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Everything posted by James

  1. I'm building my immune system up to become strong and powerful so I let them germs run wild.
  2. Can someone suggest a game for me, I have played street fighter 4 before, so not overly keen on that. Ive had the 3DS ordered for ages just no game!!
  3. I think you mistook Leeds & Reading for Glastonbury
  4. From the BBC
  5. Fergie banned for 5 matches, 3 for comments made about Atkinson during the Chelsea game and 2 for a suspended sentence. As fergie bound to appeal how many game do you think he will actually miss. my answer is 0!!
  6. James


    Do you guys know how her 'music label' works. Basically her parents pay them a load of money they come up with a (shit) song, (shit) video and see how successful she can (hopefully not) become. Plenty of other shit on here. http://arkmusicfactory.com/
  7. What the hells the difference between wi-fi and wireless connections? Is wireless locally with another player connected on the same network?
  8. As much as it gives me great pleasure it also makes me really angry watching the video, the fact that the little kid is a little prick but yet gets away with it and is clearly shown the little tosser threw the first punch. Typical world we live in. Grrrrrrrrrrr.
  9. For anyone worried about the nuclear power plants blowing up and destroying all life forms, so the papers will lead you to believe. Give this a read, quite long, but reduces the worry the press inflict with not knowing the facts. http://morgsatlarge.wordpress.com/2011/03/13/why-i-am-not-worried-about-japans-nuclear-reactors/
  10. lol look at all the stupid comments calling you out for wasting there time!!
  11. Was it not the big megaton announcement everyone was waiting for from Nintendo and it failed to materialise.
  12. You stuck 7 silver bullets up your arse. Congrats.
  13. Erm look at the map, they can't really help where they build there power stations they are surrounded by tectonic plates.
  14. Fake apparently fuck you twitter. Did anyone see the sun's headline, talk about doommongering. APOCALYPSE JAPAN The explosion was the exterior walls of one of the reactor buildings.
  15. Theres Man City at 8 o clock I do believe as well. Not as good as the time channel 5 squeezed in 3 matches from 4pm to 10pm mind.
  16. Well Spurs won, somehow. Milan didn't create alot but was a pretty shit match to watch based on Spurs inability to attack. So true on the Crouch thing he looks completely bemused as to why he has given a foul away yet you can clearly see him using his arms as leverage!!
  17. I am aware the image means nothing, but I am in awe of it. Pretty crappy for Arsenal and the sending off was harsh, but wathcing Barca play to watch is so awesome it makes me wonder if anyone will ever match them.
  18. Barca need to put the ball in the back of the net, they have had so many chances and Alves keeps wasting chance after chance, will they live to regret it!!
  19. It is all barca, I think Van Persie has had one touch of the ball.
  20. I'm watching the game on here....http://www.epl433.com/hd-one.php you might need veetle player but if that doesn't work try the other channels above the video.
  21. James


    Or or or or just not change the names? non?
  22. Hahaha all football chants are terrible.
  23. ‎"Nani are u ok? Say Nani are u ok? Are u ok Nani? You've been hit by,you've been struck by... A smooth Carragher!!!"
  24. It's a mess coz of shit name changes to certain shit threads. Happy birthday Tapedeck and Pesten
  25. Errrr bit harsh on the big issue guy......
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