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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. The day you clean your island I think you’ll need more than a bin. Maybe a dump truck.
  2. Thanks for the items @Tales, didn’t know if starting from the bottom of the list to repay you was good idea but I did just that.
  3. Oh Nintendo, only you 😂 I’m in no rush to get everything right away but if people want me to send anything let me know and I’ll send away.
  4. Did people really not know this? Did you even know you could use the bins to throw stuff away?
  5. Just carry a bin around with you and Chuck them, diy a new shovel. Much better. Yes you can cause that bloody pain @Sméagol keeps burying them on my island. Also to make sure you get them in batches of three, you need to water them each day they are growing.
  6. Loving the reviews @martinist
  7. Out of all the recent Pokémon games for consoles (not including Go as I play that), this could actually get me back into the series again. Really liked what I saw initially and am willing to give this a go.
  8. This is awesome. I was looking forward to the Netflix live adaptation before the creators left, now I have something to look forward to again. I love both ATLA and LOK and this is great news to see we are going to get some expanded universe stuff. Can’t wait. Oh and if Cabbage Man is not in it then they’ve ruined it before it’s started. Even better would be a Cabbage Man spin off.
  9. I believe we did a few of them some were fun, a couple I just didn’t bother. Crash mid air on the main long bridge. Think if we had better way to communicate whilst playing we could do them easier. But I do hope a few more people have it and would like to join in, the few races and challenges we did do were fun for starters. So was this. If we can get a bunch of us driving around there that would be hilarious.
  10. I completed the main game last night. I’m sure I remember completing it on the WiiU but I have no recollection of that final boss fight at all. I do know I don’t remember the extra levels so these seem new to me. Fun game and I’m enjoying it. I do need another 5 stars for the locked level at the end of the extra set.
  11. Party crashed then. Lol also I’m opening gates for a bit. Redd is here. Fake informative statue left and flowery painting.
  12. Gates open for a bit for stars. I’ll be on and off collecting so probably won’t be chatting.
  13. Ok. Send message in discord chat when you free. I’ll see that better than here later.
  14. My turn for a meteor shower. I’ll open up later when I go on the game any time preference for people?
  15. I’ve pretty much stopped trying with them. I either leave the snowballs where they are or just push them into the river.
  16. I just said something similar in the Splatoon 3 thread. I always wanted to get the Octo Expansion for 2 but never pulled the trigger. Hopefully this game will have a decent single player mode or I’ll just have to get the DLC. I just never played the second one enough to warrant a purchase of this just for online. To add, I really should have bought it a long time ago as I loved the single player parts of the game. It just needed to be a full single player experience. From what I’ve heard the Octo Expansion did that and so far I’ve missed out.
  17. I always wanted to get the Octo Expansion for 2 but never pulled the trigger. Hopefully this game will have a decent single player mode or I’ll just have to get the DLC. I just never played the second one enough to warrant a purchase of this just for online.
  18. Finally a new Mario Golf and one that’s adding some crazy let’s all,hit,our balls at once and run across the course mode. Lol can’t wait to play this and get some NE mayhem going.
  19. I kinda want to try Fall Guys but I’m wondering if by the time it gets to Switch all the hype of the game has gone Disappointed with no real new AC content but I think it was expected. The Mario items do look fun though. Mario Golf looks just what I wanted in a MG game. Hopefully the online multiplayer will hold up well and there will be enough people here playing to have some great games. Skyward Sword will be a buy for me. I haven’t played it since it was released so will be nice to dip into it again. Glad they have looked at both motion controls and regular and the use of the right stick for directional sword slashes. Was hoping that the Splatoon was going to be a more fleshed out single player game but I suppose the game really is a multiplayer one. I never did get around to buying the Expansion thing for 2 so maybe there will be something like that in it. As of now if it’s primarily online again, I’m not sure I’ll be getting it. Other than those not much in there for me. I downloaded NMH and NMH2 but haven’t played much of them, but maybe I’ll get back into them and get the new one.
  20. As long as we get some genuine new AC content even hinted at, then I’ll be happy. If there’s any news of a new Mario Golf then I’ll be super excited. I miss that franchise so much.
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