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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Good thing there’s no mushroom only choice for coin runners. 😝 Also, when did @viceview51 get so good? You’ve been constantly up the top end lately.
  2. Some great games thanks all. Two in a row for me and one was with little Mac. Some funny moments to that just made me stop and laugh.
  3. I do like a mushroom only night. It can take out 99% of the fun and mayhem but it’s nice to get a pure driving night in. Coin runners can go to hell though. I just can’t read the map whilst I’m zooming around to get the coins and end up just running around hoping for the best. As such just the one close finish from me highlight wise.
  4. There’s no mushroom only option for coin runners so I’ve gone with none.
  5. I have just completed the NES build. Just the console, not the TV set yet. But WOW, this set is amazing. From being a near 1:1 replica (I swear without looking close you’d swear it was a real one sitting on a shelf) the the neat little Easter egg and all the cable slots (power, A/V) the attention to detail is perfect. But my favourite part of the build has to be the fully functioning cartridge slot. You lift the front panel, slide the cartridge in and push the holding button down. It clicks in place and then it clicks up again when you push it down just like the real thing. How they thought it up and implemented it is astonishing to me. I’ve been looking at the tine bit that does it and it still amazes me. To me the controller seems a perfect 1:1 replica, just holding it feels like it used to. The buttons are in the right place were my thumbs rest and it just feels like holding the real thing. I mean just look at the last photo it just looks so real. Amazing job by Lego on this build.
  6. Is it still available I need this one. Can do tonight if you aren’t back on now.
  7. Right so another “new track” so could be fun. Emilia Romagna Grand Prix Predictions: Pole - Ham FL - Hamilton 1st - Hamilton 2nd - Bottas 3rd - Verstappen 4th - Ricciardo 5th - LeClerc
  8. I’m enjoying Galaxy more than the other two to be honest. Just something about the game that makes it so special. 64 was annoying me with the camera and Sunshine was just taking it out of me. Probably just Mario fatigue. If you’re not desperate to sell I’d hold off until Nintendo stop selling it. You may be able to get more for it then.
  9. But it’s right there, in the non-doctored video. see all those pumpkins, you know like the ones you stole. Yep. Maybe you’ve been eating those turnips you buy. I don’t think they are healthy to eat, that’s why everyone sells them.
  10. I’m in and damn you I was gonna come as a sexy nurse.
  11. I have failed you Sir Turnip Master, please accept these lowly turnips as a sacrifice. Hold up, didn’t you steal my pumpkins last night, I take it all back. I don’t feel bad.
  12. Turnips at 411 this PM. I’ll be available from 6pm UK time for anyone selling.
  13. My turn! I originally thought this was just a great red shell kill with some luck, speed of 200cc and the item box. It wasn’t until I was watching the replay I noticed the blue shell too.
  14. Thanks @Glen-i and @RedShell good games. Our very first Link v Link battle had the best first stock fight I’ve ever done. And my win as Lucas was a nice win.
  15. Will do. I think I got them all with screenshots or videos. Lol. Got lots of last corner screwed over moments tonight. But good games.
  16. Anyone who didn’t sell at Bonita, I have a potential large spike tomorrow PM. If it’s not large then it’s a small one for the rest of the week.
  17. This is what I had originally in mind before I watch the trailer. I thought didn’t Dreamworks already do this. Precisely that’s the perfect description of him. Which is not a bad thing at all. Two of the best supporting characters around. Even the name reminds me of LoK and I think it was the name Bolin was given in the “Movers” I’m sure it was very similar. But in all honesty if they are taking ideas from one of the, if not the best animated show ever then I won’t complain.
  18. This looks awesome. I’m getting an Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra feel from this. The costumes on Raya, the colours, has that feel to it.
  19. got some more Mario sets as birthday presents. I do want to get all these even if I don’t open them right away. I also just put in my order for the NES set. Double points and £90 worth of VIP vouchers used. I think that was a good deal.
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