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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Weird that a lot of us don't see it. I use Chrome, if that helps.
  2. Haha. That's gold...what would you even say if you tracked your parcel and it said that.
  3. Thanks Ashley! Let's see if it works (can't seem to see one in Diageo's post)... [countdown=12/31/2013 5:00 AM;It is finally here]Count down:[/countdown] Can't seem to get it to work...
  4. Ok let's do this. Change Vote: Dedede.
  5. @The Peeps he lying?
  6. Sweet. @Dedede what did you do last night?
  7. I was successful. Sounds like there are a lot of roleblockers about. People picking up gems/turtles, do you learn what they do before using them?
  8. To be honest, you having a double vote doesn't prove you just gave yourself a double vote.
  9. I didn't really feel that strong on him to be honest and I never at all 'pushed' it. But let's be fair, he did himself no favours. False track results (one of which made things worse for me that conveniently came at a time when people were voicing out against me) and forgetting his details. Anyway I time warped esequiel (which will effectively be a roleblock if we assume there is one Mafioso left who killed the night before last). No kill could be because of that, or the Mafioso could've opted to do nothing, knowing we might lynch whoever is blocked when there's no kill. Either way I think it's good enough grounds to Vote: esequiel
  10. Rubber feet/stoppers usually... I think
  11. My god, it'd be sweet justice if someone walked up to that kid and slapped him across the face.
  12. Oh yeah. Sorry about that. :p
  13. Everything out/almost out for the next gen consoles is fairly unimpressive. But that's more damning a statement for the Wii U to be honest... it's been out a while now.
  14. Loved this one too
  15. Now that award goes to Halo 4. lol
  16. Ah...artbooks. The token cop out preorder bonus.
  17. Yup. Nintendo need to step up their game.
  18. I know, you're just one of a few follow up options. Your response to me also seemed a little OTT so I'm still bearing you in mind. All your results are, by your own confession, wrong... Town or nay, you're not bringing anything to the table. And I have THIRST FOR BLOOD.
  19. Yup, you can. You're looking at about 50 quid for a 1TB 2.5 inch.
  20. Shall we say who else we don't trust/who to go for if this is wrong? Not too hot on esequiel/Dedede purely from inactivity / claims. Even though though I logically can't explain it (since his actions/previous night check out)...I can never be happy about someone going to Rummy the night he dies (RE: Yvonne).
  21. Yeah I worked it out at the start of D3, right after admitting to being forced to kill esequiel. My N1 writeup didn't actually say I killed Rummy and N2 I targeted myself and I don't kill myself. N3 it said I performed a kill, so I knew. In hindsight I don't think I'd have revealed everything I did had I known from the outset!
  22. The Nintendo one is still a rip off though (the prices on the GAME store are typically atrocious). Maybe with it being Amazon it'll be better? I certainly haven't seen the GAME e-shop codes as being some form of competition with the actual e-shop. Just seems like a different outlet for similarly priced games.
  23. So ehm.. Vote: Diageo Weakest sounding of all the stories so far.
  24. Oh Cu-be... You came then you voted without flinching... Then Peeps sent me away... Oh Cu-be Also this was the best Mafia game of all time. Aww time.
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