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Everything posted by James

  1. Funny how Skrtel played every game last season, so I pretty sure he's not sharing with Agger the injury duties, we do need another defender mind. Also Kelly is looking good enough to fill Johnsons injury woes.
  2. Police can't get the water canon from N.I, head over to london zoo instead.
  3. Unfortunately the water cannon has the mobility of the titanic, these people are scared of the police they run away, group and loot coz there is no police around. The odd flash bang going round wouldn't hurt, kinda like this. Also why are the beeb showing the video of the police beating up some yoofs and then asking questions of 'is this an example of tougher policing'. Good on the police for doing it!!
  4. I'm sure they will understand
  5. I imagine there will be alot of rumours that it's going to hit certain places. All horse shit I imagine, or I hope so!! funny when Manchester Police said the violence in Salford was pretty much your average night there.
  6. Some absolute divvies on facebook laughing how funny it is, scum of the earth!!
  7. Like they pay taxes.
  8. I imagine they are all doing it for a 'laugh'
  9. These are generic leaflets apparently used in bristol a few months ago and the student protests.
  10. Watching it on the bbc news, the images in croydon are horrifying, people houses on fire, not enough police, etc, something need to be done ASAP. What happened to the days of tear gas and water cannons to disperse crowds, get a few rubber bullets thrown in for good measure as well.
  11. This is winding me up so much, people (yoofs) think they can just go around taking stuff, ruining peoples businesses they work so hard to set up, burning down houses people have worked there lives for. Bunch of dicks. I hope some vigilante group is set up and they get there heads actually smashed in!!
  12. Benitez did when he claimed he won 5 trophies in a season while having a go at the board. He also tried to claim the super cup in the 'five' #downfall I am pleased see Liverpool keep a clean sheet in the last friendly before the season starts also nice to see aqua get a chance, is Meireles currently injured?
  13. Not sure really, policies are policies and they are hardly going to change it. A screen repair here is £72 http://undercutter.co.uk/HTC-screen-replacement
  14. Not sure what car you drive, but car stereos are generally easy to install yourself, also halfords will do it for free more than likely as well.
  15. doop de dooo
  16. The Spas is probably the only silenced weapon that doesn't seem to be nerfed, actually seems to be more effective when silenced. Some of the maps are good, but unless your gonna play zombies as well, I wouldn't bother.
  17. Haha I had problems with it constantly refreshing the stream, a uninstall and a reinstall stopped it from happening, I quite like the new one.
  18. EDIT: Well tickle me pink they do seem to say it needs a forward facing camera, hope to test it out tomorrow.
  19. You can select the forward facing or back facing, so eventually if they get there fingers out should be available on most android devices.
  20. Skype on Android now supports video calling, only on a few phones though. http://www.engadget.com/2011/06/30/skype-two-way-video-calling-comes-to-nexus-s-desire-s-xperia-n/
  21. BB does have a spell checker, the line that appears under a word, give it a click, it will help you spell...I was gonna hang on for the Bold 9900 but plumped for the desire S instead, having great fun with it.
  22. I have a Ada Wong model from Resident Evil 4 rolling around my room if anyone wants, i'll even send it free via fedex for you. thats not it, well it is, but not mine and not boxed.
  23. haha fucking brilliant, did you see Massa and Kobayashi right at the end, mental right on the line.
  24. Thanks guys, I managed to find a solution and download the android mail app, and not use the HTC one which doesn't work well with hotmail active sync. You can find it here http://www.gadgets5.com/2011/05/how-to-setup-hotmail-push-email-via-exchange-activesync-on-android-with-htc-fix/ I downloaded the Mail.apk file and set it up how the web-site says. Thanks again folks!
  25. Gary Glitters under 16's
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