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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Tyson

    Wii Speak

    I can see there being alot of awkward silences on Animal Crossing, you can only pretend to be excited about catching a bug so many times before someone latches on. That's the good thing about typing, you have the excuse of "I'm not a quick typer".
  2. I loved the first one. It definately had its flaws, but the level design was immense on some levels.
  3. I'd apply if I had more access to my PC, or if I could commit to something for more than a week. If you were looking for someone to write features, now that'd be a different story.
  4. I think tripping was a direct retaliation to the shitflinging-fest that is Smashboards. No game deserves such a following of elitist inbreds such as that. I'd probably cry myself to sleep if I knew something I created united that kind of circus.
  5. Tyson

    Wii Speak

    Not to mention dance mats for the gay kids like me, they're folded messily under my TV. I'm fine with augmenting an experience, I'm just worried how many peripherals my bedroom can handle.
  6. I actually lolled at a Rickroll for the first time ever.
  7. I'll get the plane tickets.
  8. I just use Ike for the 100 man brawl, there isn't one move he has that won't kill the enemies in one.
  9. Funnily enough, I got the same. I've got this funny feeling that everyone has 130. That said I also got a funny feeling about half way through the test that I'd get to the end, send my score and be hit by a Rickroll.
  10. Oh shit! I hope Iwata-man doesn't read this forum or Shino's done for!
  11. Tyson

    Wii Speak

    Does anyone know the number of peripherals released and announced for the Wii to date? It must be seriously mounting up.
  12. I'd rather be good looking and stupid, then I wouldn't have to be intelligent. I'd also rather be a woman, then it'd be even easier.
  13. A bit too superior. You're abusing your power of vision.
  14. I'm really hoping for Pikmen 3, listening to Pikmin songs on Brawl has really got me hyped for it. I atleast want some confirmation that Miyamoto wasn't just saying whatever came to his head.
  15. Seems to me everytime someone disagrees with the majority everyone follows suit. Seriously, she's great though
  16. Reggie has "hardcore" and "returning franchise" mixed up.
  17. I don't know about her eye, but she has really REALLY long arms.
  18. I hope they bring back the Island from the Gamecube, or a city equivelant, but preferably the island. It'd fit in perfectly with the DS connectivity.
  19. I hate her. It's embaressing to watch her, as if it wasn't hard enough to watch a conference in the first place.
  20. Well, I was speaking to my Xbox-only friend, and from what he tells me I'm casual because I don't play games built around big men, bigger muscles and guns. So yeah, you're casual if you've yet to sell your soul to the colour brown.
  21. Seriously, not everyone will like it because you do. Personally I thought it was a wank design choice, there was absolutely no need to surprise everyone by making you backtrack through a load of rooms which weren't even new or enjoyable the first time. Following maps isn't fun either.
  22. That's feminine? I do it naturally when I drink, I've been told it's everything from posh to gay, and now it's feminine. I'm gonna need a tatoo.
  23. You don't have to as far as I know. You just do the ruins level and when you get to the little elevator like part (you'll know what I mean) you skip the first door.
  24. Because if they weren't they'd look like they were drawn with the line tool on paint. And we didn't evolve around a guitar :p
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