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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. OK, I was just going by the little icons that appear on the game boxes. Since they are there on Monkey Ball and not on Zelda, I just assumed.
  2. Cool vid, but shouldn't people be doing this with a game that actually supports 480p. A game like TP has not been designed for 480p, so I don't think it's going to show that much difference. Now, if you showed the difference when running a game that does support 480p (Monkey Ball for example) then you may see a vast difference. Just my opinion.
  3. I have one more "tip". If you are running your Wii in 60Hz (480i) then put your Wii in 50 Hz (576i) whilst playing. This makes the game run slower, thus giving you more time, so to speak. I have been running my Wii in 50Hz due to a offset picture when changing to 60Hz, I sorted that out (by simply changing settings, then unplugging my Scart cable and plugging it back in) and played Monkey Ball again. Holy Cow. It's like it's been plugged into a super charger. It's so much faster, it actually makes the game a little harder just with it in 60Hz. so if you are still having trouble just alter you Wii settings while you play the game.
  4. I was stuck on this level for ages too. I tried many different methods, but the one that I did it with was the slow and steady approach. Stick to the left of the platforms and scoot across them as soon as it becomes horizontal. As the next one is slightly off than the last, you should be able to just run across them. Stop on a static ground and repeat on the next lot. Small jumps may also help if you get in a pickle. Stick to it and you should manage to do it.
  5. My sentiments exactly. I've been going through clearing each world without continuing, I got to him with about 5 lives, yet he still managed to annihilate me. The worst was one were I delivered the final blow, but got knocked off at the same time. It of coarse counted as a fall out. Boy was I angry.
  6. I have just cought up reading the comics, and I just had to post just to say bravo! I have had such fun reading these. Keep up the great work.
  7. Gameplay have sent out my RGB cable. Woohoo. Their site says that any orderes placed now could take up to 14 days, but component cables may be shipped within a week if anyone still needs them.
  8. Another Linksys WRT54G user here. No trouble setting it up. My Wii is not connected 24/7.
  9. Gameplay seem to have updated their product descriptions for the RGB cable and Component cables with this short bit of text: Please note this item will be in extremely short supply, we cannot guarantee orders will be despatched for day one delivery. So it looks like there may still be a few getting to Europe. They still have the release set as the 8th.
  10. Oh please do not let the RGB cables be delayed as well. I remember having to use the composite cables for a while on my GC, and it was atrocious! I can be without Component cables for a bit, but I need my RGB cables.
  11. I suspect it's going to be like the DS. In that the name you give you DS is the one that shows up in online games. If that is the case, I will call mine BowserBasher. My Mii will be my real name.
  12. I saw that ad on the 19th whilst watching Sci-Fi. Maybe it's just not been shown that much more, as I have seen the other one more than this one.
  13. I saw my first Wii ads on TV last night. Whilst on Sci-Fi from 8pm onwards, I saw about 5 in the space of two hours. (9pm-11pm) Nice and simple, I can't wait for the next wave of ads.
  14. I have been using RGB cables, on my 17" LCD widescreen TV, all through the life of the GC, and have never felt disappointed. I have ordered the RGB cables for the Wii too (from Gameplay). Just wondering though, Should I have gone with Component? or will the RGB cables suffice?
  15. I've been thinking there is something more to that girl. That seems like a good a point as any.
  16. I will be picking up: 1 Wii Console A copy of Zelda (who isn't) A copy of Monkey Ball Got a RGB cable ordered from Gameplay too.
  17. I got one of those Game Wii info letter/card things too. Nice idea about the gift card, just wish it was given out sooner though, would have given you a bit more time to save a few extra pennies on to the card. I'm not bothered though, I think I have my funds sorted out, and will be buying my Wii, with Zelda and Monkey Ball on the 8th. No midnight launch in my area though. Gotta wait till 9am.
  18. I have my copy sitting here and they have given Red Steel 90% I will not read the Zelda stuff though.
  19. Oh dear, I caved in and watched those two videos on Wii.com. I'm not disappointed though as in all honesty, they didn't really give much away. I'm just even more hyped up for the game. Watching the "opening" video was almost like watching a motion picture. Just beautiful. That's it though, I am not going to be reading reviews or playthroughs though.
  20. Great viewing. I stopped watching South Park for a while, but then suddenly got right back into it, and remembered what I missed. This ep was so Pro Wii that Nintendo could have been involved in it. But I have read on other forums that Matt and Trey are just as excited for the Wii as everyone else.
  21. My first Zelda game was Links Awakening on the GB, since then I have loved every Zelda game that I have played. I enjoyed OoT even more as I somehow avoided spoilers and was pleased I did. I have been tempted many times in this thread, and even the opening vid on the official site tempted me, but I am getting this game at launch and want to savour every moment of it to the fullest. I can honestly say that I don't care what magazines/websites are going to give this in the score department. I will play it and love it. (hopefully) Roll on December 8th.
  22. I have personally preferred the white colour over the black Wii. Maybe it's because I have a white DSLite and I want them to match, or that it is just the fact that they have shown the white Wii more than a black one.
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