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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I don't understand how it is really all that unexpected. You have committed to pay for a games console that is shortly being released. Nowhere on the ordering page did ShopTo state that they would only charge shortly before delivery - many regular ShopTo users know that for 'big' releases, processing can happen a while before. It would've been nice for everyone to have got the email, but I've got no sympathy for that guy in the article that is literally living on the edge and then complaining that ShopTo didn't start processing when he wanted them to. It doesn't even hold as an argument since even with the notification e-mail he still wouldn't have been paid in time to cover it.
  2. You said that developers commented that Wii U titles just needed optimising, in response to my post that clearly said X1 and PS4 (not 360/PS3). Go back and look. It's a silly thing to remark upon anyway - PS3 and 360 have maybe 9-12 months more of receiving most decent games that get released. You're basically arguing that the Wii U can compete with platforms that aren't too far from being retired. The specs of the Wii U have totally excluded it from many future multiplat releases. It's entirely Nintendo's fault and I think you should stop trying to defend them and blame developers at every turn.
  3. The specs of the Wii U are vastly inferior and it really has no chance of running the titles that the upcoming X1 and PS4 can without having its own gimped versions. Extra effort for an inferior version that will sell less. It's fucked, basically. Eurogamer fully confirmed the innards of the Wii U: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/df-hardware-wii-u-graphics-power-finally-revealed
  4. Just about all launch software (Wii sports being a notable exception) is usually pretty mediocre. I wouldn't consider Zelda TP in this reckoning purely because it was a gamecube ported over. PS4 can hardly be criticised for this...
  5. You can hardly blame third parties for this. Nintendo chose their path in gimping the specs of their console. Future titles that release on X1 and PS4 won't be able to run on the Wii U without making a separate watered down version. And why bother going to such efforts to create an inferior version that will sell far less copies?
  6. Can't.... Or won't....
  7. Why do you keep saying this!
  8. The man isn't wrong, I've got a passive too.
  9. I 100% agree with this and was going to post similar. There's a guy mentioned in that Eurogamer article (Findus? Neigh...) that is complaining that he doesn't have enough money in his account until he gets paid in a week or something and will be pushed into his overdraft. Unbelievable that his fault is with ShopTo and not his living on the edge spending lifestyle. Some people are bloody dense.
  10. I'm not sure you could really argue the first part. After completing NSMB U the other day I was left with the impression that it was a game I had played before. The game plays like the original game on the DS and they really have got it down to a formula. They'll introduce a couple of new power ups but they don't really shake much up. With Zelda they might try push motion controls but I don't feel it makes the game any better (for me it was more tedious). I also don't think that having a sword copy your hand actions is particularly imaginative. It's far better when you get game content that is new as opposed to almost the same content but a different input method. With the latter you're essentially still playing the same games. It's false innovation. The thing is though, supposing you do invent a solution to a problem that didn't exist, you should at least test the field to see whether people actually want it before you go ahead with it. Or at least find our whether most people care more about having off screen play than next gen system specs and a robust online system. Which they don't.
  11. That's probably because they're features nobody asked for. And they miss out tons of features people actually want.
  12. It happens to the best of us. :p
  13. Great news, although that's really pushing the 'Winter' estimate.
  14. I think the problem is that Nintendo fans see a high number of 'reality' setting games on other consoles and some use this to argue that Nintendo consoles have more games that demonstrate 'imagination' (which I think is largely untrue). I would argue that Nintendo often display very little imagination in terms of rehashing their franchises (particularly in terms on New Super Mario Bros/Zelda). I think you can only argue Nintendo have variety when they have a variety of games we haven't all seen before. The truth is, consoles like the PS3 get some truly imaginative titles like Journey, but also get a lot of games that have more down to Earth settings. Nintendo often don't get much of the latter type since reality based games benefit more from stronger system specs to enhance the feeling that it's actually reality. If any console is guilty of not having enough of a certain type of game, it'd be one of Nintendo's.
  15. That's weird, I don't remember writing any parchments lately. Sign me up on that list plx.
  16. I pay 19% of my income on rent which also includes all utilities. I don't pay council tax (student perk) but the cost of travel into London each day is horrendous.
  17. Thanks, fixed it. And that all looks delicious!
  18. Pretty sure you only get to visit the surface once. Have you used your turtle thingy?
  19. I have just prepared this Banana bread with three swirled layers of Nutella throughout. Going to eat this later after cooling...from the nibbles I've had...this is fucking epic stuff.
  20. Started / finished To the Moon yesterday. A really heartwarming plot. It's really cool to see what they did with RPM having used it a lot myself. Would love to try out the next games in the series when they hit.
  21. Go to surface!
  22. My favourite part of this post is that Serebii thanked it. :p
  23. I thought that was just a coincidence. I think you may have just used up your surface visit. :p
  24. I was again successful last night. Am I missing something or did Magnus go to the surface when nothing was there? @Rummy what's the dealio. Part of me thinks he could have joined whatever alignment the person who revived him was. Was he revived using one of the recovered gems?
  25. IMO consoles themselves should have a strong degree of homogeneity or at least conform to an expected standard. At the end of the day, it's all about the software, and different software can be put onto technically similar pieces of hardware. Nintendo broke away by making their hardware in a way that people didn't want it. They're viewed by the industry as a bit of a joke (not just for their hardware choice, admittedly) and it has hurt them immesnely. TL;DR The PC format is as 'standardised' as you can get and has some of the most imaginative games there are. It's all about the developers; give them good hardware they can work with and the only limitation is themselves.
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