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Everything posted by Sofiz

  1. Well, 30fps isn't too bad, I'll accept that on the condition that it won't drop horribly whenever there's more than 2 things on screen. I am surprised that there's no plans for enhanced performance though, especially with the news that a more powerful Switch should be coming later this year. I'd be extremely happy if they put out a patch down the line that does utilise the new hardware capabilities when it comes out though. *keeps fingers crossed*
  2. Hopefully the gap for the Switch release is due to them fixing the frame rate issues. I'm getting a copy on Switch and PC, but I think I'll be playing the Switch version more often; to me, Metroidvanias mean comfy gaming. I actually really enjoyed the PC demo, and I saw all the criticism for how it looked but I assumed they'd just put a nice shader over it and call it a day. Didn't actually expect them to go this far, but I'm really impressed. My first thought upon seeing that trailer though was "oh no, how on earth will they run that on the switch?". After I played the demo on PC, I was actually a backer for Vita rather than the Switch, and I asked myself the same thing, I couldn't imagine it actually running very well. And then they pulled their Vita support. Thankfully since they're still going ahead with the Switch release, I can't see it running poorly, they'd catch a lot of flak if their only option for a handheld port was a mess. (Inb4 it only works properly when docked >< ) The bit I'm most excited for is crafting. Dawn of Sorrow's Weapon Synthesis was really fun, so I'm excited that this has an even deeper crafting system. And the different kinds of food you can collect, and that some equipment is actually visible on Miriam, and OUTFITS- ah, I should stop gushing now... Release day can't come soon enough 😬
  3. Here are my picks, in no particular order: ☆ Paper Mario ☆ Yoshi's Story ☆ Megaman 64 (AKA Megaman Legends) ☆ Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards ☆ Pokémon Snap (Edit: Oh jeez, I dont know if it's just because I'm on mobile but that seems to have formatted quite strangely...)
  4. Found this while out and about the other day; I had to do a double take because it looked like a certain green friend at first.
  5. Hey everyone! Hope it's alright, but I joined the forums to be able to participate in the Top 10, because @Glen-i told me this was a thing, and it seemed really fun! I already cast my votes in PMs, but I figured I'd just make my presence known so it's not weird or abrupt when I partake in nominations when the next one opens up! So, hello, nice to meet you all! And I think my choices were pretty good if I do say so myself
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