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Everything posted by James

  1. Haha I saw this on whoateallthepies last night, cool it was you uploaded it. They are don't appear to like him much.
  2. Oh lol, I thought you asked if it's a stealth game...(hangover) I don't know how I would describe it sorry, you just have to go out and buy it coz it's a damn good game.
  3. It kind of is but play it how you want, go in tanked up all guns blazing if it pleases you.
  4. Just seen the goals now, did you see Rosicky for Rooneys first goal the free kick, he didn't even turn round to see it go in, he knew straight away.
  5. I heard a reference to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, something along the line of 'what do Bill Gates and Steve Jobs talk about'
  6. I dunno, I just saw the autosave icon pop up a few times and not have it save at all. Kind of annoying, I'm used to saving myself now. I know it's been said in reviews but I love the way what you choose to do does not affect the way the game is played out, you can pony on round how you want. I could do with a bloody silencer for my pistol mind, anyone know where I can get one from. I did get that punch through wall augmentation, not even sure how to use it. I wanna punch through walls damn it!!
  7. lol it comes from the Carlisle United message board i'm on. I just think it's funny in a childish kind of way, Same as calling Man Utd, manure.
  8. What's the point in the autosave when it doesn't even work. Poop. Apart from that I am enjoying it a lot. I love the hacking.
  9. I don't buy that. I think aqua would love to show he can prove it in the premiershit given the chance.
  10. Another hummdinger from arsenal v udinese, non stop it is.
  11. Sweeeeet as a nut
  12. What's with all the special editions? I got the limited one from amazon, what do I get with that?
  13. Giving Lucas the bird.
  14. Bloody good game Arsenal v Udinese, so wide open both teams look like scoring at any given chance. Gonna be tough for Arsenal if Udinese snatch an away goal.
  15. There was an atricle posted in the Guardnian today about this. (kinda) http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/filmblog/2011/aug/16/cookie-cutter-monster-movies-cgi As long as it doesn't look shit I don't care, most of the time it does though which is a shame, thinking back to Charlies Angels and the truck falling off the dam I think, that looked utter utter shit.
  16. I was wondering the opinion of Arsenal fans with Fibreglass's badge kissing antics, is it wrong...I know it's his home club but I'm sure i've seen him suck the arse off the arsenal badge as well.
  17. Oh and hula hoops.
  18. If you cant find any or the offers over send me a pm with your address and I have a spare one I can pop it in the post to you if you like.
  19. I don't know if this was already posted but the new andoid market is available here if can't be arsed waiting for your carrier to roll it out, you can get it here. http://phandroid.com/2011/07/12/get-the-new-android-market-now-download/
  20. You can buy mini cheddars to get 50% off if you have odd numbers.
  21. De Gea clanger apparently
  22. Ramar you can maybe bring that skrtel comment back, he's out of the sunderland game tomorrow
  23. There does seem to be the odd racist joke in the thread...
  24. I couldn't care less to be honest. I pay my taxes and they get spent on a alot of things I don't know about/care about. But I don't moan about it, I get on with life.
  25. Just read a man who stole a £1.50 bottle of botter from a lidl has been sent to prison for 6months, that maximum sentence. in yow face!!
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