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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Love the Whale Shark too. I requested the Goliath Beetle last time Flick was here. It’s an awesome model.
  2. Another Monkey Ball vote but for the real best mini game Monkey Fight. So simple but so much fun.
  3. Busiest I’ve seen my plaza. Been waiting for this to happen too It doesn’t show well, but she’s sleeping.
  4. @RedShell as Little Mac, @Glen-i as Ken and me as Ryu. That finish!
  5. Right so on the replay thing I mentioned. You can get it. You can convert the replay data to a video like normal, you then just can’t do anything with it in the game. So you do this. Close the game and power off the Switch take the SD card out and put it into a computer. From there you can navigate the files Album > Extras > some strange number. In there will be folders organised by dates. All the Smash video replays are in there. I just moved the replay of that match I wanted to to my computer so will get it uploaded soon. It works for MK so I say let’s fight.
  6. Day 17 - Racing Game Whilst Excite Truck Was insanely fun there really is only one winner for me. It was my first SNES experience that I remember, it’s been with me through every iteration and Thursday evening wouldn’t be the same without it. The only time this will ever be beaten as best is if they ever bought out a Mario Kart Ultimate like Smash with all previous karts, characters, tracks and everything.
  7. Yeah. I’m hoping I can get the video file off the SD card.
  8. Great games @Glen-i, @RedShell, @S.C.G And forgot the other. He won with DK though. Well played. Cant believe I won’t two matches as Simon though. And the match with Ken, Ryu and Little Mac had an epic finish. I saved that one just hope I can get it uploaded. Oh and I think it was my connection that caused the early disconnect. I really think I need to get a wired connections as we have moved things around and the switch has a less than great wifi connection at times.
  9. Yep that went just as I thought. Kinda. I did quite well on some rounds.
  10. Collectable Thought it may have come up already but my choice is for the trophies in Smash Melee. Yes Ultimate May have more in sprites, but these were so much better. And each one had a bit of background to the character.
  11. Turnip prices at 298. Opening gates now till around 7:30 as it’s MK night tonight.
  12. I’ve unfortunately not been recording my prices this week but I maybe on for a big spike if I’ve read them right. I was steadily declining all week and just jumped from 70’s to 143 or something this afternoon. So I’ll check tomorrow’s as it may spike.
  13. Tough to think of one for me as most games I play are racers, puzzle games and platformers that the story is Princess kidnapped for save her. However I’ve decided to go with a story that becomes more outrageous as the game goes on, and that’s saying something as it starts of that way too. Yeah it’s not much of a story but there is something kinda there.
  14. Caroline’s birthday today, I’ll be opening gates this evening for anyone that wants to come and get some progress on that Nook Mile achievement. Have the useless visitor today but do have a camper. It was a mouse I forget her name.
  15. As you can see from my last Nook Mile achievement I have a lot too. Got all the fences (we need more) but half the other stuff you get with NM I just haven’t bothered about for now. So I’m just sitting on them.
  16. Thanks @Tales for the Redd visit. If it wasn’t for your funny trick I would never probably have gotten this for a while.
  17. 2D Platformer going to have to go with a favourite here and one already mentioned. Super Mario World was and may still be the pinnacle of 2D Mario games. It added new elements, many of which are still used, Added the Koopa Kids, Yoshi, and looked beautiful too. One of my favourites and possibly the reason why I chose my username as I kept a save just before the end battle with Bowser just to keep beating him over and over.
  18. I’d like the other statue. Throwing disk guy. I also have two real paintings up for trade, Common and Serene. Let me know what you have and I’ll see if I need them.
  19. Loved this game from start to finish on Wii U. Yes the loading times were atrocious but the rest of the game shined. I think I may try to pick this up on Switch one day. It’s been long enough for a good replay. Oh and the music on the final sky diving part. Amazing.
  20. Oooh. I wanna painting. I’ll be over then. after that my gates will be open as Celeste is here.
  21. Great. I was going to use the double points week and my VIP points to get the Haunted House, but I need this set so don’t know what to do. Do I buy the Haunted House, get double points and not use my VIP points. Then buy this with them. Might get close to £80 worth of vouchers. Or not get the Haunted House yet and just go for the NES.
  22. First visit from Gullivarrr today. Loved his little quest glad it’s different from Gulliver. Also read about this so had to try it myself.
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