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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I'd like to fucken shrykull. You know, for those days.
  2. Saying a console has a barren year is always going to be a statement of opinion, as you can always argue on technicality that a console has a jam packed release schedule if you count any old game (even indies or generally less exciting titles). I'm really mostly looking forward to X and Zelda yet those two have the potential to be really huge, so I'm not too bothered. Unlike Smash and MK this year, I think these have far more potential to break the 'same old' feeling that I got with the titles this year. I mean, I've played Smash Wii U that I got for Christmas and there's no doubt that it doesn't have anywhere near the same hold on me as Smash once did. To me, I think this concept is done. I'm basically doing the same old things, and even co-op play with my friends couldn't make me hugely excited for what is mostly the same kind of game all over again. With X though, I've only had one game in the series before (Xenoblade) and that was really cool, and Xenoblade was largely a story driven experience that I feel can greatly differ far more between titles. Zelda, while I feel the last few console titles have been not so great, actually looks pretty exciting based on what I've seen so far. So maybe this year will be an exciting one; I just have to hope that the titles do release this year!
  3. I had the same problem with my PS4 pad. Just spray a little WD40 on the trigger and it fixed it. Harmless too.
  4. Yeah, crazy shit, isn't it? Fucking madness that some people have heralded this as some sort of Square Enix return to form. This is one of the worst games they've ever made, when you consider the game as a whole. The gulf between this and old school FF couldn't really be any bigger.
  5. Xur is apparently there til Monday evening now because or the network issues.
  6. Haha that's true, only reason XBL and PSN have had probs is because that's who they decided to target (since lots more use it). Guaranteed if they decided to target Nintendo the same would be happening.
  7. Given how bad PSN seems to have been I'm not really feeling too bad about not having PS4 access over the hols. Oh man, I love that spoof Kaz Hirai account.
  8. Oh yeah, I agree that although No No Kuni looked better, the design of the environments and battle system was much better in DQ. I guess I'm saying I'd rather have the team make their game on the PS4 so it can done to a bigger scale and look seriously nice. Assuming they put the same effort in whether it went to handheld or console. Kinda like what they're doing with FFXV (which looks bleeding amazing). Would love another offline console DQ, and for the first time in HD.
  9. I wouldn't say motion controls are that prolific in this gen. They were in Second Son for a very small segment but I reckon you'd struggle to find many other games on PS4 making significant use of motion controls. Compared to last gen when you could tell, for instance, Sony were trying to make a load of games move compatible in order to compete with Nintendo. I think there has been somewhat of a downturn in their popularity and least with Kinect, which seems a lot less popular than it perhaps was, and I'm sure the next Zelda game will at least have the option to control fully with non motion controls (on account of the gamepad being the primary controller method). I guess the best thing for me is that it might now be optional as opposed to enforced. Best of both worlds.
  10. Oh yeah, of course. It's the same colour as the anniversary but comes with a fabulous liquid metal slime. Kind of mental that if you put a number on the console that people go nuts for it. :p
  11. We can try for a better future.
  12. Rather than fuel the flames I'm gonna rise above all that. Maybe my (premature) New Year's Resolution should be to rise above the people that want to drag you down with them on these forums. Shit, think of the time I'd save!
  13. @Goron_3 Here's a 500GB external portable for £32, or for a tenner more you can get a 1TB portable. The latter could be more useful if you ever plan to use it for anything else later. There can be a problem with the USB powered portable hard drives though - they might need you to use a Y cable to plug into both USB ports to draw enough power. An alternative is to get a larger desktop HDD that plugs into a power socket...uglier but pretty much guaranteed to work. A quick look shows these tend to be more expensive these days.
  14. In Wii U related matters... I have it on good authority that I'll be getting Smash Wii U tomorrow. Anyone fancy a game at some point?
  15. @Mr\-Paul looks like the arguments had died down, best to just change topic than continue to focus on it or try reprimand.
  16. I have to say, I'm really happy that games seem to be returning back to non motion controls. In some cases they could be used well like in Zack and Wiki, but the main problem I found was when they took existing games (e.g. Zelda) and added a different control scheme that many didn't like. At least in those places I would have preferred a choice, since I always found regular controls to be easier and more enjoyable to use.
  17. True, I could put it kinder. The problem is when you're arguing with someone who is being arrogant and using qualifications like that, it's hard to reply with a veneer of niceness.
  18. Fucking hell Jonnas, you're better than this. I've already said that I have a BSc myself so it would be ridiculous for me to say it was a crappy qualification. I didn't say that - I was pointing out that his qualification had no bearing on the argument. He presented his qualification to ascertain superiority. Essentially, dick move. BSc level education would not tell us how much bandwidth Nintendo game voice chat would use in relation to breaking the game. The point of Uni education is to give a very broad overview of a field or research and that information (particularly in certain fields) becomes outdated very quickly. Just because it takes more than one to argue, it doesn't mean we can't highlight the people like Serebii who are using flawed arguments and arrogance to ultimately continue it. Why have you again interpreted what I said so wrongly? He used a qualification, purely on its own, to attempt to gain superiority in an argument. Well I strongly disagree. I think that you basically see an argument happening and assume all sides are a bad as each other. Such a cop out, really. That reply I did previously was a masterstroke in STFU-ology. I remember that someone was saying something ludicrous, and rather than have another several page back and forth fiasco by pointing out things I disagreed with I thought 'fuck this'; "it is as I say". I could actually picture the response from you as I typed it, but I simply didn't care. :p
  19. Devil's advocate and whatnot, but you've been saying you'll do a Master's for maybe 5 years now, and you're still saying you're going to do it. Are you sure the site isn't responsible for holding you back in places? I also distinctly remember you saying that you have to lock yourself away in your room for a month when new Pokemon games hit, and everyone in the relationship topic said that wasn't compatible with a girlfriend (you were seeking at the time). Maybe we should just refer to this quote next time you start shitting up the place with your arrogant remarks. Seems like what most of us notice in you here has been noticed by others for a very long time.
