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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. The buttons though...not at all natural for the thumb! I agree that the higher position is generally more comfortable to keep your thumb at but buttons just don't work anywhere else as well. It's why neither Microsoft or Sony have ever wedged the second stick up there.
  2. I think a big problem for me was how derivative it was. Where Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy had always brought something new, this was basically a polished 3D Mario game superimposed on the existing Mario World theme and template. It made it a lot less exciting really.
  3. I actually find the Wii U Pro controller to be pretty shabby, with such hard buttons (thumb hurt after extended MK8 play) and the sticks opposite to where they feel right. The thing just feels very cheap as well to me, like after I pick up one of the other controllers the gap in build quality is really big. Generally feels like an afterthought compared to something like the GameCube pad.
  4. The stick placement is basically to preserve D-pad functionality which otherwise suffers when placed elsewhere. You can put the stick lower down (just like the right one) and it doesn't really matter, but the D-pad just isn't as good when you put that lower like on the 360 or GameCube pads. Might seem less useful to have but the D-pad is used an awful lot for weapon switching and on screen menu navigation in quite a lot of games. It's one of my biggest gripes with the 360 pad which is otherwise quite comfortable.
  5. I will say the PS4 pad is a massive improvement and my favourite pad after the GameCube. The thing feels slick.
  6. Do eeet. I liked AC2, loved AC Brotherhood (which introduced the brilliant multiplayer)....but my god, ACIII was dull. The setting, character and story was bland. This is a bit like Wind Waker on more realistic steroids in the exploration aspect. You feel free.
  7. @Mr\-Paul - definitely, voting patterns matter more from today's kill verdict onwards. Particularly with a focus on people who often add votes to existing lynches. The suggestion of a RNG target is more or less to guarantee at least one person who we can say is a random choice as opposed to someone the Mafia want us to cap.
  8. Quote for truth. Didn't like ACIII at all, but ACIV is spectacular.
  9. Yeah I know, it's just the brainwave of making such a product, then expecting the next brainwave (I guess iPod) to be by them too. Chances are, it's not going to be them.
  10. "One investor got up to ask how Sony had lost its past glory, exemplified in the original 1979 Walkman portable player, stressing that he was disappointed in Hirai." Man, if the heckler really used the Walkman as an example (and not something the blog added) then that is pretty harsh. "I am disappointed your company does not absolutely annihilate the competition with every product release". Ok bro.
  11. Very true. I've come to appreciate the diversity in Final Fantasy, even if I don't come to like the latest iterations, since they're still trying new things.
  12. I propose whoever we are going to kill we first ask them to randomly pick a target for kill next night. If they flip town on death then we can jump on their vote, each in the knowledge that whoever we're going to kill was at least picked randomly and not down to Mafia persuasion.
  13. You clearly don't understand what the term turnaround means so it's probably best to leave it there.
  14. And who else would like to add to the vote on me?
  15. That's not a turnaround. A turnaround is if a console is doing badly and then managed to turn it around so it's doing well now. The Wii U, let alone any console, seems not to be doing too well at the moment in Japan.
  16. Haha, so agree. Hero, believe me, flush this turd down the toilet. I know what you mean by how the game feels drawn out by that point, but you will be beside yourself at how ridiculous the game becomes. Might even be worth you playing actually just to see what I'm talking about. :p
  17. Agreed on that, Orange are truly terrible.
  18. Yahoo, watashi wa kattaze!
  19. Man, get FFXIV and the free PS4 upgrade for about £3.50 and rock it with me. I am having a lot of fun with this. They have seriously nailed this game, it is tight. So much Final Fantasy goodness and it works really well with the controller, need some other people on here to play with me!
  20. Do iiiit. :p You're only going to get one at some point anyway.
  21. The second half of the game has the ridiculously cheap plot mechanic so I'd say it's far worse.
  22. Bringing MH back to Sony would be immense. The online infrastructure and hardware is so much better. Damn the Japanese love for handhelds.
  23. A Square Enix game with Final Fantasy in the name on a games console as opposed to a mobile has a pretty darn high chance of making it over here. At least in recent times.
  24. Yeah, percentages seem to be rife these days. I refuse to be impressed by these sorts of statistics. :p
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