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Everything posted by Sofiz

  1. What the heck was that last one even!!
  2. It could be worse... Reize could have been in Bloodstained
  3. @RedShell Is that your car with the cool palm-tree spray? I was wondering if that was from the 80s event, because I don't have the option to buy it so I was just wondering!! It looks awesome
  4. I had a hilarious moment with my Dantalion familiar while grinding the Scythe Mites just there x'D He kept zooming towards my screen and going crazy all over the place. I think it's due to the way that whole area is, but it's definitely the funniest glitch I've encountered.
  5. So far it's just us then ;w;
  6. Okie doke, hope it's nice! I'll get started at 8pm if anyone else responds by then, otherwise I'll wait til 8:30 and get some more grinding done in RotN before that
  7. Alright, who's up for another RL session tonight, 8pm again?
  8. That should be fixed now 0/10 not enough toxicity
  9. Ever wanted to know what a Gengar tastes like??? Well, now we know. And weirdly, less poisonous than I imagined.
  10. If you level her up, she'll gain the ability to heal you with faerie medicines from your inventory (you can very easily farm a ton of these from the carabosse enemies while trying to max out her shard) so you don't need to worry about health as much. Also when equipped as a familiar she does a cool thing in a certain area that nets you an achievement, but it's more fun to get it from experimenting yourself so I won't spoil what that is if you don't already know.
  11. Okay. This is killing me, but thankfully I see some other games I like in other people's lists so here goes. Pokémon Platinum Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies PMD Explorers of Sky The DS has such a huge library that it almost feels like a crime to have to stop at a top 10.
  12. Oh no... there are too many good DS games. I've already got way too many favourites. I'll have to really think about this one 😰
  13. This one in particular absolutely killed me.
  14. Yes! This happened to me when they were talking about the alchemists
  15. Oh god, I'm really sorry!!!! I assumed I would have been affected since I bought it day one, but I may have bought it later in the day after the patch hit!! I feel really bad now... On the bright side, at least now you can rush to the point where you were and maybe grinding will be a bit easier if you go at it with a higher luck stat and backtracking...? I'm sorry though, I know how you feel, I grind as I go so losing my save would have destroyed me.
  16. Have to give my vote to Yoku because he makes my heart smile and restores my humanity.
  17. You had me scared there, I saw this just as my shift was ending and I was salty the entire way home, literally seething about needing to restart and just now I was told it's only physical copies that were affected (apparently). Lo and behold, my digital copy is fine. So to anyone playing on Steam, don't panic!! All we have to worry about is Alfred's Endless Chalk Mode, items stuck in walls, and my personal favourite:
  18. You're right that Gen 1 is overrated, and that the designs aren't as cool as people make them out to be, but what is with this opinion people seem to have that Pokémon based off of human creations is a bad idea? You can't argue that it makes no sense, as a) Pokémon lore states that objects can become Pokémon when imbued with some special power b) you can argue that in the Pokémon world, early civilisations would have been inspired by Pokémon to create these man-made objects c) evolution in the real sense could see Pokémon adapt slowly over time with humans, coming to resemble more and more these manmade objects over time I personally would rather Pokémon weren't restricted in terms of what we can base designs from. And I personally think Muk, Aegislash and Klefki are wonderful.
  19. So I played this non-stop last night, I love it so much!!! I need to play more, RIGHT NOW!!!! But I have work. So instead I'll talk about my impressions so far. I'll start with the negatives. Firstly, the character models look very awkward up close in dialogue sections, they still look and move very stiff too, which I thought they had fixed. But this is a minor gripe, it doesnt affect my enjoyment of the game, and you could argue it has a unique charm. Secondly, the game is still fairly buggy, at least for me. The screen at times stretches past the bounds of my monitor (And yes, I did set the correct resolution, before you ask) and sometimes sound effects from one room will keep playing indefinitely through the whole game until you restart. These are just a few examples, but all in all, the game doesn't feel as polished as it could be. Despite the above, it's still an extremely good game. I can forgive the issues just for the sheer amount of joy this game brings. It's very fun, and really pretty. Certain locations took my breath away, and I appreciate the effort they put into making Not Dracula's Castle look fittingly opulent. Collecting shards and item drops is SO satisfying, which is good because I'm spending all my time grinding out that demon catalogue in each area before I move on to the next. Enemy placement makes you have to think too; they planned for the most predictable thing a player would do in each room, and placed demons in ways that catch you out if you rush in without using your evasion moves and shard powers. This isn't a game you should blunder around in thoughtlessly. Crafting has a lot of depth, and I enjoy the "first time stat bonus" on food, because it encourages you to collect even more stuff. I really love this game and I want to play it more RIGHT NOW!!!!! I'm hooked. 😫
  20. This is certainly an interesting setting... I never thought I'd be given the option of choosing blood colour in a game but here we are.
  21. Fair enough, but then, why not give themselves enough time to finish the game? We can't keep making excuses for a company that can easily afford to make better games than they actually are. And they're still going to release it at a ludicrously high price and people will still buy it.
  22. I don't see how they could put that many Pokémon on the 3DS of all things, but on Switch? Oh well that's asking too much, clearly. There's no excuse for this. I'd be more than happy to wait longer and have the game delayed so that it could be polished and done properly.
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