  20. You brought up the fact you are 'depended on' in a completely irrelevant manner when forming a rebuttal. That suggests arrogance to me. It would be like if I was having an argument with someone about Nintendo, then interspersed 'by the way I'm a doctor'. Totally irrelevant to the discussion, but definitely seems to have ulterior motive. When trying to prove you knew what you were talking about you also said I was envious of you, which is such a level of delusion that I was actually stupefied. With regards to you saying you backed something up -you didn't back up your claims about the voice chat thing, instead providing a reason why you didn't answer in the past - while still not answering in the present. Serebii, this is just my opinion and all, but I actually think that site is ruining your life. You can choose to see it that people want to depend on you if you like, but the harsh truth would be that those people would likely just use another website if you weren't there. Honestly, it's a good achievement that you have such a popular website but the effects on your life and personality are pretty plain to see. You clearly have a very high opinion of yourself because of it.
  21. In response to @Clownferret's post - the good thing is that only the reprobates on here are the ones that complain about me. The kind of people that, if they were to thank my post, I'd be wondering what the fuck I did wrong to result in that. Just based on how these people behave about these parts, I am pretty happy that my posts are not the 'toxic' ones. Or at least, when they do 'spark' arguments, it's usually the response of people throwing toys out of prams that might result in me being seen as the instigator. In terms of those who tend to agree with Clownferret's sentiments - @Zechs Merquise is possibly the nastiest individual on these forums. He regularly makes highly offensive, personal and judgemental remarks. It's actually funny that he claims I'm toxic and questions why I'm here. This is the guy who told Ashley he shouldn't be doing reviews after giving NSM3DW an 8/10. @Ronnie, while I've never really had beef with before, has spent pages here arguing about games that he has literally no clue about. The result was a resounding defeat, as all that happened was that the people who had played the games essentially told him to stop being so ignorant. @Clownferret is another person who comes across in his posts to be pretty immature, and has an unhealthy attachment to Nintendo. Anything I say that's negative seems to be a personal insult to him. Anyone who even dares to defend @Serebii here is having a laugh. On stage is his pure arrogance (look back for where he says 'millions depend on me', 'I have a qualification', 'you display envy'). Zechs has played the victim card for poor old Serebii here, claiming that I mocked his job and degree (the latter is pretty ridiculous considering I have a BSc myself). Of course, that didn't happen; what happened was that Serebii used that qualification as a means to assert superiority in an argument. As soon as he did that, the argument was lost. Because I know full well that a) A BSc isn't going to impart you with any degree of in-depth technical knowledge and b) that shit is largely out of date within years. Also, most importantly, he presented no actual technical details or argument, he was purely using the fact he has a degree as a means for us to just trust him. This is the guy who has convinced himself that he is something that he is not, and that arrogance spills quite freely into his arguments. Tbh, this post is largely unecessary because the incredibly down to earth chaps on these forums already know this. They are the intelligent people who will never thank the post that Clown made, and always have genuinely thought-provoking things to add. Thanks to Goron, HoT, Flink, drahkon, and even though I know he is pretty favourable to Nintendo these days, Jonnas. It does not come across that they instantly assume Nintendo produce magic and accept criticism towards franchises without seeing it as an 'attack'. Many have likely been 'pure' Nintendo enthusiasts in the past, but it genuinely seems that their willingness to try everything has resulted in more well-rounded characters. Whether coincidence or not, the smarter guys about these parts always do seem to be the ones who have broadened their horizons, casting their net into the console sea rather than sticking to mostly just Nintendo consoles.
  22. Here's hoping Xur hasn't got much good the next couple of weeks as the internet where my PS4 is isn't good enough to stream to here. :/
  23. I didn't, it felt like a very artificial sea used to pad out the length of the game. When no island was in view, which was a lot of the time, it was essentially just a randomly generated sea made to give you the impression of scale. Nintendo pretty much acknowledged it was boring when they gave you the swift sail in the remaster tbh.
  24. A hint for the future - never get involved in arguments about games you neither own nor really know anything about. Like they say, better to remain quiet and be thought a fool, than speak out and remove all doubt.
  25. @Ronnie - Think about what an AAA game is though and why it needs a big budget. You're comparing an AAA game to much smaller games (e.g. Mario Maker) and basically pointing out that it's such a different game. Well of course it is. Mario Maker wouldn't need anywhere near the kind of AAA status budget. Thus, AAA games have similarities - the reason they have an AAA budget is to cover set pieces, environments, VA, graphics and raw scale. It's the same as if you complained that Indies were often disappointingly short - a reverse symptom caused by small budgets. You've already gated the games to suit your argument! Your Nintendo comparisons to the AAA titles also no doubt include both big budget (Xenoblade) and low budget games. So you've really presented a shitty argument stacked in your favour. It's like you've compared both high and low budget Nintendo games to JUST high budget games. What you're saying also doesn't quite make sense, as there's still a lot of companies that are neither AAA producers (which is what I guess you mean by COD, Uncharted, AC, etc) or indie creators. Such as when Namco make Tales games, or MM make LBP or Tearaway. That budget is unlikely to be COD, but nor is it indie. Or when From Software make Demon's Souls - that's adding to diversity for sure, but hey, if it doesn't fit into your AAA bracket then you can continue to argue, amirite?
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