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Everything posted by Sofiz

  1. That's fine, we're just waiting to see if Glen can split screen and enter himself as a 2 person team EDIT: there we go!
  2. It could literally be anyone, but it would have to be soon because it's coming up on 8pm. Do you think you could drag somebody on real quick @Glen-i?
  3. Not sure when I'll be home exactly but I'll be on before 8pm for sure, just running some errands in town first (and getting McDonalds ). So that's all of us accounted for except @Nicktendo? NICK!!!!!! (WHEN) ARE YOU FREE TONIGHT!!!!!!? ( ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
  4. YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH OH MAN I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!!!! That trailer got me HYPED. Now all we need is a Steam release of Chaos;Head
  5. I can do pretty much whenever today, @Nicktendo what about you? Thing is, @Glen-i might not be able tonight - if so, Glen what's your availability like this week? We should all agree on a day and time to do this. For the record, I can do any evening, but I'm working during the daytime.
  6. Sounds good, I'll set up a tournament so we (the 3 with Steam) can all get a winning round each as MVP, hows that?
  7. Short Answer: Achievement is called "Best Of The Bunch" and it requires you to get MVP in a tournament match. Long Answer: My plan is to start a 2v2 tournament, as you can't get MVP playing solo. I'd set up a private, password protected tournament, and give the password to Vanilla, Glen and whoever else is able to fill the last slot. I'm going to enter with @Vanilla in my party, and then @Glen-i will have to party up with someone else and enter as that team. Once the tournament starts, ideally the opposing team will clear a path for me to hit the ball straight into the goal, and Vanilla will not touch the ball in any way. Then I get the 100 points for scoring, making me MVP in the process. I don't know if the other team forfeiting after this will count, but I hope it does or we'd have to just let the match timer run out otherwise (and that would be a boring waste of time). I will say right now that we did try to earn this legitimately, but @Vanilla can attest to the amount of toxic tryhardy players in this mode, and it was pretty clear I'd never get this normally. Also tournaments themselves aren't exactly something you can jump into, as there's a lot of waiting around for them to even start, and then waiting for other teams to determine placements. I can see the appeal of this mode but not if you're playing against strangers.
  8. Been playing some games with @Vanilla recently and it's really nice to have met a fellow Touhou fan on here. He's been helping me get some of the more elusive multiplayer achievements (thank you!!!!!!) I needed, but there's one that's really annoying me, so I'm going to have to ask the unthinkable. Is anybody here willing to throw a match to help me get the literal worst achievement in the game? I already have @Vanilla, so I'll need 2 more people. I feel scummy asking but RL Tournament Mode is probably the most cancerous thing I've ever played and I do NOT want to get this one through normal play, ideally I'd like to avoid that place like the plague once I get this.
  9. Excuse me, I think you mean True Arrow? That's my spam-melt-death attack of choice But I agree with you about the bosses, I expected more of a CoTM style of boss-fight but I actually found myself enjoying these fights a loooot less. That's probably why I prefer to just spam attacks to get back to the fun part of the game asap. As for techniques, it's pretty annoying having to constantly input the combo to make it work, sometimes it just won't pick up on what I'm trying to do, which is why I'm a bit disappointed there's no way to have a shortcut button for a selected technique once you've mastered it; I've found that once I master a technique I never touch it again, because shards can potentially be way better bang for your MP and take less effort to pull off.
  10. Sorry, I actually fell asleep straight after making that post. My exhaustion finally caught up with me... ^^;; @Vanilla if you're up for a game tonight, DM me your Steam and I'll add you and we can play something when I get home tonight.
  11. What time does everyone want to play tonight? I'm finally able to actually play something for the first time in days so I'm pumped
  12. About to see the Birdkeepertoby Q&A panel, I'm asking him who the cutest cover legendary is so we can finally know. UPDATE: he said Xerneas
  13. Found this delightful poster at the con today and I knew I needed it the instant I saw it.
  14. Hey, you can't just make up facts like that! There's no way that's true. I don't even think there is such an application.
  15. This looks really cute!!! I'm strongly considering backing this. The music is incredible too.
  16. I've been so busy playing Bloodstained that I completely forgot I had cosplay stuff to make for this weekend. OTL Curse you, Miriam!!! Curse you and your addictive game!!! *shakes fist* Now I have to be the stern adult and not play it until I'm done ;_;
  17. QwQ Aaaa, what a sweetheart! That's genuinely so adorable I'm going to die
  18. Have to agree with Glen on this one. Groudon is cute, and far better than Kyogre. Cutest Box Legendary award goes to Dialga though. He has a tiny little head on a big body!!!! So cuuuute!!!! 🥰
  19. The more the merrier!! WAIT. You mean to tell me this whole time you couldn't see my beautiful profile picture??? I just assumed Switch users weren't allowed to have them
  20. This was very special. Squall's moved on from Triple Triad to greater things it seems... I really don't like this noodle guy. He just... watches. And makes a mess in his beard.
  21. Petition the developers to add it as a legit mode. I'd also like to play a proper game of ice hockey next week when we're all on a team with no random afk people
  22. Thanks for the matches, was really fun until we got creamed in that hockey game ll'D Best name for the best game. Honestly I was looking forward to cube-based carnage all week, thank you!! m(_ _)m EDIT: Just in time too, my pizza and chickan arrived >:)
  23. Agh, this match is awful! I think I'll leave after this one too
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