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About bob

  • Birthday 01/15/1987

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    Leamington Spa
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    Switch/Wii U/Wii/N64/GameCube/GameboyColour
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    Spiderman 2 for gamecube
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    Herbert Spencer!!!!
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  1. Is Gummy bears just a codename, or are we actually getting the live-service Gummi Bears game everyone has been clamouring for?
  2. bob

    Indie Games

    Shame it's not out in time for you to get it for your birthday.
  3. Ray Stevenson died?!
  4. I cannot get spoilers working at all. The button in the post editor does nothing - no pop-up or anything, and the code I tried doesn't seem to work. Can someone who cares about the sanctity of the story in Pokemon Arceus do something?
  5. Another slightly cheaty one, since i also played through 90% of it last year, but I had an evening all to myself and decided I would try and polish off the remainder of the main story of... Pokemon: Arceus I say story, if you can really call it that. It's just some stuff that happens in a sort of sequential order. Some waffle gets spoken. You collect some stuff. Everyone goes home. Either they ran out of time towards the end, or just ran out of interest, but the plot does seem to get worse as it goes along. Half of all dialogue just seems to be people pointing at the rift in the sky and saying how weird it is, and is it true that you also fell from the rift in the sky? Wow that's so weird. Maybe they are connected? I can't quite believe how lazy the game is with character animations. This is a game that came out in 2022, and for anything more complicated that a 'walk forward and hold out hand', they game fades to black and does a sound effect. It's astonishing that this game comes from one of the most successful game studios in the world. Comparing it to the other game I just played, Uncharted 4, which came out 6 years earlier, it's like comparing Monet to the shit my toddler brings home from nursery (sorry bob jr). I have no idea what was going on at the end of the game either. It's a pity, because there is the base of quite a good game there. I remember i quite enjoyed my time with the game right at the beginning. Going around catching Pokemon, and the research element of discovering Pokemon behaviour was a really good idea, but the rest of the game is just awful and stuck in the past. Anyway, 1/10 done!
  6. "Oh yeah, so I totally knew about this before, obviously, I just didn't say anything"
  7. Oh, you can play as a Sith Lord in this?
  8. All these port rumours sound like bullshit to me. I remember hearing the same for when the Switch 1 was released, and they all turned out to be false. Who knows though, maybe I'll be proven wrong this time!
  9. I went ahead and made a pledge anyway, although i'd like the jury to recognise that it is in no way binding. At best i expect to actually complete one or two of these, and the rest are pretty much just my current backlog. Zelda TOTK - A friend got me this for Xmas 2023, and i still haven't got it out of the packaging. It's a bit daunting given how long BOTW ended up being, but i do want to play it (plus it's a bit awkward because it was a gift). Mass Effect 3 - I've played through the first two, and need to complete the trilogy at some point. It would be good to see how some of my choices play out, even though i've heard that the ending is a bit disappointing. Spider-man 2 - I always intended getting a PS5 to play this, because I loved the first one, but unfortunately I can't justify buying another console when i barely get to play the ones I have. However, the game is now coming to PC, so i reckon i can play it on my laptop instead! This one is most likely to get played and completed. Cannot wait for Jan 30th! Hades 2 - Again, I loved the first one, and look forward to playing the next. Might end up waiting for it to get reduced in price, but it's a good game to play in little bursts on the Switch, so i genuinely might end up playing this at some point. Outer wilds - This one has been on my watchlist for a while. I've heard weird and wonderful things about it (and constantly get it confused with Outer Worlds - I had to check several times that this is the one I want to play). If i do end up with nothing else to play, i'll buy this! Stardew Valley - I've been intending to buy this for a while as well. it's only like a tenner now, and i recently heard it's added 2 player coop, so it may be something my wife will play. Horizon Forbidden West - Another one that I was planning to get on PS5, but is available on PC, so perhaps I will buy this and play it... Pokemon Arceus - I have picked this up and played bits of it multiple times. Unfortunately it is just a bit too boring to keep my interest for long enough to complete it. Still, I'm not that far from the end, and obviously i'm itching to find out how the captivating and well-written plot plays out! Far Cry 4 - i've owned this for sveral years, and have never opened it. I loved the 3rd one though, and the setting seems fun, so perhaps 2025 will be the year I finally open it! Paper Mario: Origami King - I have played some of this. I think i got to the 3rd world/level maybe? To be honest I couldn't get on with the battle system, so I doubt i'll ever finish it, but i feel guilty that i own it and never completed it, so it goes on here to complete the pledge.
  10. Watched S3 of Mob Psycho 100 It was ok. I feel like the series suffers from not having very many memorable side characters. Other than Mob and his master (and Dimple), all the other characters are pretty forgettable. It's a bit like One Punch Man, but not as good IMO. I was thinking that the season stalled a bit and had a bit too much filler, only to get whiplash from the cliffhanger ending to episode 9. I also loved the callback (if you can call it that) to Season 1, when they played the S1 theme tune during the finale.
  11. First game of 2025 complete! Ok, granted I payed 90% of it last year, and I think I started it months ago, but nevertheless I have finished Uncharted 4! Christ, it went on a bit. It did not need to be that long - it could have been half the length and I think it would have felt complete. The epilogue was so mind numbingly boring to complete, it clearly should have just been a cut-scene. Anyway, I enjoyed the game. It really is visually stunning, and has some really fun set pieces in it. I think it might be my favourite of the 4. I liked the piratey theme and locations - it just needed trimming and removing a few dull chapters (wandering around that mansion during flashback; the chapter with all the exploding mummies; the epilogue). Not sure what to play next. Maybe I'll make a gaming pledge! Although the idea of even attempting to compete 10 games is laughable, I may put a few on it that I want to play.
  12. It'll be interesting to hear your opinion on Halo. It's one of my favourite games of all time, but I don't know how much of that is nostalgia.
  13. It's going to get a remastered port with upgraded graphics and visuals, that will then run like arse on the Switch 2, so Dcubed can then complain and say he's going to wait until the Switch 3 is released to play it.
  14. I'm really confused about what season I've seen and what season is out/available. I think the seasons were labelled weirdly on Netflix, which didn't help, but the whole way that anime tends to be released in fits and spurts, with specials and extras and movies just makes it way more confusing. Especially when you add in that there are two versions (dubbed Vs subbed), I can never remember where I am. I think the last season of Demon Slayer I watched was the sword maker village one (which was labelled as Season 4 on Netflix). It sounds like there is another season out after that though? Has it been dubbed yet?
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