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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Day 23 - licensed Video Game some good picks here. For me Rogue Leader Comes second as it was a great game and I’m not a Star Wars fan. But I did enjoy the Lego Star Wars games more. In fact any of the Lego Games could have won. But for me it is pretty easy. Goldeneye. Has pretty much been the perfect film to video game translation. Great multiplayer and DK Mode is hilarious.
  2. Yeah seemed to be my end. My switch disconnected from wifi
  3. @Sméagol @Tales I can open after Mario Kart, before Smash starts so if either of you want the last one be on around 20:45 onwards. I’ll open my gate then and it’s first come first get.
  4. Cool. I’ve ordered one and will get it sorted soon. as for the spike, apologies when I said it was this morning, it’s cause RedShell told me at 12 and I forgot it was afternoon. Lol
  5. Yeah give it a couple of weeks and you’ll be swimming in iron nuggets that you’ll just start selling them. If you really don’t want to wait I have an abundance of them I can give you.
  6. @Helmsly @Glen-i, I will be back home from around 4:45 so will try to get gates open 5pm onwards for you. Will be shut from 8pm due to MK but let me know if needed afterwards.
  7. Redd is on Kyoshi with 3 real paintings. I’ve nabbed one so two going. Detailed Painting and Quaint Painting. One fake Serene painting too. I can open later for anyone interest. Free for all rules. Lol
  8. Thanks. I know what the problem is. We moved the router and stuff around a little a few weeks ago and the Switch just won’t get a full signal to it. It jumps between 1 and 2 on the signal strength thing. So I just need to be closer to the router. Gonna invest in a signal booster soon.
  9. I missed those prices. If anyone else has anything good let me know. If mine don’t rise by any amount this afternoon I’m on a decline.
  10. Also remember this plays in real time and bugs and fish are seasonal. So to complete the museum exhibits for those you will need to play for at least a whole year. That’s if you don’t time travel. There’s so much to do that if you don’t burn out within a month you should be able to put a lot of time into it. Nintendo have also said they will be adding updates for at least a year or two.
  11. To add to this, yes burying more than 10,000 does work but the odds go down on your return. You can bury 99,000 and get three bags of 99,000 back but it’s not guaranteed. other than that, play how you want, fish, bugs, shells and sea creatures are going to be you source of income until you get a good return on the stalk market (turnips) so catch and sell a lot (just remember the first one always goes to Blathers). You’ll have to get your town to 3* before you can use terraforming, but that isn’t the hardest to do.
  12. Favourite playable character. Another vote for the green clad boy/man/warrior. my main reason is that Link is more of an extension of the player. As has been said in interviews as this is why he’s never had a voice. So he is probably the closest to us actually being in a video game. I think this is one of the few, if only character that has ever been described as such.
  13. Day 21 - Game that takes you back to childhood It was the one that started my love for Nintendo. I had the original NES and this game and just loved every moment of it. World 8 was always a pain in the butt back then and I can’t recall if I ever fully beat it, I do know I got to 8-3 a number of times.
  14. There’s only ever been one moment in a video game that bought me to tears. Half the video is credits but the first half was so emotional, in particular the part with Mipha.
  15. Adding being able to play in portrait may make me play this again. Though I still don’t like the controls if they never changed since it launched
  16. I keep meaning to get in on the game but always forget so jumping in early. Pole - Hamilton FL - Hamilton 1st - Hamilton 2nd Bottas 3rd - verstappen 4th - Stroll 5th - Perez Mercs are dominating at the mo so I don’t see anyone coming close. Hamilton likes Silverstone too. pretty good race today too. Some good close overtakes and clean racing throughout.
  17. Thanks. Got mine to keep up a full collection (well apart from those player 2 variants and the Rob variant.)
  18. another vote for Bayonette 2 here. So fluid and loads of combos to pull off.
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