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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. You know, that might not be a bad idea. I'm making no money for this... I shoulda charged. (but seriously, the 7850 is better for the price) EEVIL the good thing about the Antec 300 2 case is that it doesn't need an SSD (2.5" drive) bracket. When you open the case on the base (where the PSU goes) are 4 screwholes. You screw your SSD at the four corners onto the base of the case, I think the necessary screws came with the case. Use a SATA cable to connect your SSD to the mobo (use a newer SATA3 cable if you can, some people think they work better with the SATA3 standard even though any SATA cable is technically compatible). Then connect it up to the PSU with one of the wires that comes with the PSU.
  2. Streaming services won't become the 'norm' for a while, UK broadband is just too shit.
  3. Yeah personally I would not bother with anything above 128GB right now (which is around the £80 range). I can imagine these drives being dirt cheap compared to what they are now in a few years time, they've already dropped considerably in the last year or two. I would recommend a small drive since a lot of things like games don't always benefit massively from game installations (look at number crunches for people who installed an SSD in their PS3). It's best for OS and other programs you use a lot to make them snappier (e.g. browser / photoshop). Also I doubt you would ever need access to over 100GB worth of games at any one time, so having them all at hand isn't exactly necessary. Also note the overclocking potential of some of the cheaper cards (7850), making them effectively more powerful/efficient than more expensive cards that have lower OCing potential.
  4. I am in agreement that spin off votes on supposed inactives seems kinda odd. Far more suspicious than switching from Yvonne to no vote I think, gmac (in fact, I don't see how that's suspicious at all). Marca is being fairly inactive as far as things go (it tends to be that hiding Mafia have at least a little presence), I don't see a valid reason not to keep the vote on him.
  5. But technically that's potential immunity to any Mafia members who don't say a thing. It's also a lesson to people: if you sign up, commit to play the game! Change vote: Marcamillian
  6. Me too! I tried playing P4 FES a few years back on PS2 and wasn't all that impressed. Now I guess I've matured/changed and I think this suits handheld really well. Honestly, hit up P3 portable, it's amazing. I love the thought of a totally nerdfest game. Being able to improve your character and exceed in their life, all the while going through a cool story and battle system. Simplicity works in some cases but not in the early FF games, they're just droll. CRYSTALS...
  7. You guys played Persona 3/4? Playing 3 on the Vita (PSP game) at the moment, loving it.
  8. Sweet, we have that set too. ^On the Vita sale for £14 ish. Been playing it for a few days and...this is probably one of the best RPGs ever. Incredible depth, love it. It's like an anime that you're in control of. Can't wait for Persona 4 The Golden now for Vita.
  9. @Cube that's not it. It's not just that he's inactive, it's that it's very out of character for him. I don't get it, call me naive. I'm sure the Mafia and anyone else have got it if you guys have (no offence intended!) I'll trust you on this one. Change Vote: No one.
  10. But the Mafia already know if he's town or not! @Cube that is ridiculous. Everyone votes for Yvonne because of inactivity, Yvonne rushes out table, apparently suggesting she's innocent yet I don't see how. Cue voting me for not seeing it. I swear, if I get lynched lynch cube out of courtesy. :p He's* not she's. Damn that name. :p
  11. Ok is someone going to explain why it absolved him of being a mafioso? I expect it from Dohnut but everyone else, really? I genuinely can't understand what benefit there is to town by making it difficult for me.
  12. It was balance, seems unfair they should get a say Add yourself to the list anyhow. :p *goes to sleep*
  13. Well then do tell, at the moment I'm keeping my vote purely because he hasn't bothered to spell it out!
  14. I know it's night, but I'm glad it pays not to always be so gung ho.
  15. How little do you value your life? :p I don't think asking people to be perceptive (especially at this time!) in order to save your life is the safest of moves! So you're the spin doctor. That sounds like it could involve information manipulation, care to elaborate? You say you targeted DuD on night 1, but I don't see any mention from him of what happened that this could relate to, and you blacked out all the 'result' fields for your nights. Yvonne care to explain, and @DuD care to elaborate if anything odd happened to you?
  16. Well there's a few outcomes here that I can imagine. 1. Yvonne reveals little/no information about his character and will probably be lynched. Seems a mafia thing to do as his feedback could either save him or at least help the town 2. Yvonne reveals information about himself, parts of which can be confirmed by others for truth and people can overturn the vote or vote for no lynch 3. Yvonne reveals only some/minor information. Risky, probably will be lynched.
  17. Unless you are this guy this is ridiculously overkill! Just touch the case often and don't work on the carpet. Really hard to break anything.
  18. I appreciate that people may get busy in real life, but... I can't see that excuse saving you right now. If you start dishing out details you might stay in the fight.
  19. I agree that @Yvonne is being very quiet. Yvonne, I'd like to hear your role and night targets. You have nothing to lose at this point (if you're town, obviously) and I will fight to overturn your vote if I believe you. But for now: Vote: Yvonne
  20. Too late, I'm laughing at you being misled. Except, you wouldn't. As soon as you started singling me out I launched an aggressive campaign that strongly indicated that if there was a neutral it was you. So unless you were a numpty you wouldn't kill anyone or else you'd face lynch yourself. No one else has come forward to say they've suffered your power so that adds to my suspicion. Well that's one way of putting it; being lynched and dead means you'd be pretty quiet.
  21. DuD, you are coming off very aggressive. Rummy targeting Tales isn't odd at all if you go through their exchanges. Most people voted Rummy as the lesser evil rather than having any affinity for him.
  22. I can't help but snigger at how blissfully ignorant you have been if you have come to any conclusions based on what I told DuD. Anyway, your response is full of crap and unhelpful as usual. It's a shame Tales isn't a permanent Vig as he could finish what he started.
  23. I don't like this post. I will probably change vote before day end but your persistent 'join us or die' attitude is not how I would expect town to behave. Also @Nintendohnut a number of people agreed that in the interest of fairness you should reveal your role. So are you going to reveal or remain suspicious? Would also like to point out still to everyone that Tales was NOT a vig if we are to trust his explanation (his ability shuffles). So for all know a vig could still be out there.
  24. Apologies, I need to read more. Aight, I'm satisfied with that.
  25. I don't think Rummy did trust Tales wholeheartedly from the way he posted (and perhaps vice versa), which might explain why he targeted him. I personally put forward Rummy on the basis he didn't seem scummy to me nor did he put himself forward (I did). I think people preferred this notion to voting DuD a third time.
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