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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. Loving so many minor details. Spent 10 minutes on my first riddler challenge haha. Awesome how you can tag trophies if you have somewhere to be/can't get to it. I'm still sucking at combat, need to relearn the new combos and what not.
  2. Well, prying myself off the game it really is amazing. I'm finding I really suck at combat. Need to get used to the new moves and what not. For some reason I can't seem to quickfire the batclaw in combat. I'm sure it was double-tap R trigger? The game itself is overwhelming. I just don't know what to do first. Which is great. It's like playing GTA for the first time, just need to get used to it. The level of detail is insane.
  3. GAME game through for me. Woop!
  4. I hate you all!
  5. Fecking EPIC!
  6. To be honest, if it was sent out Monday it'd get here by Friday even at 2nd class. The only thing stopping it would be if they wanted it stopped. They used to get them to me the day before release
  7. Got my dispatch email finally. Doesn't really mean it'll get here on release day but i'd like to think so. I always paid the full price with GAME over cheaper places like Amazon BECAUSE of their reliability with post. If they're going to drop their standards then there's no reason for me to go with them.
  8. Another 2 emails saying the same crap about the price. I'm expecting it on the day. They've always got it to me the day before usually.
  9. 6th identical e-mail from GAME informing me that the price has gone up but i'll pay the lower price I pre-ordered it at. They need to sort their system out.
  10. I'm seeing shades of Star Wars: Battlefront in this co-op. Minus repetitive space battles.
  11. I find the shitter games get later reviews so people can't cancel their pre-orders. Would never be the case with this.
  12. I think the design brief was "Promote the MK Wheel where possible".
  13. Exactly what I want to hear . Not long to go now.
  14. I see now. I really can't wait for this! I replayed the first one a little earlier. Can't get over how good it is. I hope it hasn't been dumbed down at all. I got quite stumped looking for some riddler trophies, in a good way.
  15. Never really got into the competitive multiplayer. I guess it's all about running around with a shotgun of some description?
  16. Sooo Nightwing is Robin?
  17. I will NOT be using that detective mode if I can help it. It gets rid of any tension when you know a guard is going to go to a certain location and stop. I hope it's a little less scripted and you get to choose your own routes or even make up as you go along. The way I was watching that video it was almost as if you had one way out and had to do things in a certain order to progress. For example pushing that guy into the hole then grabbing the guard up top. Why not have the option to scale up somewhere else and takedown the top guard. Maybe there is. Hmm can't judge on one video alone though.
  18. Yeh i'll be honest it doesn't sound bad at all. Though any multi-player playthroughs I do will be on a seperate file to my 'ultimate' one. I hope there isn't any 4 player only achievements :p
  19. http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2011/10/11/mass-effect-3-gets-4-player-co-op-missions-galaxy-at-war-system/ “Success in multi-player will have a direct impact on the outcome of the single player campaign, giving players an alternative method of achieving ultimate victory against the greatest threat mankind – and the entire galaxy – has ever faced.” There better not be story related content which is only viewable through doing this multi-player crap. Maybe it's like say you needed Wrex on your side, instead of doing his mission in single player you do it in multi-player? I could be clutching at straws....thanks Bioware. EDIT: Maybe it's not as bad as I thought. http://www.oxm.co.uk/34661/mass-effect-3-multiplayer-update-no-shepard-no-versus-and-not-compulsory/?cid=OTC-RSS&attr=OXM-General-RSS
  20. The strange thing is I swear I read somewhere, not long ago, that they were planning to have seperate co-op style missions. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/307597/mass-effect-3-multiplayer-is-real-based-on-original-online-missions/ I didn't even realise that it wasn't confirmed until a few days ago. This is definitely the way to go with it.
  21. So, does anyone want this addition? I'd love to see a poll because I don't know anyone who wants it.
  22. BUMP: So it looks like multi-player is confirmed. I hope they didn't take too much time away from the single player for it...
  23. Ahh I see Sir Luke. I agree it's definitely welcome. Is this really a reaction to the Beta? It didn't look great admittedly but I just figured that was because it was old code.
  24. I like the way it says 'optional'. What are the benefits of not installing it?
  25. Was there a reason why I was sent two emails about threads being deleted I hadn't even made? Tangerine and Didgerydoo threads...wtf?

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