was MENTIONED in Ocarina, you saw Ganondorf speaking to him and Zelda saying things like 'My father won't listen to me etc..'. He's no where to be seen in TP, nor mentioned. It's as if Princess Zelda is ruling Hyrule which is a tad odd.
  11. Midna was indeed fantastic throughout, hope we see her again in a future Zelda game. Can I ask a perhaps really obvious question... where exactly was the King of Hyrule in this game?
  12. Copy the link properly eh?
  13. And it can't have "graph" AND gameplay why exactly?
  14. I know, that's the two of you
  15. I'd agree with that, I guess Midna's popularity is because the story was pretty much focused on her. I did like Navi's 'Hey!', 'Listen', 'Look' and 'Watch out!' though Plus the Z-Targetting sound was cool.
  16. Wow, so there is a second person in the world who thinks that
  17. Because it's unnecessary? He was in a hurry and would cover more ground if he just took a simple jump rather than a dangerous and frakly sort of impossible back flip. 55 = 70 eh? It's not a short game, but it's not a long one either. One thing that really bugs me about this game is swimming/diving. I don't know what they did to the controls but it's shocking. MM swimming: amazing.
  18. What does 'It was about WIN' mean? Why would someone do a backflip to get to a ledge 1 metre in front of them?
  19. I like when Link does really long jumps he sorta graps the ledge with one hand as though he just made it. Nice touch. For some reason reminded me of all those backflips and somersaults that Link did in MM in the very first scene in the game. What was that about?
  20. It makes me laugh when the people who write up these petitions can't grasp basic concepts like gramar and spelling
  21. Yes, especially straight after boss battles.
  22. As long as they make Pilotwings like the SNES version and not that awful N64 one.
  23. I want this game but the shit graphics are putting me off. I know it's all about gameplay but these visuals are truly awful.
  24. My point is, the sages were lazilly drawn up. Identical boring wusses really. Constrast with the cool ones from OOT...
  25. Those sages just epitomised the laziness present in TP, boring, dull, identical. Compare them to the OOT ones! And the fact that they each wore the symbol of an OOT sage really got on my goat. Consistency and continuity is great but not when it's done so lazilly. And I'm not bashing constantly, I happen to think it's a fantastic game. When I bash, I bash because I love. I just think there's a sense of 'can't say anything bad about it, it's Zelda!' as you say. Ask me to list 20 things about TP that I adore and I'd have no problem! I just state the negatives because that's what I feel strongest about. Enjoy your high horse
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