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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Sweet. Hope there's no vengeance kill tonight. ^^ Vote: No Lynch[
  2. In pure U-turn fashion I do quite want a Nexus 4 now. After properly understanding the high speed 3G being much better than what I have, and being stuck on a sluggish iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.0 (jaikbroken, pain in the ass to update) I'm ready for change. Trouble is it seems there's not a chance in hell of getting one...LG/Google apparently didn't realise people would be all over a £240 top spec phone like a blind wolf in a butcher's.
  3. Blockbusters will totally bounce back. ...totally.
  4. It's the way forward, I used to think like that... I still have an iPhone but I'm looking to replace it with an Android, I've got a Nexus 7 and since getting it there's not 1 app I want that I don't have. Apple are really quite controlling with their app store and jailbreaking then updating is a right faff. A while back Android wasn't that great and the extra cost of an iPhone really was worth it. Now it certainly isn't.
  5. lol EEVIL. I'll be having words... Anyone else work out the code thing? Would work well in DIY when no one could work out by chance what other players' character may be. Yeah I thought he could be. Unfortunately not enough people joined in with me and Magnus (and maybe some others, I forget). MadDog was also a total headfuck for town, I would go as far as calling him Mafia actually. Shame no one picked up on a slight odd thing DuD said after I was gone (that he was trying to convince I was Mafia). That would imply the silencer was town since I was silenced, which was pretty damn unlikely.
  6. Oh I did much about my findings but...it sounds like I was an investigator who could not effectively investigate Mafia motives/powers (kinda the point of investigators). I guess you could say that if i couldn't find out he was a silencer, then who could? :p (Maybe Dohnut). Sorta going through possibilities...if I found out about the silencing then he'd have died there and then, and I'd have probably gone on to target Rummy anyway owing to his tight-lippedness, (and would have not been removed from the game for telling it since I wouldn't have been silenced). Also @Cube I totally made the code thing up. Probably would have gone the other way then. Alas, these are all ifs and buts.
  7. I wish I found out that DuD silences people. Not just roleblocks. :p Good game though. Apart from the whole me spilling the beans thing. Doesn't look like it did too much damage though. Also Dohnut I am kinda surprised you were on our side. I thought with you targeting me then Cube that you were Mafia, really.
  8. That depends. JRPGs yes, mostly due to Square Enix losing it. WRPGs no, Oblivion and Skyrim in particular have stood out. Best JRPG so far this gen was Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii.
  9. Man, I don't think I could do a list that would do the PS3 justice. It really is the king this generation. There's at least 20 games that are absolute musts, stellar titles. Its also great for RPGs, which I know you'd like. You'd love Eternal Sonata and Tales of Graces F.
  10. Yeah I've had the expensive version pre-ordered a while. A game that you know is amazing and with Ghibli presentation couldn't get much better. Get it. PS3s are dirt cheap (what, £130?). A Blu Ray player included, free online, and tons of great games and exclusives we could suggest. Totally worth it.
  11. No but what does it matter where the gene came from? It makes no difference really. DNA is a sequence, a message. It's not like DNA from a fish is 'dirty' and shouldn't be put into our food. Why should DNA going from a fish to a plant be any worse in your eyes than from plant to plant? In essence, why is, say, the sequence CCGAAAT going to a plant worse than GTCCCAA? It's trivial. It's people selectively worrying about things that they don't understand that again I find really odd; for instance we eat sweets (like jellybeans) that are coated in shellac, which is a resin secreted by bugs. Far more gross than combining fish with tomato, in some respects. Things we both actually eat. Really, people are just worried about whether it's 'right' to do, because they've watched films and read literature like Frankenstein. The threat to our health is non-existent.
  12. I actually thought this suited the shop's atmosphere, sorta. Really, music isn't the kind of thing I'd associate with bright lighting. I also preferred the gamestation feel to GAME. Something about the lighting and space in GAME. Feels like walking into Dignitas.
  13. Yeah. In terms of nature we have thoroughly smashed it in almost every way we live our lives. Want to ingest your own body weight in alcohol? Smoke 50 cigarettes a day? Sure! Nutrionally boosted foods? Hang on a minute, is that NATURAL sire?
  14. HMV was for people just casually browsing without any real need for anything. Consequently I used to often walk out without buying anything. Online is cheaper, often a day before release. No real use for shops like this anymore...
  15. But we've already been tampering with nature for ages by selectively breeding plants. This was done AGES ago when any possible consequences of our actions couldn't easily be picked up, unlike genetic modification now. No evidence to suggest that plants can transfer DNA to humans, current crops or GM. No reason to be cautious at all. Honestly, it's that kind of belief combined with an extremist attitude (not that you have the latter) that leads to the ridiculous opposition.
  16. Pro GM all the way. - GM foods have no higher chance of transferring DNA to humans than normal plants - IIRC no evidence of plants having transferred DNA to humans via the gut. - People have been selecting for certain genes in plants via selective breeding (ie. countering nature) for centuries/millennia. Mostly defeats ethical argument. - Better yields (theoretically), better nutrition. Can make crops more resilient to pesticides thus reduce their use, which is good for animals and the environment. Most people anti-GM are ignorant of the scientific facts.
  17. Today at 4PM we left the lab, went upstairs and and ate chocolate muffins and drank champagne. Sweet. It should be somebody's birthday every Friday.
  18. Yeah, luckily it's on the console stores for both Vita and 3DS.
  19. Yeah I'm in.
  20. Cool, so it has a 'H' I'm guessing for HSPA+? I've seen this on android phones but the iPhone 3GS always reports '3G' so I really have no idea whether I'm capable of receiving HSPA+.
  21. The point is that you said you wouldn't like Uncharted as it sounded like it was a 'corridors' game. Now you are saying you DID enjoy FFXIII. Ergo you COULD enjoy Uncharted for it being 'corridors' as you loved a different game which was all 'corridors' (even though UC really isn't). Stop getting wound up about supposed 'lies', it is making you sound like a bit of a douche.
  22. Oh, I'm sorry. You do research to find out the best games. Then instead of getting them, you go and buy ones you don't like such as FFXIII and plough countless hours into it. None, if you like it. Someone suggested uncharted to him but he said he'd never play it due to it sounding like a 'corridors' game. But by his own confession he totally completed FFXIII.
  23. I thought HSPA+ was 4G? Anyone know if iPhone 3GS can connect to HSPA+? And whether giffgaff delivers HSPA+?
  24. You know this will make you laugh. In Final Fantasy X-2 to get the good ending during the ending FMV you have to randomly, out of the blue press X and listen out for a whistle. Then press X something like 4 more times in order to WIN. If you don't press X you don't get the good ending. For Real. Press X to win indeed.
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