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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I may come get the real wistful and one of those beds. Also there’s a meteor shower on my island tonight so I may open for a bit.
  2. Only way is to go into your Nook Phone and look through the DIY section. Guess you could put them in alphabetical order and do it that way.
  3. If anyone wants any of the following please say so. I can open or send via mail. I just want them off my beach as I’ve lost my 5* island rating. Saharah walls and carpet Scramble Crosswalk Racetrack Flooring Sumo Ring White-Chocolate Flooring Gravel Flooring Mortar Wall Industrial Wall x2 Blackboard Wall DIY Peach Dress Unglazed Dish Set Windflower Fan Log Stool Leaf Umbrella Steel-frame Wall Cherry Lamp Coconut Wall Planter x2 Wooden Toolbox Ironwood Chair x2 Cosmos Shower Kettlebell Tiki Torch Leaf Giant Teddy Bear Tulip Surprise Box Modelling Clay Palm tree Lamp Wooden End Table Signpost Basket Pack Gold Bars Light Bamboo Rug Knitted-grass Backpack Cardboard Chair Orange Umbrella Steamer Basket Set Clothesline Wooden-mosaic Wall Ironwood DIY Workbench Classic-Library Wall Shell Arch Cherry Speakers Sandy Beach Flooring Stone Table Firewood Wooden Full-length Mirror Orange Dress
  4. Saharan and Celeste are here. I’m opening around 22:00 UK time for @Sméagol, anyone else is welcome to come over. I may not be around but there is a pile of duplicate Saharan item on the right hand beach. Please leave items on south west beach along.
  5. Most likely will. I’ll be on the game now for 30 minutes or so.
  6. It’s a little of column A and a little of column B. The games have always been popular, especially with the true fans of it. The pandemic just numbers. It came out at that perfect time when the people who would have got it got it, then all those stuck at home jumped on the bandwagon because of word of mouth.
  7. Damn wish you’d put that in spoiler tags. No harm done but that would have been a nice surprise to get on that date. wait I see it on the Nintendo site, so not so much spoilers. So those Amiibo cards that are exclusive to Target in the US? Guess we may not see them here apart from eBay prices.
  8. Saturday PM is the last point at which you can have a spike, the large spike has three biggish increases in price. So if your prices have not increased by Friday PM then it won’t go up. A small spike has 4 increases of around 30 bells with the fourth increase being the max.
  9. That’s nice but what about those that have just recently renewed? We miss out for being loyal.
  10. I’m gonna need that @darksnowman I’m on a random week with max of 130.
  11. Better than me, I’m on for a very small chance of a small spike but probably another random week.
  12. I’ll definitely come get some at that price unless I’m lucky to be at less. I’ll be on in a while. Maybe around 10
  13. Never look too much into it until race weekends, it is testing after all. But let’s hope it does close the gap. In other sad news. Murray Walker has passed away.
  14. Interesting, but I can’t understand how they did it. I mean what does that mean?
  15. Opening now. I always forget to recheck for replies when I post here.
  16. W its yours. What time would be best for you? I can open any time from now.
  17. Redd is here. Fake earring girl, fake milk pouring lady, fake warrior statue and real informative statue(which I’m taking). If anyone is interested in anything say so and I’ll open later.
  18. Dang. I didn’t check for shamrock item yesterday. Hope they do rotate back. I’ll have to remember to order the rest from today onwards.
  19. Party crashing time. I have nothing going on on my island just some dude taking up space in the plaza selling plants.
  20. I checked for the chalk board and I don’t have that one. Sorry. I’ll keep an eye out.
  21. No worries. I usually reserve that beach for my girlfriend and the one on the right is for everyone else. But no worries no harm done. What benches are you after, I can send you some.
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